Greater Israel BTFO
press D to dab on his treasonous manlet ass
Greater Israel BTFO
press D to dab on his treasonous manlet ass
I do concede that Greater Israel is BTFO but it shouldn't be.
Israel should own, not rule, but own, the entire middle east.
>I do concede that Greater Israel is BTFO but it shouldn't be.
You're gonna die and you're a parasite. World Peace will begin when Israelis like you are dead.
>Dabbing like a bunch of niggers...
We spit here. Not dab like a bunch of zoomer nigglets.
No fun huh
the greater israel project is still in play, but it will be an israel, without jews.
niggers tongue my anus while i dab
surprised you vermin put down your pizza long enough to shit post here
Jews are lucky that have any land their at all
Does Jow Forums support palestine? What is Jow Forums's solution to the crisis in the middle east?
ITT salty PALLYWOOD manchildren
something final
Ben is still more intelligent and successful than 99.9% of Jow Forums. Keep staying jelly
A final one
Ben is going to prison for being a foreign agent of Israel.
Strong eyebrows
jews built your country mutt, be grateful and shut up
ben is smart but that doesn't mean he is right
He know his policy is not good for america or the common everyday man just watch his debate with tucker
No he isnt lmao
What happened to ben?
No jews didnt. They came in post 1900 and ruined the strong base we had with the federal reserve.
he should though
Everyone but nu/pol/ supports Palestinians getting every inch of Palestine back away from the illegitimate jewish Occupiers. Nu/pol/ will say "Israel is white tho" or "Nuke them both and the entire middle east!" But since the days of /new/ (the politics board before Jow Forums) the general idea is that anything that is bad for the Jews is good for mankind.
Rate my OC Ben.
>I do concede
No lol
Absolut richtig, my fellow Austrian.
what did i miss?