Why do white people love incest so much?

Attached: u mad geneticists.jpg (944x542, 60K)

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incest is a healthy part of human existence. It should be celebrated.

You better check the shitskin numbers on incest first.

look at that picture, you have 2 whites a kike and a nigger
incest is by far the best option there

Get raked China nigger

incest is more common among the dark races, that's why they all look the same

Fucking your twin isn't called the sweetest taboo for no reason.

Keep your families close, keep your sister closer.


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just kidding, they are all shit there

It's really a Jewish thing.

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When youre obsessed with your racial identity as much as whites are that tends to happen

They dont want their legacy shared. This way it stays in family. I saw people who marries just because of that. Of course their children is a down or disabled for 3/5 cases. Haha can you believe this shit their children cant take legacy than all of their shit goes to national treasury. Dont go incest for legacy.

As a fellow Leaf, I suggest you move to Alabama you fucking degenerate

Fun fact: western singlings are further away from eachother, genetically, than muslim cousins.


>not actually related.
Reminds me of that shitty witcher 1 ripoff game I played just because the romance option was your sister and a huge part of the main story was your father trying to keep the two of you apart while you constantly engage in romantic conversations.
Then like partway through the game it's revealed you're not related at all. Uninstalled immediately.
Was going to look up the game and post it's image but I have completely forgot what it is called. It played just like witcher 1 but shittier and was either way way too easy or suddenly brick wall hard.

They ain't related

>2 billion muslims and growing
>200 million whites and declining (slavs and southern europeans are not white)

>A genetic survey concludes that all Europeans living today are related to the same set of ancestors who lived 1,000 years ago. And you wouldn't have to go back much further to find that everyone in the world is related to each other.



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It's still wrong.

Look at the way Leia kissed Luke. Han Solo was second choice. And He knows that.

>nothing happens in the middle east
