My Christmas Eve

>be me
>be in church right now
>kids shittily singing Christmas songs
>wishing I could be at home shitposting and liberating Skyrim from the Imperials and the Thalmor.
So how's your Christmas Eve going Jow Forums?

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My grandpa randomly had a heart attack right when he arrived at the house. Hes in the hospital now

Get off pol Jesus

Sorry to hear about your gramps. Best of luck him and your family.

Jesus, how likely is it that he'll be okay?

High af. Watching South Park. Ordered pizza. Feels good man.

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Shit man, that's fucked up. I hope he comes through OK

That's fucked up user. Hope he pulls through.

Pizza? What kind? Whatever you're having , you're probably having much better a time wherever you are than any of us where we are.

Hes likely going to be ok, forgot to take his meds this morning and old age blindsided him

Based Stormcloak supporter.

The (((Thalmor))) will never control Skyrim.

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Merry Christmas user. May your grandfather live to see this Christmas through to the end.

Home to my small town for the holliday banging all the sloots and not letting my family see me on Jow Forums hope you guys have a HH

Bacon and extra cheese. Banana peppers and black olives. How's gramps?

Stick you finger down your throat Nd puke everywhere. Definitely go home after that.

Wish there was a way to help the Redguards take over Skyrim

I would advise against that (because of STDs and the like).

>supporting an arrogant, dishonorable snownigger in weakening Septim's empire

The onion is already boiled.

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Fresh OC. Yummy as fuck.

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>Boiling an onion in milk?
What are you people even up to over there

The empire is already in shambles, Skyrim should strengthen itself, prepared to regain independence when it finally collapses. Allowing the empire to continue control will leave them underprepared when they can no longer support administrative control and have to pull out, leaving a vacuum. Skyrim should be strong and independent in preparation for that time.

Lmao stupid nigger

>still playing skyrim
dude wtf is wrong with with you?

It's fun, a lot more fun than most things in the real world.