Why is this so hard to understand?

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But why does it have th be our military?

Because if you are going to pretend you have a superior military you have to show it

>taking military advice from a bitch with the dog filter

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It's retarded. 9/11 happened as retaliation for US troops in Saudi Arabia.

Now they WANT troops in the middle east

Seems like a big fucking wall preventing them from entering our porous southern border would be a pretty effective deterrent as well.

Not a year ago they were claiming it caused terrorist attacks. Wtf?

I thought islamic terror attacker were caused hy western oppression and presence in their homelands.

Top kek

2019 we may see bizzaro America

Reminder to die for Greater Israel

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these people have no convictions
they have no ethics
they value nothing and disregard passions, cultures, and ideas that european men(and even some women) presented to us so that we can preserve their teachings and build on them for generations to come

all they have is orange man bad, their monsanto spritzed food, and their need for instant gratification

Jesus these people have no intellectual backing, they just want to argue against whatever their opposition has to say so they can be the smartest person in the room.

The same exact people who opposed the Iraq war at any cost are now advocating military intervention. Isn't like colonialist or ableist or whatever fucking buzzword they want to use? Oh, wait, but the Bad Guy is doing it now so it's time to reverse our opinions and sheepishly reveal them in ironically meek, "Just sayin'..." memes in order to avoid the burden of providing an argument.


>having strong border security helps deter terrorist attacks
Why is this so hard to understand?


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God these people drive me so fucking crazy!!! I would happily ignore them, but they burrow under my skin like ticks. It's the fucking snark, man, that cutsie, "Um, actually..." sarcastic, know-it-all smiley face. It's so weak, it's so passive. And these are the people who all the time go on and on about how "silence in the face of injustice is an endorsement of injustice", but they're the most passive activists I've ever met. I went to school with these people and they're everywhere, they're so proud of their laziness and their depression and their self-loathing. They identify themselves by their preferred mental illness and make constant refernce to their selfish and destructive habits, and speak openly about how unhappy and hopeless they feel.

And somehow they lack the self awareness to examine themselves, and SOMEHOW they've decided that even though they're on the border of suicide they somehow have accumulated enough knowledge and experience to know how to properly rule us. It's absurd! It's a race to the bottom and I'm so sick of watching it!

I thought Americas presence in the Middle East was the cause of terrorism?

The cognitive dissonance of leftists is really the strangest thing
They've whines for YEARS and YEARS for presidents to bring home the troops (no blood for oil etc etc) and now just because it's Trump, it's a bad thing to bring them back
what the fuck

PS : Most terrorists are recruited because their country is occupied by foreign troops

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Having a concealed firearm helps deter robbers and rapists.

However, we have plenty of weapons that can be used from our own soil while reducing the risk of loss of life. Besides, plenty of other countries have decided to take their share of it and will be taking over for us.

Nothing really changes but the color of the uniform.

the argument used to be that it caused terrorism

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not having terror fags on us soil helps even more. much cheaper too

And they make everything lowercase on purpose, that's how you can identify them. It's a conscious choice to signal ironic sheepishness. They type these things on mobile phones and they have to turn off autocorrect so they can have a sentence without any capitalization or punctuation because they're making the aesthetic choice to make themselves look weak and quiet.

The attackers were mostly saudis

also removing us troops from syria means the ruskies&co can actually start cleaning this mess without having to constantly worry about starting ww3 in case of accidental friendly fire towards us troops

Then why did Obama get a peace prize for just lying about pulling troops out?

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wasn't the whole premise of obama being elected in 2008 to bring the troops home because our presence in the middle east was what was actually causing the rise in terrorism? Remember islam is peaceful and it was our disturbing them that causes terror attacks.

Except, it totally fucking doesn't and actually encourages terrorist attacks.

not allowing muslims to live here deters terrorist attacks

It’s kind of amazing really
I think they would argue to end the universe if it would hide their stupidity

Now that's funny, because I remember on September 11th the argument that having US troops in the Middle East was a primary driver of the anti-American sentiment that lead to the attacks.

The real deterrent is keeping mudslimes out of your country.

>women and politics

Remember when Rosie O'Donnell called George W. Bush a war criminal for violating Iraq's sovereignty? Good times.

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>don't do shit in the middle east we are done here
>get blown the fuck out

>why do we need stop they sandniggers from organizing attacks.

you are persona non grata number 1.

I haven't noticed many leftists IRL complaining about it. It hasn't stopped them from hating Trump, but I've only seen the media going nuts over his decision to get out of Afghanistan and Syria.

Tell us all about your military experience.

Having a strong military presence in the middle east creates reasons for terror, and does not help to deter terror attacks but also helps terrorists obtain high level military equipment.

>the reason why muzzie fundamentalists hate us in the first place is what helps deter terrorist attacks
You memeflaggots are really conspicuous today with your kvetching.

Liberals cheering for the troops
What fucking timeline is this ?

Send your troops then leaf. Oh wait...

The purpose of destroying nations in the Middle East is to make them hate us.
So we have an enemy.
So we need to spend billions making defense contractors wealthy.

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Only Iraq, bigot. Obama ran on ramping up the war in Afghanistan.

Where were you when Twitter thots started shilling for endless Zionist wars?

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I wanna sit down on a cool, sunny afternoon and have nice warm cup of JEWS DID 9/11

>war is peace

Leftists do not think. They are cattle. It's all Jews, Francois.

Fuckin this

>leftist NPCs now fully advocate for the u.s. military fucking up middle eastern countries and illegally disregarding their national sovereignty
this shit is absolute pottery

>2003: No blood for oil!
>2018: Stay in Middle East!

why are liberals so hypocritical?

So having a military presence in Israel would be smart no?


Literally having a strong military presence in the middle east is what triggers the sand niggers into being terrorists.

>Thread about a literal who/retard

Juden are ass mad that Drumpf pulled out and are rage Posting on Jow Forums 24/7 now

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Oh my god what in the fuck is happening LMFAO what the fuck

They've been completely converted into neocons

Neocons ARE leftists. Trotzkists, burger

>Opposing the Syrian government fighting terrorism in the middle east helps deter terrorist attacks
Makes sense

It's so fake dude it pisses me off. It's like pre-distressed jeans, putting in a lot of effort to generate the illusion that you don't put any effort it. I've never met any group of people so dedicated to a lack of care and passion, who are at the same time the most intensely moralizing people I've ever met.

>a bitch with the dog filter
Using double negatives to describe something isn't proper English, user

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I don't think these people are "leftists." Whatever they are, it's funny to watch them turn into the caricature of everything they hated 10 years ago.

No nigger. It’s literally the reason for 9/11.

>Ancap flag
>Advocating stationing troops in foreighn country
Shill detected

No they literally are. Fled Eastern Europe and Russia in the 70s after Stalin and they lost power, began to identify the SU with the Right. Or they are just rebranded domestic left-wing extremists like Bill Kristol and his senpai

of course not, leftist meme oversimplification is propagated by the jewry shills and retarded newfags, it's t_d lingo.

Because it was supposebly the reason for terrorist attacks last president. Not that pilpuling kirkels like you would ever give a fuck.

Die for israel goyim! All of you are less than my fingernail. Every goy is our dirty slave, meant to toil and slave and put food upon our plates and meant to entertain us! WE ARE THE CHOSENITES! All must worship us or DIE!!!!! I AM PROUD TO SERVE ISRAEL FIRST OVER MY OWN HOMELAND!!!! There are no nations except for the blessed land of israel!!!! Israel first! Israel first! All people who criticize us CHOSENITES should be jailed!!! Israel first! Israel first! Jews are the best!!!

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Does anyone know how Bill Mahr, Stephan Colbert, and Trevor Noah have reacted to this action? I know some prog leftists are begrudgingly saying Trump doing this is good.

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I thought our military intervention in the middle East is what caused terrorist attacks?
Did I miss the memo?

Neoliberals dude. Hillary Clinton, Obama, CNN, and MSNBC are all crying for blood.

These people are the equivalent of buying torn denim jeans.

>the bombing of innocent civilians isn’t what causes terrorism

It's bad for Jews, so the comedy news shows will hate it.

Truth is US is afraid of ISIS and they just fled the battlefield leaving it all to Russia, Iran and Turkey.

Can't wait for the next US failure. Probably has to do with this guy!

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It doesn't have to. Russians are always happy to oblige, now that we're finally back.

good analogy, guaranteed all of them that aren't too affluent for it wear that dejeanerate shit

>get told our military presence in the Middle East is fostering violent acts of Muslim extremism

>get told that the absence of our military will foster violent acts of Muslim extremism


I'd expect Maher to at least be somewhat honest and point out how much of a failure Obama was in this regard, but Colbert and Noah are too dishonest to upset their audience with the truth. They'll just probably just bleat "muh Russia" like they always do.

>leaving it all to Russia, Iran and Turkey.
And how is that a bad thing? It's their backyard, let them deal with it.

obama received nobel peace prize just for speech about pulling troupes from iraq and wrongs against palestine and iran.

weird right? but then again NPCs have volatile memory only,

Also, CIA literally created ISIS, not sure why we would be "afraid."

it's getting realy, bad.

Yeah, let Russia grow it's influence, what can go wrong?
Obama didn't pull out ALL of US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and let Russia and Iran take it over. That's the difference!

Fuck I hate normie scum, America pulls out they cry and bitch, America goes in they cry and bitch.


>I know some prog leftists are begrudgingly saying Trump doing this is good.
wtf i hate trump now
wtf i wanna die in the sandbox for israel now

Having a strong military presence in the middle east is the _reason_ for the terrorist attacks.

mate you have a brain capacity of a nigger go post some neonazi threads

This proves the left doesn’t care about anything except for opposing whatever their collective “enemy” says. To try to appease them is retarded. Simple reverse psychology could drive them to do exactly what we want. This is a huge opportunity for us, honestly.

Damn, Trump's 3d chess sure is working.
Remember when they all wanted our troops to come home?
Now, for some reason, the "good" lefties like cam "Drone Strikes for kid sunnites" Wallace are demanding us to stay in the middle east and murder as many muslims as possible "for peace".

My god, all Trump has to say is the opposite of what he actually wants and the media and their goons will suddenly spread all the right propaganda.

No it doesnt you giant fag. If anything it makes more because people dont like their country occupied by a foreign military.

Not an argument, try again!

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>Why is this so hard to understand?

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> constantly bring mudslimes in to our country so Universities get tuition gibs & tech get cheap labor

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The left has no principles whatsoever and this is proof. It's all about power for them.

Did the right ever do anything like this during Obama's 8 years? Were right wingers against Obama in 08 because he wanted to bring the troops home? From what I can recall that was one of the biggest reasons I voted for him.

An even better deterrent is to take our military out of the middle east and say, "If you attack us or one of our allies, you die.".

Because it is the opposite of true.
Al Qaeda specifically said one of their primary reasons for being was American Presence in the Middle East.

lmao, they fly in on fake papers.

>liberals say the opposite for years
>Trump decides to withdraw
>liberals flip their statement immediately