Let's be honest:

Have you actually met a guy who's reasonably ugly/not handsome at all and has no problems getting girls ?

If yes, what's his secret ?

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He understands woman and has respect for himself.

If you had realistic expectations this would be easier.

Yeah, me.
This + a deep voice.

He's fun to be around.

Charm, sense of humor, fearless confidence.

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no, they were all either handsome or loaded with money
getting girls i mean cute girls, not any

and the holy trinity of handsome money big dong is true, you must have 1 of them to woe a hoe

Be funny line Colin Mochrie or a bad ass boss like Gordon Ramsay

Not OP, but Biggy's personality and talent as a musician lead him to make good money.

Not to bash on him, but his money lead him to get women.

Well at least you seem to be honest about what you're saying.

So the problem with this idea is that 95% of all women are out of my league.
The rest are single moms ten years older than me.
I don't think I will ever find someone.

Man, I know EXACTLY how you feel.

Wish I could give you some solid advice.

I know what to do, I just don't know how to do it fast.
I mean, I need to be better looking and I need to actually ask anyone out.

By actually being a decent, good person. Not just thinking he is without merit.

Yeah myself.
However I have problems finding woman that don't lie about who they are.

He owns several businesses and has a lot of money.

Guess he was most likely born in a wealthy family ?

It's amazing how trash and insecure the opinions thrown around here really are.
OP, the truth is that women are a lot like men. You might not get attached the most attractive person, someone your friends would not approve of, but it happens none the less.
The reasons are personal and what attract you, not a general kind of attraction.
I'm not an attractive guy but, (if I'm at least deducing from what I've been told) I'm funny, confident without being overbearing and have enough interesting views to provide some debate about general interests.
It's not all about big dick big money big hot face. The girls you want aren't going to care about that, the girls that care about that aren't going to want you and as much as you may fetishize the idea of them it's for a root not for a relationship which is what it seems like you need.
It's lame advice, don't be yourself. Be yourself unashamedly. Rock who you are, don't be afraid to do what you want. The woman who will be best for you will be attracted to that. It just depends if you want a fuck here and there or someone who'll be around because they like you.

You've never had an ugly/average chick turn you on just with her behavior?

Yeah, plenty.

But to be fair, they were all pasty white nerds and their gfs were all Asian. So I don't know if that really counts.

Hardest thing I've seen was some hideous garden-gnome looking guy with a patchy beard who refuses to work (according to his own statement) and spends his days smoking weed and going on festivals. His gf was a good looking Asian chick who studies medicine and paying rent for the apartment they lived in.

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oy mayt oy jist had a root
isk me innything

Am guy... meet in a normal non-social setting (like fishing on the pier instead of at the pub), communicate properly. Most people will jump at anyone they connect with and that's simply through communicating nicely/opening/deeply.

Bullshit. What kind of planet are you living on? Women are only attracted to you if you're good looking, got money or high social-status.

It's pretty fucking easy. The most important things are translucency and the illusion of abundance. Tell women what you want from them while letting it be known that rejection doesn't hurt you.

On the planet Earth unlike you. You are obviously a bitter incel who has never kissed a girl.

Nope, I live in the real world and don't fill people's heads with nonsense.

What makes you think you know what women want when you have never been on a date?

ouch good one
I know that simply engaging in conversation isn't going to win you any hearts if you don't have the looks, money or status to back it up.

Had a coworker that was roughly spherical in shape, had type 2 diabetes, a partially amputated foot and was on his second wife before he died of a heart attack. He took his secrets to the grave.

My best friend has always been pulling women out of his ass for the last 10 years I've known him.
Truth his he has no secret and 90% of it was a fluke he ended up in because he's lucky as shit. Him and his ex broke up almost two years ago and he still hasn't gotten with anyone since after years of him basically getting whatever woman he wants

Money, self confidence and low standards

>This + a deep voice
There are 2 results from relatively recent studies that might relate to that.
>People easily understand who's stronger by their 'roar', deeper = stronger
>Within a controlled population (college gym goers), college girls found the stronger guys more attractive
I'm not saying that strength is all there is, but if you belive the
>be attractive, do not be unattractive
rule, then it does a lot to cover the attractive part, but it's up to you not to be unattractive.

I used to know a guy like that in college. Not particularly cute, pudgy, wore glasses.. It was because he had a great personality and always made people laugh (not self-depreciating humor, either). He would also go out of his way to help people. I rarely saw him mad.
He used to get so many chicks though, it was unreal. But then I learned that he would also take advantage of a lot of girls when they were drunk, so I stopped hanging out with him.

Quality chicks? Or just average women?

Why does it matter? Stop moving the goalpost.

Really depends on your definition of ugly and quality, but they were mostly your typical white girl. I thought they were cute

How many of the people that believe the big dick meme actually have big dicks themselves? It seems to mostly be guys who are needlessly insecure about it that spread it? Sorry if this turns into a pp thread.

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P E R S O N A L I T Y (with charm)

Telling the women what they want to hear.

>If yes, what's his secret?
I know two, one of them is balding, fat, and almost has a hunchback due to terrible posture. Both of them are extroverted, funny, and they have reasonable standards.

I am a guy that has worked with 50 women in the past, and your views are so warped and jaded that you're only hurting yourself. A woman wants a man that can connect with her on a deeper level, ie sharing personal information that semi matches her own. Society is buiult upon social connections, not money or good looks, though these help. You just need to know how to talk about yourself or about the girl and give her enough about yourself for her to believe that you are a suitable mate. This can come from you bending the truth a little bit and assuming some things about the girl but at the end of the day a good conversation can sway a girl's opinion on you drastically.

If you go around all day and never interact with women or open up to them, then yes I can see how you assume that all women are only after marterial goods and a nice face, but it's not like that pretty face with the porsche and hefty bank account just got up one day and had a woman by his side that he could be proud about. That man had to go out there and put himself forward, treating every interaction with a woman that he was interested in as a courting ritual. He was probably rejected and crushed nurmerous times before he found the one that accepted him. Woman aren't all vapid creatures, they're just humans looking for someone to connect to and share their lifes with. Don't be so jaded about them, you'll eventually find the one that makes you feel like you are on cloud nine and you might just flub up the whole thing by being too negative about the whole thing. Just have fun and don't read too much into the incel scene, as most of those guys haven't even attempted to play the game, or they have and got rejected a view times and chalked it up to women being the reason why they are going to be forever alone, not theb fact that they're hygiene is off, their clothes fit terribly, their haircut is horrible and they don't have any wit or charm to them.

Make yourself into a man that is wanted.

14 inch cock...

Blah blah blah. Go tell your sermons to someone who gives a damn. Women don’t give a fuck about connecting with a guy. They only care about shallow and materialistic qualities. It’s hardwired into them. That’s why most attractive women are with high-testosterone (alphas/chads), men with superficial charm, or guys with wads of cash. Please don’t fill people’s heads with your false ideology.

>just bee yourself


You should stop trying to feed everyone your depressing black pills.

The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. There’s a reason Ted Bundy disarmed so many of his victims. He had a superficial charm that women are weak to.


That would be me OP, I would not say I get every woman I'm interested in but I pretty much get sex as often as I want or need it.
Currently I'm working at a backpackers hostel in South America and the flow of attractive women is staggering.
I'm the expat,safe, almost local dude now so I have the ideal excuse to start up conversations and go out with them either sightseeing, on some tour or just chill around.
Money: most travelling people I meet, I am sure have a whole lot of money in the bank or in the family than I do.
Looks: I'm not good looking, probably my only good feature is my dark wavy hair, although not jacked, I'm strong as hell compared to most guys because I did powerlifting for nearly years regularly and then on and off. Lot's of average and ugly guys in Powerlifting.
Humor: Dark, bimbos feel offended by it.
Confidence: I feel pretty good about myself most of the time and when I go up to a girl, don't really feel intimidated by her, I mean I'm thinking about getting to have sex with her, not about getting her to like me or even appreciate me. I can tell pretty fast if it's going to happen and if we "get along", I keep her on the line, if not, or she's too much of a bitch, I discard and get on with the next one.
Sex: There's a catch 22 I think. You need to be good at sex in order to feel comfortable with it, but you can't get comfortable with it until you feel you're good at it. Women will put up with a lot up to around when you are 20 or 21, then they start expecting you to know what you are doing and know how to fuck/lick them good.

To be honest, most of the time I think it's them that wanting to fuck and me just being convenient, not to ugly, not complicated and then just fucking them good. Once you fuck a woman good she let's her barriers down and is good with just having sex.
But I digress. The secret, if there is one, I'd say, is simply to not put the pussy on a pedestal.

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On woman being selfish manipulative money centered bitches from hell: well, yes, but only if you let them treat you that way. If you don't cater to their whims, they usually can be fun and good people, yes, the same woman can act very differently in matter of minutes.
apart from that, I stay clear of blue haired and pierced SJW, I find them unattractive in every possible way, not even big boobs will get me to give them a minute more of attention than I must.

A lot of “ugly” guys look nice when they are fit.

At the right place at the right time. Her ex boyfriend cheated on her etc .

the secret is the girls are uglier than them

good on him