>Be Me >Work at videogame store >Boss calls from Florida. >He's opening a new store down there. >K cool whatever. >Slides in there that I'm working christmas eve and christmas day, full 9 hour shifts.
Was I wrong to assume that christmas is a holliday, although not celebrated by all, but is fairly often accepted as a fucking day off?
Who from Jow Forums has been jewed out of time with their family like my sorry ass has?
Every other job I've worked has this day or offer for the equivalent as a day off. Is that uncommon?
>Sorry, as you know I'm not available december 24th through 26th.
Was it that hard? Also if you don't discuss your holidays with your boss BEFORE they roll around you're a fucking idiot.
Bentley Wright
I worked at a grocery store in college. I had Christmas shifts 3 years in a row. I didn't mind much because I knew I was cattle and would be moving out soon, but the one thing that did get to me was all the customers who gave me the "wow it isn't right that they make you work Christmas eve..." shit while they were literally standing there in the store purchasing something....like come on dumb dumb, none of us would be here if people weren't creating the need...
Jackson Butler
This is basically where I'm at, I don't really have any position to say "Gimme the day off" because even now I've had two customers come through declaring "Last minute shopping, y'know!"
NTM the only fucker who has it off basically just Got Lucky as far as I know. So there's two guys working the 25th, me and t'other manager for the two stores. He thinks we'll be there for 3 hours then get sent out.
It's not that I'm too opposed to the idea of working the day, it's just that I didn't know if it was common or not. That's all I posted this for.
Jason Harris
I work in an Emergency Room. We don't ever close. But if I worked anywhere else though I wouldn't cuck like you
Wage cuck retail slave. Your job won’t exist soon. You’ll be sucking that Jews cock for food soon.
Jaxson Adams
This is why I don't partake in any form of money exchange or shopping on Sunday
Hudson Robinson
>>Work at videogame store heh so you admit your a failure at life
Hudson Williams
No they're there because you're open. It's as simple as that.
Jacob Sanchez
if they werent open customers would just buy stuff elsewhere a single store might be best saying nah shut it down a big national chain might be best saying open them all
Ian Perez
>Implying that everyone can own their own company and not be a wage cuck because why not?
I took this job after becoming suicidal from working in construction for the vast majority of my life.
I do regret taking this job though. Been thinking of going back, but I don't have a student debt to pay off from useless ass college so I'd like to think I'm doing okay.
Brayden Adams
Potentially a violation of protection of religious observances assuming OP is Christian. Can't be fired for having to observe religious obligations.
Charles Watson
It's capitalism you faggot. It's a race to zero. And don't let these cavemen around here convince you it'a not. It's fucking capitalism.
We are less regulated now than we ever have been.
Henry Cox
Autists who are crying because mommy and daddy got them the wrong vidya game, and will throw a tantrum if they can't play whatever mindless pap on a disk that their tiny brains are demanding.
Xavier Rodriguez
you guys are working too much. be like us. relax.
Matthew Cox
It's not illegal. How the fuck did you get hired as a manager of anything not knowing that?
Mason Myers
I just recently quit my job when something similar happened Just said no and walked away, dont even care for the part of the salary i didnt recieve for being fired, im above this shit
Hunter Baker
>so I'd like to think I'm doing okay. your replying to obvious shitpost replies on christmas eve your far from being ok yes, i am aware of my own actions
Jaxon Smith
"Manager" is a loosely construed position I was granted so that the owner doesn't have to talk to customers.
You might be okay, but should I send help? And I'm replying to shitposts BECAUSE I HAVE TO SPEND NINE FUCKING HOURS IN AN EMPTY ASS STORE YOU BRITTISH FUCK
Brody Hill
>Slides in there that I'm working christmas eve and christmas day, full 9 hour shifts. nah, user, you a cuck for working those day's period. you should have told your boss no, and then either him fire you, for which you then go down and file for unemployment gibs, or he back's down. stop acting like a bitch, because you will be treated like one.
Christian Garcia
shoulda told him your had plans for christmas 2weeks/month in advance
Carson Walker
woh, dont capslock at me because your life is shit you work 9 hours in an empty ass store spend that time bettering yourself instead of coming here to moan about how you've not done anything wwith you're life
Wyatt Moore
I think y'all are missing the concept of the thread. I'm asking if it's abnormal to work christmas in america nationwide, not "durr how do i not werk on present day" I know how to set up a fucking vacation period.
For people using a site dominated by text responses you are shockingly illiterate
Adrian Butler
Normal for clerks and some food service, because consumerism never sleeps.
Justin Ortiz
I do apologize for lashing out at you, I'm mostly upset that the point of the thread was missed by everyone.
Christian Jenkins
Who is buying vidya on Christmas? Shot dog you should find a better job.
Cooper Ward
Fathers getting last minute gifts?
Michael Parker
your job requires you to work xmas other peoples jobs does not right now someone is paying you to do nothing you are getting paid to improve your life and get a job where you dont have to work xmas but instead of doing that you are moaning about conditions you signed up to and agreed to dont post here and bitch about it like that will change anything, MAKE THE CHANGE YOURSELF
Oliver Adams
>truck driver "We need all hands on deck, shits going to be crazy" >used to get 1k Christmas week bonus, now only 750. >majority of shit is closed for the week, sit arround and wait 2-3 days. Ends up being like 50 bucks gross after costs. Thanks (((masters))).
I understand what you mean, but without Sundays the restruant business would be dead. I'll patronize those places on Sunday. All the other businesses though, I'll avoid.
Angel Adams
you get time and a half in the US. should have requested it off formally.
Jack Stewart
Tell him to suck your nuts. My boss tried something similar this weekend and I just told him to fuck off. It's not hard.
Aaron Rogers
what sort of cuck lets his boss make him work on Christmas
people with no backbone are the reason we're in such a sad state with employee rights. the Jews can literally do whatever they want to us.
Eli Robinson
Are you fucking retarded or 6 years old. Of course its abnormal to work Christmas unless you work at some plant that cant shut down or Walgreens. You're worthless if you have a retail job especially one open on Christmas. I feel no sympathy for stupid people that contribute nothing meaningful to society.
Gabriel Rogers
>Be OP >State that you grew up working in construction >This is literally your first Retail job EVER. >Ask Jow Forums autists squad if working christmas is abnormal >Get called retarded and juvenille
Right then. :D
Adrian Morales
>expecting me to read you whole thread No fag boy. Should have put that in the OP. Even if you did work constrution you have ended up in a used video game store. You're a worthless drain on society.
Aiden Mitchell
>INCEL oh you are a reddit roastie and this is a bullshit thread. let me guess you are a socialist? kys
Cameron Barnes
At least he is not some useless NEET living on gibs or at his parent's house. Can't knock a man for holding down an honest job
Jaxson Wilson
No one. OP is lying
Bentley Hill
OR they would just make do and shop the day after and even supermarketfags could have a Christmas too
Blake Sanders
cant knock him for holding a job can knock him for moaning about the terms and conditions of the job he signed up for
Aaron Ward
You know if America didn't have cuck-tier labour laws (and swathes of cuck-tier people that are willing to defend them and actively try to dismantle any worker benefits), all places of business except emergency services would close on Christmas?
Xavier Richardson
Yes it is, you're not a cop nor an ER physician, most companies in my field closed down last week and won't reopen until Jan 3rd
Robert Thomas
>quit >go back to school >get a real job >get the week off every year And you'll make more money too. Time to grow up OP
Julian Gray
Anyone with a shitty job > all NEETs
No shit working at a video game shop Christmas day will be a ghost town but at least OP earns his money unlike some NEET taking gibs for nothing same as a nigger
Parker Reed
keep funding those immigrants cuck
Joseph Lee
Its not the labor laws so much as the (((executives))) who think they will take in all the shekels if they stay open 365 days a year instead of 364, Bruce
Hunter Turner
your laws let them
Caleb Brooks
No joke, first job I got after college with my major we closed down for nearly 3 weeks from December 16 to January 6th. The last shift before the break was a half shift, with company provided booze, beer and Christmas food, a bare-titty company calendar for the upcoming year, plus a 4% company bonus check for every worker.
Oliver Clark
I'm working 12 hour shifts Christmas eve, Christmas day, and day after Christmas....overnights. All these people and wanting electricity, faggots.
Leo Myers
Don't work for chinks and you won't have to work on Christmas.
Luke Cook
Use your religious privilege. Turn it against the Jews. Those fuckers always get their religious holidays. Get yours. We SHOULD be pushing for our religious holidays back---we can take back our society while doing so at the same time.
Colton Evans
I shop whenever it's most convenient for me.I don't give a shit about the employees. First off it's not my problem, and secondly there's plenty of other people to take my place if I don't go. Industries that stay open 24/7 have always existed and always will, this is just one more. If they don't like it they can always go work somewhere else.
Austin Gutierrez
I got +150% pay for the holidays. Full 24 hours of holiday stacks.
Carter Sanders
I'm working 7a to 11p today. Grow a sack.
Caleb Williams
>Wagie's boss is EXPANDING his earning potential >On a nice holiday in Florida youtu.be/mQSVRMxgA3o >Wagie accepts this and works away 18 hours of time he will NEVER get back
If I were you, OP, I'd start stealing from the boss for a month or two and then leave.
Carter Reyes
>Implying I haven't been robbing my asshole boss of rare fucking videogames for the past 3 months since I gave up being a good person.
Thomas Murphy
You fucking his wife yet?
William Long
You're probably getting paid double-time for working Christmas fyi.