>22 years old >No friends >Didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21, so not conscientious >Won't learn to drive until I'm 30 if ever >Mixed-raced and khv >Hate working, don't see a job I enjoy being a possibility in my lifespan because I don't want to work period >Thinking to just kill myself when I turn 24
I don't know why I shouldn't. My life only gets worse the more I go through it.
>thinking you're supposed to enjoy your job. Your job is a thing you hate that you do so you can afford to do the things you like.
Kevin Collins
I don't enjoy anything in life.
I have no one to enjoy it with, and I'm not conscientious enough to leave the United States on my own and live with my race.
I'd rather just quit.
Leo Brooks
>leave the United States on my own and live with my race. >mixed race You're right where you belong.
>I'd rather just quit. Coward.
Parker Allen
It's easy for you to say that You've never been a different race from everyone around you and forced to make friends with no experience.
I can't even communicate with adult white, mestizo, or black people.
They have lived radically different lives from me, and then, compounding matters, they are not my race, so we don't even think the same or look the same.
The only way out for me is death. I've been ripped by being born, and I don't have the brain to dig myself out without other people, and other people I do not have.
It was too hard for Randy Stair, and he was white.
Andrew Collins
>I don't have the brain to dig myself out You don't have will to dig yourself out, coward.
Gavin Gray
I don't have will because I'm not conscientious.
You're either that way or you aren't. I'm 15% black, 12% Amerindian. My white father bought a house for us to live in, and its been 14 years with no dry-wall or flooring inside.
This is the blood-line I descend from. No conscientiousness. Nothing to complement 115 IQ I have. I've gone my entire life solving problems and then never taking action.
It's not good for this world. There was never supposed to be someone that lives like me with a mind like this. I am built to suffer this world and then die. I might as well expedite the process.
>I don't have will because I'm not conscientious. That's a convoluted way of saying you're a coward. I can't stop you from choosing the faggot's way out, and it doesn't really matter to me if you do, but it'll be a final act of supreme cowardice and sloth.
Lincoln Parker
You got enough good advice in your previous thread. Stop obsessing over race and just live your damn life. No one gives a flying fuck if you're mixed. Any more mopey posts and I'd have to assume you're just trolling.
Liam Brooks
It's like telling black people to go from 85 IQ to 140 IQ.
You are set in a mold, and you interact with the world through that mold.
If you don't understand this, you can't help me.
Gavin Thomas
No one understands that because it isn't true you fucking retard. You've built up race in your head as some hyper-important part of yourself that makes you unable to even speak to those around you. Fucking absurd. It makes no difference, the problem isn't the color of your fucking skin, the problem is you.
Before you start whining and saying I just don't understand and I'm wrong, tell me why pic related mixed race male was able to ascend to the presidency of the United States of America if mixed race is such a factor in life?
The first step to recovery is to stop lying to yourself.
Barack Obama is a fucking genius with a 130 IQ and black self-esteem that came from a supportive family. His black father was high in conscientiousness, and so too was his mother.
My mother came from the poorest parts of Nicaragua, but she jumped on a white man and made her way to a better life.
I am the product of 2 smart people, so I inherited slightly above-average intelligence, but she and her family were poor for a reason beyond IQ. That reason was conscientiousness.
It's non-existent from both sides.
Jonathan Cox
Despite have motor vehicles in her country, she didn't learn to drive until she was 44
Camden Foster
>bullshit facts so I don't have to try >I am afraid of failure so I refuse to try >I'm just gonna kill myself while continuing to claim I'm intelligent
Please just stop. This is embarrassing at this point.
Nathaniel Collins
But some sort of intelligent I am. I never score below 110 on internet IQ tests
I played strategic board-games that consisted of working memory back in school, and the only person I met that could soundly beat me was in the gifted and talented program back in my elementary school.
That's wageslave mentality. My job isn't the dream job, but I enjoy it.
Cooper Gonzalez
Why should we offer advice when it is clear your response to any suggestion that requires effort will be "I don't wanna"?
Ryder Rivera
It's not "I don't wanna"
It's "That isn't going to work." It's biological determinism, and I need a way to beat human nature.
No one is giving advice of this caliber though.
The best advice I've received is
"Tough-up like I do because I don't have your issues"
Chase Reyes
You don't wanna and have found a way to convince yourself that you don't have to.
Jeremiah Gray
But it's all solid and rooted in reality. There are biological impulses that I see everyday in real life. Most people don't see it because they interact with their own race, but I am of mixed-blood, so I pick-up on it everywhere I go.
You can't take people reading at a 2nd grade level and expect them to read college level literature.
This is my issue. I am the one reading at the level of a small child, and there's no real way to fix that I will always have problems with setting a goal, working toward one, and self-discipline. It is in my blood to not do that.
If I work for 14 days straight, (and I have) I feel like and am capable of committing suicide. Most people aren't going to understand.
Jose Howard
>mfw some user dumps a whole load a psuedoscience horseshit all over the thread
holy shit what is with you letting rabid racist propoganda get to your head
Your racial composition is similar to mine
I literally want to reach into the computer and beat the shit out of your for believing this horseshit about identity and blood and soil
Here's an idea: you're a weeb, start going to anime conventions and hanging out with the bros. Go to parties and drink with weebs and realize that white guys are just like you and you need to stop being afraid
Start doing things you like. get out of the fucking house. GET OUT OUT OUT what the fuck man you're a living god this inferiority complex is not letting you see how FUCKING awesome you are
if you live in the panhandle of florida i'll take you out for a drink
Shaking my head at how people let bullshit claptrap fringe online shit make themselves feel inferior
Ryder Taylor
also i was khv until last year but still v, there is room to grow but not if you rationalize failure everyday.
i thought i was ugly, and seen as less for not being lily white but eventually i was with someone who made me realize i wasnt
Joshua Jenkins
I bet they were Puerto Rican just like you and me.
I live in Texas. I already know white people are just like me to an extent.
There's no where I can go to. Do you know how brutal it is to live in a small town and not know how to drive?
I can't do anything or go anywhere. Moving my body to any location is hell. It's hard to learn to drive when I don't see the problem with committing suicide.
I know you're not ugly, and I'm not either, but we're ugly to white people which are a different race from us. Your race is why you are being rejected. That's the only reason why.
Nathaniel Ross
I'm cuban but whatever. also I've dated white girls. I'm not being rejected. it's in your head you read too much racist retarded shit and take it seriously
Dominic Morgan
I love the way you type and think though. It's wonderful. I wish to see it in real life someday.
Also, I never really had my parents growing up. I never loved them. There's a 27% DNA gap between us. This doesn't mean I'd hurt my family, but it does mean I've got a retarded love for them.
Historically, I only got along with whites that have had a shattered familial life like me. I don't know if I can just grab a drink and go to a party. I can't even drive to an anime convention.
Kayden Edwards
You're probably the 86% white, 14% black race then.
You've got a huge advantage over me.
Logan Anderson
If I was 86% white, I would be attracted to white women and they to me.
But I'm not. I'm 73%
Andrew Hill
>Didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21, so not conscientious ? no one can learn everything growing up im 25 years old and i dont know how to roller blade or ice skate. im canadian so that makes the ice skating even worse
>Won't learn to drive until I'm 30 if ever why not? lessons aren't cheap but im sure if you scrap some money you can learn how to drive with lessons.
Ethan Flores
Imagine knowing that you should do something and then not having the will/drive to go and do it. I have no one I care about in my mind. I have no reason to do anything.
I'm less evolved, so this is what's going on.
My white father barely learned to drive himself. He mixed that with black, and it made me. I am repeating behavior that started when I was 8. My blood is in conflict with the industrial world I live in.
>Roller blading >Ice skating
These aren't comparable to something widespread/world-wide that most people learn when they're 4.
I've had the constant opportunity to teach myself from 1 to 22. I never did it.
Nathan Baker
fuck off with this depressing bs.
ive seen this copy pasta b4 on every post regarding job related.
always first post too whats up with that.
Austin Russell
The funny thing is I think conscientious genetics are tied to intelligence.
My sister is dumber than me, but she lives way smarter (learned to drive at 18) despite coming from the same home.