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Why is Finland so cucked?
Camden White
Easton Miller
Should have kept them after WW II. Maybe they'd still be based like Poland and Eastern Germany.
Jack Baker
Jews and niggers
Jordan Cruz
I see a bland instagram whore below. At least the nibba has unique features and looks like a lovely person.
Christian Murphy
>why is finla-
not related
Owen Stewart
ummmmm no sweety :)
Elijah Scott
This is not what we planned for finlands future
Maybe we were too soft on them
Logan Wood
The day of the rake can't come soon enough.
You mean stronk Poland? The same Poland that sends its daughters off to get raped by browns and niggers at Euro funded indoctrination camps? Kek.
Easton Martinez
Cope harder.
Connor Fisher
Eh, they are still far less brainwashed than most Euros.