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>with no survivors

Trump will end the FED. Mattis is getting ready to oversee Military Tribunals.

mattis if homo kike shill

Nope, but you're an Israeli who the muslims will have a good time killing. You are a cuck and Israel is a country full of losers. You're all gonna die.


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the economy is crashing since around a month you literal subhuman


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Trust sessions trust mattis. Trust queeranon

Mattis arguably loves Israel more than Trump ever did

Nah. They want that. I prefer the tech bubble collapsing on itself.

Mattis said no regime change in Iran and let Russia save Syria. Imagine being a shill 4 days before Indictments go out. I hope you get a painful death. Fucking Israelis will be massacred by Muslims too.

Let it fall.


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the more they crash it the less influence they'll have to fuck with us.
let them burn all of their bullshit and fuck off.

Of course they are. These fucking pigs.

nothing is going to happen on 1/1/19. screenshot this.

Baste and execution pilled

Glass the bikes, race war now

You don't think this was in the plan all along
To hi[e crypto currency and totally take over and control that, then have Trump go against the fed and boom suddenly there is a new currency and they get their way once again all the while most people believe it was destiny when it was just the jews once again with full control of the currency still.

Why do you guys keep posting this when you get called out as a Jew every time

No. Last fed hike fucked the market.

sure why not

If Israel gets glassed this christmas, would it be considered ironic?

I fucking told several years ago that the only reason US troops are in Syria only because it's a dangerous competitor for Israel, but Jow Forums didn't listen

The fed raised rates by 0.25% which is fuck all


Not only was it only 0.25% but they gave the markets months of notice they were going to raise rates to let it price in over time rather than a shock. This is how it's always worked. If they had raised rates by 1 or 2 percent it would have crashed the markets but 0.25% is fuck all it does not account for the market collapsing to what it was before trump took office. Major cope on your part

And the Fed had to raise rates to deal with inflation. Trump's tariff wears with China have collapsed trade so there's a lot of cash in the economy with less goods. The Fed has to raise rates to deal with inflation caused by Trump's economic moves.

we have been a 0% for forever because the economy would have crashed if we raised them at all, (((they))) are raising rates to crash it. You have no knowledge of economics, only the ability to rehash jew lies

I wouldnt call it that great of a threat. Theyve been occupying Golan for 40 years with no response of any significance.
Certainly the Syrian Army and allied militias will be coming out of this war hard as nails and with tremendous tactical experience and training.

Months ago it wasn't at the bottom like it is now. Raising rates was a kike move.

dumb Americanist retards finally realize the threat these disgusting fucking rats pose to the world

Hitler tried to warn them

Syria have had a long period of stability. It was not only military threat, but economic threat as well.

The sand niggers are crashing everything:

- Mainstream Media
- The Left
- Wall Street
- Global Warming
- Women
- Blacks
- Universities
- Politicians

They've planned all that for at least 500 years, and right now the fuckers are going for the "everything or nothing".

Unfortunatelly, we were fooled so far so we can't defend our families and ourselves from kikes.

At least we've learned the lesson.

Lol @ all these financially illiterate niggers I've been shorting USA since 2016, this is only beginning and if you believed orange retard tweets instead of fundamentals good luck to you

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I live in soldotna ak, I'm ready to go into survival mode

It does when government bonds are 3.12% interest rate. Lower margins for the banks.

You want to see the real economy look at M0 M1 M2 of us and you will see the hike from 2008 to 2013 in monetary base. Money literally stolen from Americans to """"save"""" 08 recession, thank you American taxpayers for bailing me and other jokers out in about 2010 to 2013. Problem is now for months fed us removing their stock market positions and who is to blame ? Orange retard who said US economy is great. What he should've done since his first day in office is say "We're in deep shit and there's a lot of work for y'all to be done ". Instead he gave tax cuts, enjoy 08 crisis on steroids with leader who did nothing to save you.

Those zero's don't lie m'lad and I'll drink to it!

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Ah you americans are such characters.

At least you make life into a good movie.

>Was blaming Trump for the crash part of your plan?
>Whats the next step in your masterplan?

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I love how Trumpers are deflecting to "muh Jews" now that their president's economy is collapsing.

I actually liked Trump in 2016 cuz he looked like a good guy going against the current but he did jack shit and literally flipped 180 about economy and bubble became no longer a bubble.

>their president's economy is collapsing
Imagine believing this is all thats going on and there are no strings being pulled.

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You're going to be lynched jew

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Ill see goys fucked to oblivion sooner than anyone will be lynched

>cuz he looked like a good guy going against the current
What in God's name gave you that impression? You're part of the problem.

>that ID

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>no strings being pulled.
Let me guess...George Soros and the globalist jewish illuminati are poisoning the water, which is making the frogs gay, which is making the stock market go down 600 points? You're pathetic dude.

For Israel or To Israel? Which is it

Israel must become multicultural. America is for the whites, Israel is for everybody.

End the FED

Yep, every crash is artificial

A collapse of the US government and economy is the only hope for the world. This would also mean the police state would not be able to be maintained and then militias could be formed for ethnic cleansing etc. All the well trained white military and law enforcement personnel would also then be out of work and free from ZOG domination and then they would go from being adversaries of white nationalism to being the vanguard of it.

during campaign he was pointing at real problems and it looked like he was pretending to be retarded for rural retards but has legit reasons in mind. After election reasons are gone but retard is no longer pretending

Mattis is a phony.

Military News Outlets


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Why you retard whites always blame Jews for your problems? You're all like niggers who blame whitey for their problems.

>jews crash economy
my boss almost cried today lost some money

We want them to come, we dare them to come.
You brainwashed liberal nazis have no idea how to war. We need them to come so we can destroy them!

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must not be a high enough level jew. sad!

That's why his two sons and daughter married kikes.

10d chess

And the Rothschild's banking empire gained a lot.

The fact that Americans can't name the Jew fucked the US so badly that we're all fucked and going to get a lot of stinking African niggers, with the mainstream media endorsing it as "progress" and if you disagree with you're "racist" (or some bad name).

Thank you for fighting Hitler and "winning" your own ghettofication, mutts (and bongs).

The world really needed all that!

Disgraced world


i hate the jews more than anybody but you don't understand what they're doing , they did the same with the last market crash ... they themselves group up and sell off massive amounts of stock which send the market crashing and when it hits dead bottom , they then buy back in and gain more money and power than before ... the last time they did this they actually did it to buy out thousands and thousands of smaller banks (their only competition) ... same shit same evil rat jews , they will come out of any market crash (that they themselves create) with more power and influence ... this is why EVERY SINGLE RAT JEW ON EARTH MUST DIE!! NO MERCY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN THEY ALL MUST GO!!!!!