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if the Rothschilds are panicking then something is afoot

why do they let this faggot tweet anyone know. seems it would benefit his parties interests a lot if he just shut the fuck up

they think trump is going to kill globalism

Rothschild dude is sounding somewhat frazzled. Lol. Why on earth would he care so much about this whole Fed thing?



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David has been CHIMPING OUT more and more over the last 8-6 months. SOMETHING BIG IS COMING

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read all the replies. why do they let this faggots twitter exist. thats so unusual for twitter

NESARA. Military Tribunals Jan 1st. Israel's total destruction.

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Global CO2/breathing tax didn't fly so well, did it?!

lol he blocked me. I wonder if he is even a real Rothschild or just shares the name.


I bet the Jews are behind this in some way.

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Here's hoping!

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Happy Hanukkah

Nope. Israeli shills like you are a really pathetic bunch

They feed off of fear for energy but boy do I feed off of their kvetching. Fuels up the limit break meter for when we break the mental jamming frequency and jump to 4th density to overthrow these 2D Demons

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He is right faggot. There isn't enough gold to run a country.

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They're the ones in fear now.

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What will happen if Trump get JFK’d?

Now i understand the huge amount of shill threads right now.
It's afraid.

They have tried 15+ times. It's over. You're gonna watch all your IDF friends die. Bibi will die. Yossi Cohen will die. It's funny how badly you're scared right now.

>Wages for the working class start stagnating as soon as we fully leave the gold standard by abolishing breton-woods agreement
>But for some fucking reason the gold standard would be bad for working class Americans


How powerful are those guys, really?

Not powerful anymore evidently.

No, I’m curious. Problem is the majority of people are too stupid about how FED is threatened to this country. If people increase their IQ. They would be riot and lynch the Jews and bankers.

You don't need to go back to a gold standard you just need to NATIONALIZE the FED

On CNN they said Trump didn't fire Powell because he realized he didn't have the authority to. The president can't fire the head of the federal reserve. What more do you need to understand?

what a ridiculously vague statement
these people are fucking stupid

Problem is you're a shill whose whole world is collapsing. Enjoy your last days kike.

>You don't need to go back to a gold standard you just need to NATIONALIZE the FED
Why not both? FED is fucked.

I'm not religious but the existence of Trump tempts me to reconsider. How can one man pull all this off? Feel like there's something supernatural behind him. Like he was sent down from a higher power to clean the shit from this world.

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>better back your currency up by the constant effort to make Saudi Arabia an oil monopoly

It appears that he is on disinformation with an insult effort.

You beat me to it. No president in recent memory has made them panic like this.

If they know something is coming......... why do they chimp out?

You would think they would take it gracefully.

he should be strung up and clubbed

He's not wrong.
Also what does this have to do with zionism?

>to help US.

This is so unsubtle that it makes me wonder what his end game is.

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he's wrong
uncertainty has gone hockey stick since ended gold standard
their attempts to "help the US" create inflation and bubbles
him and his kind should be discarded

>he'snot wrong
mhm I wonder why norf user thinks that? maybe he knows more?
>what has this to do with zionism???
oh it's a bluepilled retard, nevermind....opinion discarded

heil trump

There never was a gold standard though. The government frequently undermined it by forcing people to sell their gold and changing the gold to dollar ratio.
Having a real gold standard would not work because it would lead to people hording gold, which would lead to deflation, which would lead to people hording gold again. Overall causing a big fall in consumption and wages.

Jews are over.

gold is more scarce than whims, which is all we have now
there are better things than gold of course, things with hard limits and more divisibility

but to add to that: hoarding is not a problem. inventing new money is

What did they mean by this?

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Two retards thinks there is enough gold. You fucking brainlets should end yourselves.

seething kike


>take away American's ability to use monetary policy to help US
if the ability is there how come it never happens?

See it when I believe it goy

Take your usary, goyim

bitcoin > fiat

the quantity of gold is of no particular consequence
please be advised, i dont continually reply to retards, and your ticket is now expended

Trump really knows how to rile these kikes up. They are losing their minds.

the gold standard isnt that great though.

Dead Israelis for Christmas!!!!

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math standard then. same principle with better foundational material. the point is to base it on something.

Civil war. Enough people believed in the government and were patriotic back when JFK was shot that things held together and kept moving forward, but if Trump takes a bullet people will know for damn sure it was a coup and not some long nut. The assassination of Trump will jump start the day of the rope.

God damn these kikes to Hell.

Just what it means to be alpha.

It is a bit stupid having a (((Gold))) standard. India will do well out of it. Russia & China have been stockpiling for years too. I think allowing the FED or BoE or whichever Rothschild bank you care to mention to do as they please in total secrecy is fucking madness.
Back when I was Zero Hedge fag they were all over this subject, the most sensible idea seemed to be having a 'basket' of assets. So gold, silver &.. copper, or whatever, to prevent any one nation or entity from becoming everyone's daddy..
The real issue is usury.
Usury got Lincoln killed
Usury got JFK killed
Usury got Hitler killed.
We could be on the fuckin sea shell standard, if the kikes take 3% off you every year forever the crash is built in. Forbidding usury is one thing the goat shaggers got right.

Checked, but what is this? Where does this Nesara law come from? And why January 1st?

Comfy, and feels good.
They are morally corrupt and lesser human beings than us.

checked. Here's Hoping, Happy Hanukkah

So the richest jews on jew street are getting scared?

Currency is based on it being required to buy stuff in the country you live.

What happens to all of our money during/after NESARA?

Do we all become poor in the short term if we weren't hoarding gold and silver?

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>CNN said
>The Commander in Chief can't fire a 'federal' employee
Really makes you think.

Plus Ultra

Is he saying “us” or US as in United States?

Theoretically yes. I imagine real estate owners would also do well.

>to help US
to help USA
TO help ((((US)))

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>gold standard
>zionism's destruction
The only acceptable currency represents labor within an autarkic country, and is not valid outside of the country or in international trade. The gold standard is for useful idiots.

"Terrible for working Americans". But great for (((them)))

Ending the fed is not about switching to a gold standard because gold is scarce and still enables currency to be controlled by private (((hands))).

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He seems... a little upset...

the jew is afraid. by naming the Fed Trump is really naming the Jewish owned Federal Reserve. Kikes are crashing the market to stop him.

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US or us? Pretty sure he means to help jews.

who said anything about a gold standard?
buy gold and silver NOW

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This fucking kike.
What's the current standard?
Pretending our system is not worth absolutely nothing?

That’s what they say...

SO let me understand this....

Rothschilds are the most powerful Jewish family in the world. Trump has made them panic. But instead of assassinating Trump... they're posting on Twitter? And you niggers are falling for the drama, aren't you?

>Stay asleep

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Yes, and since they know when the bubbles will expand and pop, they are in a unique position to profit.

apparently, humanity probably has deteriorated to such an extent in which instead of complicated murder scenario's happen to eliminate opposition, we now all shitpost against one another.

Shitposting, now an elite past time.

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Of course the Jews are behind this.
Zionism is Jesuit propaganda to absolve the Catholic church from prophecy.
Most Jews just want to live where they are.

you cant deny it man, why bother setting up a complicated murder scenario if you can just write mean things to him, and to the rest of the world instead.

>we now all shitpost against one another.
it's true. it is now a war for the minds and the kikes are not feeling so good about the outcome right about now. this board is turning regular people antisemitic every single hour of every single day.

they really fucking hate us. kek


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you dont understand scarcity so why even post

>Because of the lack of productive capacities of its own, the Jewish Folk cannot carry out the construction of a State, viewed in a territorial sense, but as a support of its own existence it needs the work and creative activities of other nations. Thus the existence of the Jew himself becomes a parasitical one within the lives of other Folks. Hence the ultimate goal of the Jewish struggle for existence is the enslavement of productively active Folks. In order to achieve this goal, which in reality has represented Jewry's struggle for existence at all times, the Jew makes use of all weapons that are in keeping with the whole complex of his character. Therefore in domestic politics within the individual nations he fights first for equal rights and later for superior rights. The characteristics of cunning, intelligence, astuteness, knavery, dissimulation, and so on, rooted in the character of his Folkdom, serve him as weapons thereto. They are as much stratagems in his war of survival as those of other Folks in combat. In foreign policy, he tries to bring nations into a state of unrest, to divert them from their true interests, and to plunge them into reciprocal wars, and in this way gradually rise to mastery over them with the help of the power of money and propaganda. His ultimate goal is the denationalisation, the promiscuous bastardisation of other Folks, the lowering of the racial levy of the highest Folks, as well as the domination of this racial mishmash through the extirpation of the Folkish intelligentsia and its replacement by the members of his own Folk.

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