University Life

What do you guys think about university life?

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Just left. My immediate thoughts are that it's way better if you find an organization you like and make a solid group of friends. And make a habit of studying early on so when shit gets tough you dont fall off the rails. It's pretty lit if you can manage it well.

do your parents bitching about you leaving the University?

I think university is an extortion meme.

They extort time and money from you in exchange for a worthless piece of paper which says: "I'm more privileged than anyone who doesn't posses this paper."

Most professors and lecturers are privileged boomer asswipes who never worked a day in their lives, yet earn a small fortune every month.

The certification you'll get for graduating is absolutely useless in the job market. Thankfully, society is waking up to the ancient institutional segregation scheme that is 'higher education'. What counts is: Abilities & work experience.

I think by entering university, you are actively contributing to maintaining an institutionalized mafia system which profits from people's naivety and their clueless hope of bettering their lives by receiving a piece of paper with a bit of ink on it.

t. - PhDfag with 3 uni degrees

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Fun if you can make a tight group of friends.I became incredibly antisocial from using studying as an excuse to not socialize. got drunk a bunch though but not worth the money

thank you

Living on campus was a fucking nightmare. Just terrible all around. My first roommate expected me to kiss her ass like her parents did and then got mad that I didn't want to be her best friend after knowing her for two weeks. Most other people in the dorms have little regard for anyone else living there. They trashed the hallways, screamed at 2 AM on a week night, fucked up the laundry room, etc.

It's not that different from high school socially. The whole "you'll find people just like you" in college is a meme. The social scene is basically everyone partying up until the last two weeks of the semester and then pretending they have anxiety and depression because studying for finals is hard :(.

Can be a lot of fun.

I personally studied to much though. I enjoyed hi-school more.

Complete garbage. Awful people all over the place. Everyone is an insecure bitch and will treat you like shit because of it. No way to make friends besides drinking until you die of alcohol poisoning. All you do is study until you want to kys, sleep, eat shitty cafeteria food, go to worthless lectures, repeat. Unfortunately you have to do it if you want a decent job (trades are not decent jobs, decent jobs don't give you chronic back pain before age 30), unless you have the ingenuity to make a successful tech startup, and... you don't. So work through it. Things get much better once you have your toilet paper in hand.

This is the most accurate, especially if you are in a competitive major

It really depends on the uni you go to. I've been to three, and one was a tiny private college where like 80% of the students were commuters who are only there for class, 15% mostly refused to leave their rooms (to be fair, the dorms were nice), and 5% were athletes/frats who would not associate with anyone not in their group. And it was in a city where there's literally nothing around it except office buildings and housing for office workers. Don't get stuck in a place like that.

>Most professors and lecturers are privileged boomer asswipes who never worked a day in their lives, yet earn a small fortune every month.
I had a professor who only teaches a seminar course where students present every class for 75% of the semester, and has TAs. With not even a dozen students. He's a nice guy, but it's like a bad joke to me.

Personally I hated uni life, to minimize it I spent 3 years in community college while working part time and living with my parents. By the end of the two years at the uni I already felt like killing myself, no idea how people can do 4+ years in such an environment.
Living in a dorm is very shitty unless you are very extroverted and good at making friends. No one pays attention to rules such as be quiet after a certain time so you hear 24/7 screaming and music. The actual lectures were not bad, it was everything else. At least if you do anything that isn't a meme degree the unis in my area are good at job placement.

>all these niggers whining that their university was a waste of time and only had partying

My university has a very small party culture and is primarily invested in academics. My university has almost zero TA's teaching, as it is small, so you actually get to interact with everyone. You get hands-on experience with the professors themselves, build relationships with them, and get jobs and internships by having those connections. My university has an excellent graduation rate and a fuckton of people get jobs right out of the gate, even in our several stupid liberal studies degrees. If you know how to network, a small academics-oriented university is essentially college on easy mode.

Don't blame all universities when you just picked one that was a shitty fit for you.


T. Bs in Industrial engineering who is currently getting raped by UPS as one of their load planners with no benifets and no pto build up.

This 100%

>I had a professor who only teaches a seminar course where students present every class for 75% of the semester, and has TAs. With not even a dozen students. He's a nice guy, but it's like a bad joke to me.
That's nothing bro.
I had a prof who literally turns up at uni on one single weekday. Holds 3 seminar in which students hold group presentations for 80% of the semester. (So effectively he 'teaches' about 20 to 30 hours PER YEAR!!!) and he gets payed at least 6.500€ + a lot of bonus stuff. I read his CV and it shows he never even had a job. Literally has never worked in his life. Of course he's an old boomer as well, born mid-60s or so.

Shut up nigger.

Sounds like you picked the wrong school and are bitter about it. Deal with it.

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Don't take it to heart. I have 2 friends, both intelligent hard working dudes, both have masters in engineering. One is unemployed, the other works at Audi and gets about the same pay check as his mom who works in a make-up store. I guess medicine is the only thing that lands you a sure fire job these days.


Of course I'm a samefag. He was responding to me. I responded in turn. Regardless, getting a job is all about nepotism and who you know. If you go to a school and don't network, worked for the school, then landed a job before you graduate like everyone does here, you might as well have not gone at all.

Uni is the BEST chance at social catch-up you get.
I really don't know how I would have made friends without being around 4000 people all of whom had been suddenly ripped from their hometowns and were mostly feeling friendly.
You know how they say once you hit zero friends it's impossible to get out?
If you go to university straight after high school maybe >50% of people will "have zero friends" for about a month and this is a golden opportunity for even the most isolated person.

I don't know or care about employability as I just finished my second year. What would have been the point of making money if I was still alone all the time anyway?

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t. PhD dropout, because a job is worth more than a Phd.

>Uni is the BEST chance at social catch-up you get.
Yeah, if you're a normie.

this so much

I spent almost a decade at uni (dont ask) and I never spent private time with anyone I ever met there, except a coffee brake between classes if that counts.

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