How does it feel knowing that male feminists are getting all the pussy?

If you're not a male feminist, you're missing out on a lot of pussy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why try to attract pussy when you can BE the pussy?

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But for real we can't let male feminists get the nuclear codes.

In my experience liberal women typically just desire some token performative wokeness and then you go back to acting like a normal man, actually being a bespectacled feminist memespouting soi faggot is unattractive

>actually being a bespectacled feminist memespouting soi faggot is unattractive

All women want is to be respected as equals. They don't need men to genuflect, just to be kind and to respect a woman's strength.

I respected them as equals more before the past decade of autistic screeching about period blood stained panties are art

>male feminists are getting all the pussy
Who do you think are committing all the sexual assaults?

I still have yet to see a chick that I date give any more of a shit about "women's strength" beyond not wanting to be called shit. They don't want to be emphasized at all and I keep spouting my shit. Works so far, not sure where the male feminists get any pussy.

Well, aside from being rapists.

Life isn't about pussy
If you let pussy control you,you are a weak minded man
Rise above the needs and wants of the flesh vehicle,you shallow idiots

Women hate male feminists and don't date them. Memes like that only exist for the women reading to temporarily fantasize about dumping the men who say that shit to them and then continue dating them.

Missing out on STDs too you faggot

>All women want is to be respected as equals.
no they dont

>All women want is to be respected as equals.
Literally the last thing they want.

Getting pegged doesn't count as "getting pussy"

Lol I used to be a lousy justice warrior when I was 18 now I’m a conservative who tells women how to act and I’ve been getting more women thrown at me than ever before.

Do as women do, not as they say user.

People who build their lives around sex, let alone actual sex which is harder to obtain than masturbation, are mentally ill. So, I don't care. If I cared even so much as half as much as other people seem to, I would be a very bad man.

first bost pest bost

>All women want is to be respected as equals.

But...they're not equals.

Also, no they don't.

>draw attractive female looking character
>SIKE! In my magic fairy land, that’s actually a DUDE. Even though they have all characteristics of a female, they’re just a dude!!!!

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>what's your contribution to the relationship?
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, really makes a flashlight seem like a better deal than a "relationship"


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Have you consumed so much hentai that you can't tell that the female figure is hourglass shape. And what you consider feminine is actually just prepubescent. Fucking pedos.

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My girlfriend WANTS me to give her restrictions and is contstantly asking me if things she wears and does or wants to do is alright with me.
Its almost like she respects my opinions and wants to know I care about her....weird right?

>All women want is to be respected as equals

>All women want is to be respected as equals
t. never ever touched a woman

This shit is stupid, I have like 5 dates after Christmas lined up and my profile blatantly says I'm right wing. Women just don't like pussy ass men. If your girl starta doing shit behind your back kindly remind her she is replaceable and unlike you her value as a partner decreases over time sharply.

My feminist girlfriend loves my not feminist penis.

Not sure if you're being flippant or what. What type of idiot needs external validation? I know this might be hard for you, to just exist, but it very much so is possible, and is anything but shameful.


>implying traps don't look like this IRL

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fucking leafs..

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Absolutely fucking wrong.

If you’re a male feminist, you’re not only a beta cuck, but have no regard for women and see them as purely objects of pleasure — manipulating them into believing that you believe in their retarded ideology just to get laid. Kys.

I know feminist faggots.
They are the most saddest and fake people on the planet.
A bunch of incels are more happier playing video games than a bunch of male feminists surrounding one below average chick hanging onto their boring as conversations about stupid shit.
I don't envy you sir,
I pity you.

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they wish they get laid but everyone can see through their bullshit

When was the last time you got laid? "Allies" and "males feminists" are left wing incels.

This isn’t even close to true though. Women are by and large attracted to masculine men, regardless of their personal political beliefs.
>pic not related

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full disclosure.

I go to liberal events, fuck strange SJW girls and ghost them.

Feels good man.

>implying they do
They look feminine and cute on the internet because they've spent countless hours perfecting their pictures with favourable camera angles, lighting, and photoshop. They (the overwhelming majority) look like boys in wigs in real life.

I have a wife. She's not a feminist. Quality over quantity, friend.

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coming from very bad experience... NO. Absolutely not. They will yell and scream they want equality and shit like that, but in reality as soon as some chad shows up, all of a sudden he can call her a slut or slap her ass in public and she will be totally ok with it. If you confront her with that right at the spot, she will say "oh, you are just jealous, aren't you?" or "i never said i didn't like this stuff". Basically they will lie through their teeth.

Never listen to what these skanks say. See what they do and hold them accountable for their actions. Also, never get into a relationship without having serious blackmail on the bitch or a sure fire way to destroy her. And by destroying mean shaming the fuck out of her and isolating her from her friends and turning everyone in her circle against her. This is what girls do - they spread a false rumor, isolate a girl, attack her weak spots usually it has to do with the way she looks like, so if she is a little bit chubby on the side, she will be called fat and the girl will cry at home or even in public. When she is completely broken down, if they feel like it, girls will only now start actually physically beating her. Females are very cruel when it comes to bullying. guys just beat up and that's it, females like to play some mind games and they do this constantly at school so by the time they reach college they are expert manipulators and hence why it's so easy for them to have several boyfriends at the same time and sloot around. They just manipulate good guys into oblivion and then chuck them when he is of no use to her. Now anyone who catches on to her game she will either respect and obey or she will fucking hate him. In either case, always be aware of her words and her ACTIONS.

>Women love a self-flagellating suck up that puts them on a pedestal because of what they represent.

>Implying male feminists are the pussies getting strap on'd and BBC'd
No thanks faggot. Also anyone replying to a retard thread like this without sage should immediately inhale a lung full of zyklon B


Traps are gay

I have this same principle for when dating women


most redpilled thing I've read all day
the ironic thing is that male feminists claim their whole angle is understanding and appreciating women's perspective but they fail harder than anyone at doing so

Gays are gay.

What if they only fuck real woman?

What id they dont have lung lice?

feminist niggas aint got pussy, they is pussy

HA HA HA thats fucking hillarious. now the truth. even feminists admit they prefer sexist men.

You'd have to be out of your mind to fuck a feminist. Might as well put your dick in the oven.

>what women say they want is what they actually want


My dick is jewish....:(

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>my boyfriend thinks I should have more confidence
>my boyfriend doesn't like it when I am upset
>my boyfriend doesn't want me to speak to my uncle who molested me
wow pretty harsh

When they breed they will eventually create perfectly androgynous cat boys.
And then my penis will have found it's purpose.

>How does it feel knowing that male feminists are getting all the pussy?
Pity and disgust, because STDs are incredibly rampant on their end. They're apparently turning into superbugs. Bugmen with superbugs.

This Ruski gets it.
Women are born sociopaths that want to manipulate and destroy you because it gives them pleasure to see you fall.
Another mistake I've learned from is to never freely give them your attention, make them work for it.
If you give them all the attention they want; it quickly becomes worthless to them.

Women are incapable of loving you the way we love them.
They love their children, the shelter, and food you provide them.
That's it.

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>thousand year old sexism written by an incel and heralded as the word of god
>tfw you realize god was a mega incel.

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Women actually hate male feminists though. They're viewed as desperate betas.

I don't understand how Jow Forums hasn't caught on to the fact that the whole "women are attracted to bad boys" plays in their favor. If you slowly unveil your power level women will be attracted to you. They view the edgy opinions as a sign that you're a bad boy.

Women are feral dogs.

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Trips of truth

How much you wanna bet this dude think masturbating is good training for sex?

>male feminist
>getting laid
That one slaps me on the knee

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I kinda hate the nice guy thing that's happening rn where guys are saying "I'm so nice to you why won't you date me" it's kind of pathetic cause you can't just force feelings for someone.

>If you're not a male feminist, you're missing out on a lot of pussy.

Not true, women don't feminists attractive.

Women who find sexist men attractive are not being traitors to other women, nor are they naïve women who don’t understand their choices. Instead, they are women who are making rational decisions, accepting tradeoffs. They are women who recognize that it may be more beneficial to have a partner who is committed to them and willing to sacrifice for them and their family, than it is to have a “woke” feminist man who wants them to be independent.

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>when you think it's a right wing meme to explain the joke

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I don't see much wrong with this. I never seen anyone talk of such things in public, though.

>X of truthing your own post
How often do you cry yourself to sleep at night? Yikes.

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>ive never seen this
Maybe not in your part of canada

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>When you trigger the NPC so it starts using shitty memes

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Feminists Think Sexist Men Are Sexier than "Woke" Men | Psychology Today blog

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I'll treat women as equals when they act like it. But most maintain a lower level of emotional control than men. And this is mostly biology.

>All women want is to be respected as equals.

And it's clearly reflected by their egalitarian sexual desires, I might add.

Could you be more Gen X?

Leaf, you made this thread like a week ago. And a week ago I told you that I didn't care about pussy. Nobody on Jow Forums puts it on a pedestal. You're barking to the wrong people

HahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahaHahHahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahaha No

I may be a fat fuck and a loser but my dignity remains with me


OP, read this when you are done with the Psychology Today article:

Good , none of the pieces of shits here deserve pussy.

Sex without love is meaning less

I told her I think she should not overspend on credit.
I told her I didn't like it when she spends all of our real money.
I told her she Shouldn't speak to drug dealers
Then I dumped her.

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top leaf, I almost fell for the bait

>the joke needs to be explained in detail for anyone to understand it

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This. Every woman i've slow-rolled redpills to, ends up thirsty for me. We've become the counter culture. The Bad boys. If you're in shape and even average attractiveness, and start dropping subtle redpills, women will find you mysterious and be innately attracted to you more than some beta cuck that just giggles about Jimmy Kimmel.

Pussy really isn't worth the trouble in todays age.

The pussy market will crumble in on itself leaving trails of suicides from roasties and women alike. All you gotta do is sit back and watch the dumpster fire.

>male feminists are getting all the pussy
HAHAHAHA. Sure thing, incel.
Most women don't like beta males because they don't respect them or see them as strong and independent male figures. Even when they do get into relationships, they're often cheated on partially due to the lack of respect they have for their partners as I previously mentioned, and additionally because their partners are too weak to enforce structure and rules on their women.

How does it feel knowing I voted for trump and pretend to be a male feminist to fuck whores before I stick their toothbrush in my ass?

>male feminists are getting all the pussy?

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>Male feminist
Why do that, you can just he a charlatan,get all the pussy you can grab and still put bitches in their place

Redpillers/MGTOW type guys are getting about the same amount of pussy as male feminists, zero. The normal people who don't go on the internet 24/7 and can hold a conversation with the opposite sex without spilling their spaghetti or talking about politics are actually getting laid. They are both 2 sides of the same coin, angry sexless men.

I want to pound her (his) boipussy with my dick

So true. Feminist women will have sex with feminist men on average, twice a year. It's very quick, missionary, boring. And afterwards, she says she feels "raped".