Drumpf: I'm going to win the trade war! JYNA BAD!

>drumpf: I'm going to win the trade war! JYNA BAD!
>economists: you're going to crash the economy!
>economy: *collapses*
>dumpf: fucking fed...
the ABSOLUTE state of drumpftards

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i blame the fed for the stock market problem
but yea the trade war is definitely not good

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Rake yourself

really makes me think

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Have a bump Leafbro.

Trump should be locked up for destabilizing the united states and making americans poor again

>infographic= reality

Attached: drumpflet.jpg (828x1034, 139K)


Attached: 14.png (474x512, 275K)

Source of the data?


Communist propaganda.org

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How does this fucktard still have supporters? He's literally destroying the country in every imaginable way.

>Orange man good
>Black man bad

The economy is doing great. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is crashing because The Fed is raising interest rates. People know this means that companies will no longer be able to inflate earnings by buying back stock with borrowed money. This sends the overpriced stocks (nearly all of them) back to their correct values.

it says right on the bottom left corner, a research institute called the investigative fund. It's common knowledge though, FBI and GAO reports both describe right-wing groups as the most credible terrorist threat to the US. Conservative media doesn't want to talk about it

Need to end the FED - a foreign terrorist organization on American soil.

Attached: maga.jpg (288x175, 14K)

>right wing terrorism
>spraypainting a vaguely swastica shaped object on a wall
>left wing terrorism
>written confession, a manifesto, and a trial required to be considered

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desu can't wait till we reach the stage in which drumpftards will scream "MAYBE WE CRUSH AND BURN BUT THE LEFTIES ARE SUFFERING TOO! MIGA!!!!one11one11!!!!!!!"

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This is true.
But then Trump wants the fed to lower interest rates because he thinks free money exists.

>The economy is doing great.
It isn't

>The stock market is not the economy.
It is.

>The stock market is crashing because The Fed is raising interest rates.
Why are they raising interest rates?

>economy collapses

Source on this? Seems like just a temporary downturn when the general trend has been yuge growth.

Also, what's the libtards' proposal, just keep selling our souls to China until they acquire enough of our debt and capital to effectively conquer us?

TRS mentioned that the original source of the data was actually the (((ADL))); and many of the cases were just exaggerated. Basically "white male commits murder, therefore right-wing terrorism".

it classifies islamic terrorism as right-wing terrorism, whch may make some sense ideologically but we all know the western left is allied with muslims.

>>economy: *collapses*

The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
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>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
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>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
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>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"
>The (((Stock Market))) ISNT the "Economy"

KYS faggot

>trade war is definitely not good

America SHOULD put its self first & Protect its own National production.
This is not only good from a jobs perspective, it makes your nation self sufficient, and thus more stable.
Why would you want US dependent upon CHINESE steel... that can cuck you

Oh, look, another retard who thinks the stock market is the economy.

And it's a leaf. SHOCKER.

Economy in US thriving far more than that of any advanced industrialized nation. This despite choking off the mass immigration, blocking chinese imports, and outsourcing to asia. Sure the Waltons will sell less toilet paper and shlomo cant warehouse as many gooks and spics in NY/LA but well get by without enriching those parasite.
#rake day

The Fed had to raise rates to deal with the inflation brought upon by trade collapse from the tariff war.

My shekels are on China winning the trade war. Trump might have had a chance if he tried to deal with China and only China but he basically tried to take on the entire world at once.

>Being this delusional

I think Australia has the longest run at not having a recession. It's been like close to 30 years since we had one. If you were an Aussie citizen I could get you a job paying $50 an hour without skills or education, straight out of school.

>Why are they raising interest rates?

Because productivity is increasing and leading to inflation. Interest rates are still likely way below market rates. They should have gone up a long time ago.

Dude, leaf your bait is so weak. Are you trying to say trump doesn't know anything about money? Please, leaf in too tired just rake yourself

Trump wants The Fed to keep rates low because of his ego. He wants big numbers to brag about, but The Fed will (correctly) use the improved conditions to unwind their balance sheet. The Fed is doing the correct thing here. The problem with The Fed is that they got us to this point in the first place. This stock market bubble is all The Fed's doing.

>implying the right doesn’t do the same fucking thing

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