Trusting a self-driving car

These things are becoming more and more standard items in the modern world.

What happens if some friendly Mossad dude is simply hacking your self-driving car and it suddenly runs with full speed on a concrete wall?

Attached: car.jpg (660x371, 42K)

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Oy vey, there’s nothing dangerous about cars with no drivers, dont be silly goyim!

Attached: D127B64C-690C-4FC0-9ACD-E0ACD526BD72.png (486x576, 6K)

As long as you're an indoctrinated leftist you should be fine

>What happens if some friendly Mossad dude is simply hacking your self-driving car and it suddenly runs with full speed on a concrete wall?
What happens when Mossad hacks your brain with their fancy new technology?? And they can!

Attached: Autism alpha.jpg (478x480, 36K)

teslas connect to the internet and are almost entirely computer controlled

a lot of cars being sold right now also connect to the internet, and have computer controlled throttle, electronic steering

shit is a real problem already

break your car's wireless connections.

The car already half drives itself. Without traction control and ABS brakes motorists would crash all the time.

>what happens if

You will be injured or killed. Unless you are an oncologist or something useful the wider world will not mourn your loss.

Most self driving cars will not connect to the internet. They are autonomous. My phone still drops signals, you can't have that with your fucking car, you mook.

The predictable programing will enable terrorists to cause huge traffic jams disabling cities.

What if somebody cut your brake lines? What if somebody put a bomb in the underside of your car?