come out ye black and tans and make your final stand
because yer fucking useless
dirty british trans and aul sadiq khan can go and get electrocuted,
Éire/pol/ lazy cunts wont make a thread on christmas eve edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Gas the Brits, Civil War now
Top of the morning to ye, lad. As a proud oirishman, I'm off to drink moor beer and beat me wife Moira. Next time we'll surrender to the British faster eh lads
Mongolians get baled
You're a scumbag, a maggot, a cheap lousy faggot.
Merry Christmas my arse and thank God it's our last.
>Mongolians get baled
That's nothing compared to what the great Khan would do to me if I surrendered like an Oirishman eh
If only. I'd be the ruler of all of Oireland
The Great Khan was 4 feet tall and burned horse shit for fuel
your jokes are cheap
Is the IRA Marxist?
absolute state of non countries shitposting here
atleast the mutt bot posts funny shit
Most still have never heard of it
>The Great Khan was 4 feet tall and burned horse shit for fuel
Just like the Irish then huh
M8, I'm just keeping your thread alive
Be me
>Buy son X-box fortnite edition for crimbo.
>Get talked into leaving his life so has the chance of actually being apart of intact family with her & new new dada without anymore drama from me.
>Have to look at it, feeling-low.jpeg
>Lose job last week for telling manager what really think.
>Go to first AA meeting on Friday.
>After meeting score bag of coke & go on z piss.
>Haven't stopped gargling since.
>Sneaking suspicion that the DT' s from this is gonna be a tad rough.
>Score 20 generic Xanax to cope with the aftermath.
>Lie to myself that am gonna write novel in New year.
Merry fuckin Christmas lads!
everything after 1970 is gay splinters (what you described)
unless its provos who were based for most of their existence everything before 1969 was grand excluding the civil war which was retarded
Heard you cunts stole Laura's last beg of spuds. GIVE THEM BACK!
O-or else...
I hope you're larping
Christmas is all I have.
On some level, I can sympathize with a small country fighting for freedom against a bigger country. On the other hand, the Irish lost so bad it's not even funny
Well look at it this way.
Either I'm not larping, or, my story telling abilities are good enough that I should consider actually following through with the novel writing idea.
You decide...
Nobody give a damn about of a bunch of leprechauns.
People of the Mounds* is the correct terminology you bigot.
>On the other hand, the Irish lost so bad it's not even funny
As a side note.
I put on The Greatest Story Never Told in the house today and it got a great reception.
Sitting at the kitchen table discussing kikery with the neighbours and my sister got berated for not condemning what jews have done.
Later on the chat moved on to the Orange order and the Freemasons.
Educational kinda day
Thank you for correcting me I will use that term from now on.
In the middle of watching it. At episode 21. Anyone got some other docs to watch at this special time of year?
9th Circle (jimmy saville and the royals, spoopy, PSF were at it too)
These are only sound
Tom Barry Interview (West cork IRA commander)
IRB President Billy McGuire
Cant think of anything else
Ah sure fuck it its Christmas...
Jesus Christ in Cornwall:
Ha, potato niggers
Calm down luxemburger
Post something worth watching
And Merry Christmas Storyful!
Typed in Storyful and the 3 autocorrect options i got were Scornful, Woeful and Sinful.
hate seeing dopes like yerself tarnish fenians
fenians were grand using it as a slur is cringe
>have ps4 on half the evening
noone play with me
using poorly made mutt joke
>Fenians as an insult
This is what we're up against
Bump for Turkaí
>>Buy son X-box fortnite edition for crimbo.
>>Get talked into leaving his life so has the chance of actually being apart of intact family with her & new new dada without anymore drama from me.
>>Have to look at it, feeling-low.jpeg
This makes me want to cry.
Neo-blueshirts when
Yellow is the new Blue
pray for saint patrick, lads
Más Gaeil sibhse, tabhair cuairt ar an snáithe seo agus labhair binnbhriathra na Gaeilge linne: Ná tugaigí gaill libhse!
And Colm and Breege
>ireland fought 800 years for independence only to copy the uk exactly and get blacked by nigerians
you should have a strong sense of national identity and ethnic identity yet every irish i meet is even more cucked than the average brit. mostly gay too for some reason.
For the "left cucked the irish" meme can't find puff for love nor money. Back to the pub it is.
You forget that alot of "Irish" are Anglo Irish, mutts with no loyalty
Maybe the nationalistic ones left (which is why they're so salty here) while the subservient ones stayed behind? But then again, what is the IRA?
Too many foreigners in this thread for my liking
Stopaigí a bheith ina gcruth doiléir díorthach idir Meiriceá 's Sasana. Labhair Gaeilge!
I suppose I will have to say this in the Saxon-speech: Stop being a derivative blur between the United States and Britain.
Speak Irish or stop larping as Irish nationalists.
Dude don't leave your son's life. The new dad is a total cuckold if he's actually willing to settle down with a roastie and will ruin your lad along with the whore of a mother. Make sure you can redpill the kid and tell him to contact you if he needs anything or wants to discuss anything.
So why doesn't Ireland just switch back to speaking its national language at home, and English only at the workplace, like every other European country?
A group of pissed off people who are willing to kill
Only 80,000 people speak it natively, you'd need to hire all of them as teachers for the rest of the country, killing the last Gaelic cultures as a result.
Irish nationalism was founded by anglo-Irish like Wolfe Tone. English is our language. Ignore deluded bog-speakers.
Secret languages are comfy
Irish is already a mandatory subject in both primary and secondary school. The problem is everybody speaks English as Ireland has in part been Anglicised.
Have a look my inquisitive American friend in Jow Forums where you will find a thread by the name of /gg/ Gaeilge Ghinearálta - Eagrán Oíche Nollag!
We were discussing the background of the current situation. If you are a Yank with Irish blood and wish to learn about your heritage, go there!
Why is the runaway UAE Princess meeting with Mary Robinson?
Only the INLA
The Provos only came into existence in '69
Cahill and Stevenson
Thanks, that type of music from the clip of The Field is found in American Appalachian music, too:
Spent the day drinking with my Irish side of the family. They told us a folk horror story about Bigfoot of the Isles, i'm sure you're all familiar. They said he is a big hairy ape-man who emerged from the forest of Bowland and survives off beer and potatoes. Legend has it that he was being hunted and made his escape by swimming to Ireland where he roams the land to this day, raping and pillaging unsuspecting villages. They call him the "Sassenach" and I drew this picture in his honour. Merry Christmas.
Decent tune
Drops around 1:10
Go raibh maith agat
Nollaig shona
Maith thú
Ahhh the Irish
One day you lads will get there
Maybe not anytime soon, but just remember 800 years ago the Brits weren't doing so well for themselves
I agree, we should launch a surprise invasion of Austr-
Merry Christmas from across the pond!
How do Irish feel about Slavs?
If the rest of you are like the spastic Irish committing half assed petty assaults in sydney you wont stand a chance. We will just round you up and let you go live with the abos out bush. You'd probably get along
Can't stop laughing at this fucking kek
That's Operation Lower their Guard
Its working exactly as we planned
Some are decent (usually the women), some should be gassed.
Slavs are different across the world
In Australia the slavs we have are usually yugoslavia's after the war. Lots of Serbs and croats that assimilate but the Macedonians love a bit of corruption and nepotism in local government and public service
Europe has an issue with slavic crime
They do sound interestingly similar. Beautiful music by the way. Thanks for the link! Nollaig shona duit, a Yank!
a Dhank
>muh nationalists all left
i dont see fuckall from the mutts lately
i curse and spit on the concept of assimilation
the carribean is a better place to look at the moment
those are tinkers or knackers - a subgroup of us
Thanks fren, Merry Christmas to you too. And good luck with the language revival.
Your a failure as a man and a father
Yeah Irish nationalists are unique among their fellow peers. They’re essentially niggers which is why nobody considers them white.
And that's a good thing.
Pretty much
We were killed by the English and then the current government with English guns
We grow by the year though and you cant get away with extra judicial murder nowadays, good luck with abortion
fellow peers
we have the n-word pass you dont
goddamn honkeys
Finish people to those of us who have any knowledge of them, are a joke to us. So fucking autistic they stand a good distance apart from each other waiting for a bus whereas us Irish folk are outgoing and social and brotherly towards each other.
didn't the irish mostly immigrate to the southeast anyway?
heard the southern accent came largely from irish
West Virgina has places where they are basically Irishmen with even weirder accents
I keep forgetting that many posters here on 4 chan are from middle class backgrounds and so too are most people they interact with be they from here or elsewhere. They meet some middle class fag from here and then think such are indicative of the ordinary decent people in this country. Working class and rural Irish are generally based as fuck so don't tar us all with the one brush just because you met some faggots from an urban middle class background.
I dunno m8, the Irish seem to be everywhere, even my neighborhood here on the west coast used to be Irish and a bunch of their businesses are still around. The only distinctly Irish place I know of is South Boston.
Is Celtic DNA like the Mazoku gene from Yu Yu Hakushow?
a truer post has never been posted
Go to bed.
Im gonna be in galway for a year. Is it worth it to learn the language while im there? I know galway is part of the gaeltaecht
Its good craic. Learn it.
I wouldn't know because I haven't a notion what any of that Jap shit is.
You fought for your independence, fair play. But then you signed up to be taken over by multicultural hoards. Ireland will be minority Irish by 2050
shit like this keeps happening.
It’s a super recessive gene that makes Yusuke gain super strength after dying and being revived. Why don’t the Irish like anime? There’s an Irishman in Yu Yu Hakushow
Schuman Declaration
Sounds good
Just remember if someone starts on you, hold your hand up in their face and say "Labhair le do lámh, Níl aighdh ag éisteacht"
>"Lor le do lov, neel aye ag eyshtact"
then deck them, and watch the women crowd around
"Tá mé honogenésach"
and watch the guy crowd around, faggot.