The chinks are using our tech against us

I just came back from Beijing. You’ll see these squinty eyed cockroaches living incompatibly with glitzy high rises and infrastructure tech stolen from western countries.

They got 5, 10, and 25 years plan where they steal everything from wheat GMO tech to encryption tech. They’re paying anyone and I bet there are thousands more like this Malory guy.

What are we doing to stop the tech theft and being used against us?

>Mallory was arrested in April 2017 after returning from his second trip to Shanghai
>He was found to be in possession of more than $16,000 in undeclared cash and a special communications device for transmitting documents
>Prosecutors say Mallory sent classified documents to a Chinese intelligence officer who had reached out to him on LinkedIn
>One of the documents contained names of a couple who had been spying on the Chinese for the US

Watch the 60min documentary it’s mind blowing these chicom brazenness in their IP theft, they’re not even hiding it anymore.

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Who even cares, the nation is dead and over, does it really matter if the chinks take it?

The future is theirs.

>CIA Niggers doing CIA Niggerish things
Why are people surprised?

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It is as if the CIA is actually an enemy of the USA or something.

Oh right it fucking is.

CHeck out Andrew Yang, he said this months ago that China would do this. He said months ago if he becomes President he funds a secretary of technology position and puts it into place immediately. Not an established politician but a person who understands tech. To combat CHinas AI supremacy.

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>betray country and get life in prison for 25k
Where are these idiots coming from?

Dude I have a theory since trump was put into place that he basically was done so to destroy america. Dude has brought us so low if this fuck gets his way we will be in a depression and he will be sitting in mar lago sipping the sweat and blood and tears of hard working americans while future generations and ourselves suffer.
His boomer friends and him sit back with retirement.

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>Their not even hiding it anymore

It's the same with them a lines. If you don't slap them on the back of the head they will think they earnt the spot. You need to basically move them out of the line physically and then tell them you will hurt them if they do not go away/to the back. Their in capable of lining up and waiting to receive something and will cheat to get ahead in order to have something sooner.

A litteral chink

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imagine believing this post.

>corrupted spook
Color me surprised

We dont care what you believe kraut. Your kind are natural born fuck ups that destroyed europe.
Go vote more for you banker owned bitch merkel to bring in more muslims.
fuckin traitor.

>wheat GMO tech
They can have that poison

M8 chinks will have parity with USA by 2070 and total domination by 2100 on current trend. US is going have dance to chinas tune.

Get used to it.

Thank trump for the great job hes donue screwing our country with boomer policies that have never worked.

It's funny, he's American but Asian and the white guy is the one who betrayed America

Just like Bongland used to be the greatest power on earth, then become an irrelevant shithole colonised by pakistanis, so burgerland will suffer its own version of that fate. Mexicans and Blacks will be the powerful demographic.

I suggest you start looking for somewhere to escape to soon.

UBi, Universal Healthcare, universal Schooling taxed off the backs of the bankers and big businesses is coming, Andrew Yang Cortez.
Youth is coming, change is coming utopia is coming.
Boomers will be gone by 2024-2028 ill never see another boomer conservative fuck that hates the american working class again.
Fuck all traitors who vote with boomers and support trump after what he has done.

... China will be completely collapsed by 2025. They are an export nation, they COMPLETELY depend on the U.S. to maintain security and NATO is effectively dead as of NOW. They already have warehouses full of crap they can't sell but they refuse to fire anyone because because the centrally planned economy and central bank only lend to people hiring.

There won't really be anywhere to escape to other than the United States in the coming decade. If the U.S. falls, humanity falls.

The future is gonna be good if we can stop getting people to vote for boomer bullshit.
UBI, Healthcare, Schooling.
For our brothers and sisters or families and communities.
Taxed off the bankers and the businesses that destroyed this country.
Divorce rates go down, wives stay home, kids have better advantages.
For once, white men will get ebenefits and we will invent and build and rise the community and the world to the stars.
No more boomers.

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post link to 60 minute video

muh youth.

Every fucking generation before you has said the exact same shit you mindless kid.

Kevin Mallory aged 61. Boomer. Traitor. Is Boomer just a synonym of traitor?

Go away traitor, your boomer asses killed this country. It is time for change. No more holding back progress towards the stars for your fake greedy and selfish banker owned bullshit.
Boomers wont be a voter based by 2024-2028 your days are numbered traitors.
I wont vote for your asses ever again blue every time now.

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I think they actually do believe that shit.

fast chink

I see you also watch 60 minutes. I watch it with my mommy.

I don't like it nor do I have too reality is reality.

chonk chink?

My dad once worked for a tech company that dealt with this shit. Apparently his boss came in one day, put a folder the table in front of him, and told him that he was free to take it if he had the balls. Apparently, the Chinese came up and wanted to buy some military programming shit for a few million dollars. Unsurprisingly nobody took the deal since they didn't want to commit suicide with 5 shots to the back of the head

The point is, they don’t gaf what type of tech, they’ll steal it all and sort it later against us.

Don’t you get it, moron.

Also, Bill Clinton and Obama collectively gave all of our trade and military secrets away during their presidencies. They are the one making China into Most Favorable Trading Status, giving them free reign to ship their cheap good all over the world and receive US dollars back to China to build military and spy tech against us.

The Clintons and Obama are traitors of the highest order.

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Better them than the coons

Can we just cuck them and impregnate their women? Raise the kids as loyal happas to America?


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Boomers did that, not youth.
Boomer did everything even trump.
Stop voting for boomers.

I think you have go a little further back in your history there. Whomever was president leading up to the eighties is probibly most responsible for this outsourcing and free and legal trade with communist countries

China in the 80s was a shithole nation.

Death to traitors.

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they 100% believe it. Watch the few who actually have the blinders necessary to post here have the melt down when Trump is done amnestying the dreamers and taking the ARs.

he is 100% winning in 2020

So like how the US is now?

Yeah vote for the youth never mind they want communism and global government.

Thats when we, the US started to outsource.

Because boomers have done so much for us.
Like destroying our entire nation and family base!
Andrew Yang also doesnt want that tool, but ya didnt lookem up. Ya spouted main stream news shit, fox or msnbc, both scum owned and bought.

The polling data is very fucking clear, the youth are down with communism, you are down with communism.

You are the traitor.

Boomers tol you it was communism and ya didnt even research ro look the man up.
Know what that means?
You already betrayed, they trained you like a good sissy bitch and made you be so obediant you dont even go do your own looking at a person ya just go "oh he is against me and my boomer daddies cause boomer daddy told me that helping working white americans is bad".
Traitor is you, traitor that supports banks and media, but you lose anyways, the time has come, progress goes forward.

The West gave it all away for cheap consumer crap products.

god look at the schnozz on that kikette

The guy is super jewy. But the chinese are doing what every western country is doing as well. I remmeber my teacher telling us they asked students at a japanese university get some sample of a technological device to figure out how it worked. The student brought it home and dissected it. every country does it if they have the opportunity.

Australian builders went there in the 70's The had to sit the Chinks down and show them how to put a nut on a bolt .

Remember that it's better to kill first a traitor than an enemy, JimJam.

boomers had Nixon for a president .Nixon opened China to trade.

>Australian builders went there in the 70's The had to sit the Chinks down and show them how to put a nut on a bolt .
Well, that means they learned a lot. Why is everyone upset about the chinks geting out of poverety and competing with weatsern powers.

Shut off your TV nigger

>we outsource all our good jobs to China
>we send them our plans so they can build our products under license
>they use our plans to build and sell their own products
>we complain

Why the fuck should American workers who already lost their jobs to outsourcing give a fuck about this?

This is a dispute among rich capitalist assholes.

Rich American CEOs: we sold out our workers, but now the Chinese are fucking us on the profits.


cus its like 1.5 billion bugmen who boil dogs alive and we gave up our entire industry to them for (((some reason)))

absolutely shit tier bait

>>we send them our plans so they can build our products under license
>>they use our plans to build and sell their own products
It's pretty stupid. Daily reminder that a big reason why US companies have been so successful (Apple for example) is because they have used US military and university research that is publicly funded. And now they give away that research to China for free while they withhold tax-money from the American taxpayer.

>still owning the electric jew

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duh, the west was infected by parasites, the first they do is shut down your defences and begin stealing the best stuff for themselves. and like all parasites, they work as a team opening the door for each other to grow the drain on the life-force.

currently, the west is like the ant which climbs high before the fungus bursts out emitting its seed.

>and we gave up our entire industry to them
You didn't gave up anything, they either bought it or took it. Kinda like europeans used to do with conquered lands.

>bugmen who boil dogs alive
Europeans did worse than that. Stop thinking you're superior and admit the old days of western supremacy is over because you were never superior

Wow, this is very aggressive. Yes, we did give up our entire industry to them.

No, Europeans do not do worse than that. Boiling animals alive to make them tastier is not a thing, and neither is dipping squirming baby mice into sauce before chewing them alive.

They clearly lack empathy as a populace, but maybe that's my weak why-boy perspective :)

Chinese should be free to steal technology if they get away with it. Companies like Apple etc hand over their secrets. Don't like it? Beef up your security.stop complaining commie

Remember when FBI/CIA use to dress up as foreigners and bribe our Congressmen..kek..

The guilt complex is thick with this one.

sound roastiekin tbhfam

>Yes, we did give up our entire industry to them.
Then you are fucking dumb and should blame no one else but yourselves

No, I am not dumb. I had absolutely no say, as I am chained to a democracy created by the military and financial nobility of Europe, and these developments were in play long before I was born.

Maybe I should blame my Dad? His Dad? Was it so foolish to trust radio and TV? Certainly, but democracy made this impossible to prevent if you wished to cling to normality.

What do you think their endgame is? You think the Chinese elite love their goyim?

>spy arrested spying on American spies spying for America on China
Im not sure if everyone here is underaged, retarded Trumpniggers or shills

>I just came back from Beijing.
No you didnt Pajeet. You were sitting all day long on google finding these old articles and dumping them on Jow Forums like always.

Honestly no idea how the west could let china become so big and important.
Chinese companies with an unending amount of money directly from the state buying western tech companies, outsourcing jobs, profiting of their good brand names and patents, turning their products into spy ware etc.
How the fuck did they not think about the consequences? It's like the west completely pretends there are not national interests anymore because all nationalism is evil, meanwhile china goes on a shopping spree.

Lmao the post you are referring to is another concern fag. Jews know they lost at this point

Going to federal prison for a that little of money? Heck. Had it been 2 million. Yeah, I could understand.

Not who yer yakking shit at, but I place the blame on shitholes like you because you're an appologist...I do what I do, and I don't fucking appologize for it because I made my decision...
I lived nest to France for almost 13 years, but it was the great part of France...the German part...
You are obviously a Parisian...lowest of the low in French caste society...
I now understand why you're Mom considered aborting you...


Good for him - AI is the sharpest part of technology, imo.