> I know the old adage is "you can't find love until you learn to love yourself" but I'm never going to find inner-peace
> I need a woman to validate my existence
> Either she loves me for the worthless POS that I am, or she loves me for who I'm not
I need a woman to validate my existence
>I need a woman to validate my existence
No woman needs a guy who needs that. Its exhausting. Its soul draining. Either fix your shit or stock up on hungry man TV dinners and prepare for a life of painful solitude.
not your existence but your manhood, no man is a man who cant lay a woman, love is very different and doesnt come along easily
>No woman needs a guy who needs that.
What's the point of finding a partner then? I mean, if I'm perfectly happy in myself, why would I need a gf to complete me?
Yes, this guy gets it.
>I mean, if I'm perfectly happy in myself, why would I need a gf to complete me?
Because happy, well-adjusted people don't need a significant other to complete them. To happy, well-adjusted people a partner is meant to enhance their life, not fill in the giant hole where their self-esteem and dignity should be.
Good couples don't complete each other, they complement each other.
>Good couples don't complete each other, they complement each other.
That doesn't make sense. If something, or rather someone, is already complete they don't need improving.
Your fundamental premise is wrong. Being in a relationship is not about improving.
Then explain. If I'm a happy person, apart from meeting my sexual needs, why do I need a partner?
I mean, yea... you COULD get into a relationship where you both desperately try to validate yourself at the expense of the other, until you've fully drained each other emotionally and you resent each other on a profound level, but are both too scared to cut it off because there's no other way you feel validated, so you'll both grow bitter and angry overtime. Does this sound appealing to you?
Again, you're fundamentally wrong in your beginning premise. You don't need a partner. It's a 'nice to have' but it isn't a necessity.
>I need a woman to validate the worthless piece of shit that I am
>I'm a happy person
Stop lying to yourself.
for family? for sharing things? for sex? (which is btw the best thing in the world especially if you love that someone)
you also wont also be young, after your mid thirties your energy will slowly fade and its nice to have someone who you can rely on, and her relying on you
The old adage exists for a good reason. Why would anyone love a POS who does not even love himself? Only an even bigger POS.
Work on your happiness and good things will come your way. Don't be lazy.
I was speaking hypothetically. I readily admit I'm an unhappy loser. That's why I need a girlfriend, so I'll feel validated and good about myself.
And that's just not how that works. You cannot expect an external thing to fix the internal issues.
Most people are validated by external sources, only Zen masters are really at peace with themselves.
thats not how it works, you want mommy to tell you its ok you are a loser? or lie you arent? hows that gona help? ppl will look down on you regardless AND put quite a pressure on the girl to leave you
so either
a, examine if you are really a loser or if you are in a situation that you are ultimately happy with and trying to satisfy external expectations
b, if you really think you are a loser, what are your plans for not staying a loser and work towards ending your loserhood
every idiot is capable of feeling good in their skin, from the janitor to nobel prize winners, not just "zen" masters
Does that mean they're right? I mean, I suppose it's acceptable to be validated by something you have control over. Something no one can take away from you. It's the next best thing basically.
Though validating yourself over emotionally draining your girlfriend until you both resent each other doesn't sound like a good way to improve your life, does it?
Zero plus zero is still zero. You're not making progress by adding two zeroes together.
Zero plus one is still one. If she's a one, she's not making any progress by getting together with you.
Only one plus one makes two. And that's actual progress. And if you're already a one, you don't NEED her validation anymore.
>Most people are validated by external sources
yes children are like this, childhood doesnt end with age
So only confident, well-adjusted people should seek to find a partner? What happens when you suffer a setback? When you're down on your luck? Should you expect your partner to ditch you?
A setback or bad luck doesn't magically turn you into a self-loathing loser.
No, but even the most confident people can go through bouts of depression and need help. But I guess that means your partner should ditch you as you've become a 'zero'
A girl might be able to see some hidden quality that I never knew I had, or she might see something that's not really there. Either way that's an ego boost and I'll feel better about myself.
> I need a woman to validate my existence
Stop for a moment and think about how awfully unattractive this is
Is it? I'd be flattered if a girl was dependent on me. If she was confident & self-sufficient she'd be more likely to find someone better.
You sound like a girl. Perhaps some confused lesbian will like you.
look around the world, thats exactly what happens most of the time
a setback isnt a reason to be ditched, wallowing self pity is
a confident well adjusted person knows how to turn around a setback
and youll be the same shitstain as before and will be even more miserable when the facade falls off and she leaves
> Either she loves me for the worthless POS that I am, or she loves me for who I'm not
I will never understand people who don't strive to improve themselves. Like you don't have to strive to become a CEO or shit like that, but you should always strive to improve yourself in some way. "Hurr hurr I don't want to improve myself because I want to stay TRUE to myself!". Imagine being stagnated your entire life, what a fucking nightmare.
The only advice I can give to people like you is to go for women who are equally lazy and apathetic, and yes that means fat chicks who don't give a shit about their appearance.
That is because you are a guy. Men are providers. We get a kick out of that.
Girls think differently. They don't want a guy dependent on them.
Face the fact that men and women are different, despite what the media tells you.
You have to add some value to their life, not just exist and expect to be loved. You can only expect this from your parents and sometimes not even that.
A girl's love has to be earned somehow.
>I will never understand people who don't strive to improve themselves.
You don't think I've tried?
Keep trying. You are not dead yet.
That's a good point. But I am not going to earn a woman's love. I need that love from her first before I can even think of fixing myself.
Newton never pulled and he was still a top class bully and pretty decent theologian and physist too.
He did not pull for other reasons. Check his biography.
Your confusing the words need and want.
You can wait all you want but you would be wasting time. Go grab life by the balls and earn the life you want to have.
Sure, but since you're clearly not one of those people, what's your point?
I need a reason to think I'm worth a damn. I can't do it off my own back because I know how much of a loser I am. If a woman sees something in me that'll be the catalyst to live my life.
No, you're being delusional. Your hypothetical gf will realize how worthless you are in no time, and everything will come crashing down, leaving you feeling more pathetic than you already are. Just stop dude. Go figure yourself out first.
>Go figure yourself out first.
What does that mean?
That you're delusional as shit. You're spouting bullshit and everybody sees it but you. You cannot expect somebody else to fix you for you.
I HAVE figured myself out. I'm a guy that needs female validation to live my life.
you need to show some potential at least, also fuck you piece of shit, do something against your loserness
then become a codemonkey and earn dosh, golddiggers will flock to you
become a jacked as shit idiot like zyzz, shallow hoes will love it
so your goal is a hole, good, now go and do something to reach that hole
You really have to think to yourself what girl would really want a guy like the way you described yourself as a worthless POS? Change don't come easy. Seek therapy, read self help books. Refocus your life, find what's important and grasp on to that.
>literally NEEDING another person
imagine being this pathetic
No, that's putting in effort. It's much easier to blame my shortcomings as a person on not having a partner, and so reinforcing the vicious cycle.
People need people, dude. No man is an island.
Ok, I understand you.
Listen carefully to me:
If you need the feeling that you are worth a damn, start going to the church, whichever is closer or more convenient to you. Believe me. All the other pieces will fall into place in time.
Godspeed, Broseph
It's one thing to look for people to share a ride with.
It's a whole different thing to NEED people like you're gonna die without them.
Didn't pull but was still a shagger. Goes to show you don't need women to be a shagger.