A person should be judged by the decisions they make and by the merit they display

A person should be judged by the decisions they make and by the merit they display

A person should not be judged by the actions of others who share an arbitrary and immutable trait.

Attached: OK RACIST.jpg (176x250, 7K)

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Tell that to Ivy League schools and affirmative action


you're asking for morals, respect, and decency from a bunch of cucked shit-flinging Trumpanzees?

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But niggers are still niggers and their actions are niggerish

But user, don’t you know judging people by merit is racist?


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African Americans need affirmative action because white racism makes their standardized test scores and grades lower. Your hate is literally making people dumber, do you even understand that?

a redpill for you
everyone is racist to some degree

Average Somali IQ is 68. White population of Somalia

This sounds good but is actually retarded because even when you think you "know someone" you really do not. Thus it is much easier to judge character with a swooping generalization, because people will hold close their true intentions.

Got btfo by

A redpill for you. Every other group in existence on this Earth aside from some whites are racist. Just look up how the Chinese and Africans interact in Guangzhou. They absolutely loathe each other.

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Race isn't arbitrary.

>what you are is more important than what you do

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Girls don’t like nazis.

>who share an arbitrary

Race isn't arbitrary.

Ok, fair point. What should I do when I see that nogs commit the most crime? Is that not judging by actions?

can you prove a causative, not merely correlative, link between race and IQ?

>Racism is why we can't pass tests
>Not because we're fucking stupid

why not?

is it ok to prefer my own family over others?

Do you understand the difference between judgement and prejudice?

prejudice is judging and individual you have never met by the actions of others

True but I still won't relax around blacks, unless they prove otherwise

Do you understand pattern recognition?
If something is statistically more likely, then should I not prepare for it? Likewise, should I not be wary of groups predispositioned to crime? If more cars are stolen because they are unlocked, you would lock your car. If more than 50% of violent crime is committed by an minority population, should you not be aware of said populous?
You aren't making any sense friend.

Better still, ask me how I know you are middle class and sheltered.

>prejudice is judging and individual you have never met by the actions of others
everyone does this. It's pretty much human nature, it's evolutionary. People would defend the interests of their tribe.


>It's pretty much human nature,
so is rape and murder

I thought whites were more civilised than that

*gets into college with grades far lower than acceptable because black*

That is why teach that rracism is wrong and repeat it over and over and over again... Because otherwise humans would go full tribal and become more racist again.

They're not arbitrary traits they're genetically prescribed

Don't bother arguing with Jow Forumsacks. They're more contradictory than

Well I don't actually have a good simile off the top of my head.

I would not say rape and murder are human nature, but the desire to fuck and kill are.

>A person should be judged by the decisions they make and by the merit they display

which is impossible to do when you're in public and around strangers

i'm going to stick to my crime statistics thanks

Appeal to fucking. The bottom of the barrel leftist tactic when nothing else is left.

>this man lowers strangers' intelligence through the power of hatred alone . jpg

girls tend to like whatever is more popular and socially acceptable
during nazi germany every girl liked nazis

Kill all Jewish and israeli children

>A person should be judged by the decisions they make and by the merit they display
>A person should not be judged by the actions of others who share an arbitrary and immutable trait.

But then blacks still end up as niggers, I don't follow your logic

You misspelled 'niggers'

If I had that power half this nation would be retarded. Oh wait

rape and murder aren't subconscious dumbass, shit equivocation APPLY YOURSLEF

>A person should be judged by the decisions they make and by the merit they display
>A person should not be judged by the actions of others who share an arbitrary and immutable trait.

so that means you're opposed to affirmative action correct?

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its okay to be white.

kys leaf. you fucking retard

Nigger lovers are disgusting idiots, OP.
Why don’t you come out of that idiocy and join reality? They’re genetically predisposed to be less intelligent. I’m sorry this fact of reality messes with your babyish workd view that is stupid.

Drop the egalitarianist lie and join big boy world. Time for little baby to grow up. Fairy tale time is over.

There is nothing wrong with holding and expressing racist views.

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you sure?

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Again, it's impossible not to judge someone by their looks.
If go alone at night, and you see a big black man walking towards you, you are going to get far more alert than if you see an asian woman.
Which is obvious as we understand which one has the greater potential of being a threat.

No you guys are the niggers, even with all the resources at hand what do you do with it? Fling shit at people, start wars and threaten everyone. Fucking disgusting less than 1 billion of the world population subhuman white people.