Female here

female here.
Im 22 and still a virgin. is that bad?

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Nah, but depends why. Are you ugly? Are you picky? Do you have Avoidant personality Disorder?

yes kys

Is this some attention seeking thread where you want people to tell you it's good and you're pure because you're a female virgin
No there's nothing wrong with being a virgin unless you actually care

No, there's literally nothing wrong with being a virgin, male or female, at any age.

Bullshit. Absolutely bullshit and you know it. Male virgins are particularly stigmatized.

Maybe. Since you're female you could lose it with a considerably low amount of effort.

Idk. I don't think I'm ugly . I'm pretty introverted . Didn't have a real relationship since 8th grade.

no it is good.
Society will powerhouse you to believe it is bad, because they are sex obsessed dogs (I mean primitive beasts)

Unless you are strait ugly and it is not by choice.

People's morals and libido differ. As does spiritual outlook. hell if society allows these kids just to change their gender so easily, why should your sexual activity be anyone else's business?

Nah you're fine, lost my virginity at 23. I have high standards so I didn't just want to sleep with any random dude that's not long term material.

Honestly if you tell a guy who has his shit together you are a virgin, he will try to marry you immediately.


No it's not and anyone who tells you otherwise is deliberately trying to fuck you over.

Male virgins don't exist.

I think it's attractive. Moreso if you have chosen to do so based on principles.

Not realy but it's high time you have a husband. The clock is ticking...

Come to my house and you won’t be a virgin anymore. :)

I'm 29 (female) and still a virgin. I know it's bad and it feels bad

You come to my house too and I’ll fuck you both good.

Still better than having sex outside marriage. but get your shit together, you are going to go crazy cat lady pretty soon.

It depends. Is sex something important to you? Would you like to too but for whatever reason you're unable? If so then it could be bad but it would depend on why you're incapable.

If it just something your not concerned with then thats fine.

I'm fucking 22 male (male) and I'm a virgin
Who cares



>Male virgins don't exist.
y-y-yup no such thing as a 22 year old male virgin

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>Bullshit. Absolutely bullshit and you know it. Male virgins are particularly stigmatized.
Male virgins are stigmatized for the wide array of dysfunctions that their virginity is a symptom of, not the virginity itself. The rise of the incel certainly hasn't helped their image but to pretend that the fact that they haven't had sexual intercourse is the sole reason for their stigmatization is just unrealistic.

A guy who thinks that being a virgin is equivalent to knowing how to sustain a committed, long term relationship does not have his shit together. That's like walking onto a car lot and purchasing a new vehicle based solely on the fact that the tires are new.

>Male virgins are stigmatized for the wide array of dysfunctions that their virginity is a symptom of, not the virginity itself.
Let's be real my guy, you could make that argument about any and all things people find unattractive.
>Asymmetrical faces are stigmatized for the wide array of mutations that their asymmetry is a symptom of, not the asymmetry itself.
The guy you're replying to is probably pretty garbo, but I gotta correct you on this one.

Yet if a guy seems perfectly normal and then it gets out he's a virgin, people suddenly treat him differently. They'll thank "actually, now that I think about it he's a lot uglier and creepier than I thought. Ew I don't want to be near him".

These are just delusions and self-fulfilling prophecies they make up to justify their bias.

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. Having sex isn't going to change who you are. Having a complex about being a virgin is legitimately bad though.


>Yet if a guy seems perfectly normal and then it gets out he's a virgin, people suddenly treat him differently.
You're being purposefully obtuse. "People" is an incredibly vague term. If by people you mean co-workers and acquaintances then yeah, probably, because they don't know you. There is no logical reason why people in your immediate social circle who know you would shun you based solely on the fact that you're a virgin if you are in fact an otherwise normal, well-adjust person. That, however, is exactly my point. A great percentage of virgins AREN'T normal, well-adjusted people. Social, developmental and psychological disorders are usually the culprit in a lot of cases. The virginity is merely a symptom, not the disease.

>They'll thank "actually, now that I think about it he's a lot uglier and creepier than I thought. Ew I don't want to be near him".
That's an incredible amount of projection. You speak about inventing delusions to justify bias yet the irony of this statement seems to escape you.

Its actually a good thing

When you do find someone and if they are worthy I bet you'll be happy for a long time

im 19 and virgin but its good that way, it gives you peace of mind knowing that : )

>I have high standards.

You mean you're 5'2" 230lbs?

>That's like walking onto a car lot and purchasing a new vehicle based solely on the fact that the tires are new.

But would you buy a new car with expired dry rotted tires user? This isn't a shitty witty attempt at an analogy like your original post was. Genuine question. Would you buy a new car with old tires?

no it means you're pure

it just took me this long to realize i'm probably gay

>The absolute state of males.

I wasn't aware males had a hymen let alone a fucking vagina.

Are you being ignorant on purpose?....

Do you know what a virgin is? Because it seems like you think it's anything other than "someone who hasn't had sex"

>virgin past 19
lol okay, just how mentally ill are you?

no its probably good. I know it sucks and sex is tempting, but its better in the long term to wait for the right man.

Obviously more than you do you effeminate cuck.

The word virgin in it's origins applied to women and women alone.

As for why?

I literally told you why in my previous reply .

Unless your telling me as a male you have a hymen?

Tell me user, what does the word "decimate" mean?

Im just did 33. We do exist.

Stupid idiot girl. There are tons of men that would love an untainted virgin girl.

You don't answer a question with a question.

I'm not interested in anything other than what I asked you.

If you're not going do that be on your way.

Yeah okay.

That guy doesn't understand how definitions work. He's not worth your time. Also what are your magic powers like?

we have this thread everyday and incels, white knights, and shitheads rile the stupid same posts from their assholes

I'll tell you what it means then. Historically, to decimate meant to kill every tenth man in a military unit. Then it meant to decrease something by ten percent. Now it means to heavily decrease, by no specific amount.
You can't just decide to operate on an archaic definition of a word and pretend that it's the true definition, because that would be absolutely fucking retarded, and you don't want to be absolutely fucking retarded, right?

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and apparently you don't understand the etymology of words.

I simply used in it original context because it still applies in reality more specifically the way our bodies are designed.

Enough of this shit.

>Comprehension problem the post.

>You can't just decide.......

I can and I will.

Being able to keep all my money to myself (also helps that I have a pretty frugal life).

Apparently, some women get more upset that I don't expensd my money than the fact that I don't seems interessed on them.

I just fear the future as getting old alone. But aside from that, is pretty good life.

I wish I had powers to know th lottery numbers tho. Not gonna lie.

avoid STDs by not having sex

being virgin is good. save yourself for a man who wont pump and dump you

Nah it’s cool. I’m 19 and that looks like an 8 out of 10 and I’m still a Virgin. It all comes down to your priorities, looks, and attitude. For me I could care less about getting laid as sex isn’t a part of my current list of goals here in my life now. If I have sex then by all means alright, if I don’t then I don’t. If you think that you being a virgin at 22 is bad, then that’s on you. If you don’t think that’s bad then that’s also on you.

Enjoy being a retard then. Have an why day then.
See what I did there? I just changed the meaning of words arbitrarily and suddenly defeated the purpose of communication.


Have you been chasing the D foe a while? Then yes its bad.

Have you just been going about life with a " if it happens then it happens" attitude? If so then theres nothing wrong with it.

You still have a few years before you start having to ask yourself some serious questions
Also who gives a shit what other people think

In your professional opinion as a Jow Forums poster, would you say the same applies for a guy?

Yep. But most won't hold that opinion.

Damn, just when I had some hope. Fuck this homosex planet.

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Them numbers.

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What about buying a car that is not quite new but in great shape with tires that are not quite new but in great shape? Which is ironically what every middle-class person does when they buy a car

>A girl ever referring to herself as a female

>male virgins don't exist
28yo khv. Its not like I hated it, tbqh.

It's a very good thing. Save yourself for the man of your life.

its hot

Not really. Both me and my gf were until 21, nearly 22, when we lost it together.
Just don't waste it on a casual, open, or any other kind of degenerate relationship, but wait for someone actually worthy and interested in you. And a good test for that would be to make him wait and stick around for a bit.

virginity doesn't matter

i didn't lose mine until I was 27 and I don't regret it

just do it when you want, its your decision alone and it's best to be ready for it completely

They do exist. Are you fucking retarded?

It doesn't matter the reason why they're a virgin just them being a virgin is bad enough. Especially 18+ virgins. I have a friend who (finally) lost his at 25 but prior to that women (and some men) shit all over him for being one despite him being a decent guy. Heart of gold or pathetic loser it doesn't matter. You've already got that Scarlet letter.

I'm not having this discussion again get over it or don't not my problem son.

What am I getting over? I'm not a virgin. You're just wrong. It's ok, user.


Apparently you bleed from your penis when your penis get's penetrat-


>Y-You're wrong user

That's fine think what you want.

Do you have brain damage?

Most of the time the hymen is gone before a girl loses her virginity, does that mean she lost it to a bike or horse riding?

You really should stop arguing with a literal retard, user.

Do you? because I'm trying to figure out here the reason you folks can't understand something simple I explained multiple times throughout this thread. Even if you disagree it's not that hard to comprehend.

But please go on continue to waste my time.

Because you want the have last word.

Are you trying to prove my point for me on purpose because it seems like you are tell me does a male lose his virginity to a bike or horse back riding?

Does entire point is Males...... biologically don't have a hymen.

How hard is this to understand?


No. Because you're a female.
If you're male it's bad.

Women...don't.....lose their hymens....

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>Are you trying to prove my point for me on purpose because it seems like you are tell me does a male lose his virginity to a bike or horse back riding?
No, I'm just saying your point is silly, hymens aren't necessary for virginity. This is the definition of virginity, you can look it up if you want:
>the state of never having had sexual intercourse

Does stretched work for you? I was just trying to prove a point, the phrasing wasn't so great but idk if that was necessary

And now we've gone full circle.

I'm not repeating myself.

disagree move on.

You can't disagree with facts, that's delusional. I haven't read your whole argument I just got here, but you seem very stubborn about this, why does it matter so much to you?

Male or female nobody cares about it. Except for other virgins in some cultures (a partner for life cultures) that appreciate it.

There's a period around age 14-15 where it's cool not to have it, but school is a distant memory when you're 22.

Ok, yup. It's clear you have brain damage. Maybe one day stem cell research will advance to the point where treatment is available to heal your damaged brain but until then it would be best if you stopped using the computer or cell phone.

but apparently you can?

It's simple I'm not a woman.

Take that how you will.

>but apparently you can?
yea you must be trolling.
>inb4 i'm not trolling xd but i'm going to reply anyway maybe they'll respond again

Nah, I'm 37 and still a virgin.

Are you female?

>Y-You must be trolling!


Be on your way.


nah, also stop giving a fuck about what other people think.

male here. lost my virginity in my thirties to the right person. no regrets. could have gone to a prostitute before that, but it wouldn't have felt right - there's a difference between sticking your dick in a woman and making love to her. I prefer the latter. fuck the vocal "I lost my v card at 17 and that's late" group.

This gives me hope.
Too bad Im now addicted to porn and masturbation.

The difference is you wear a condom with one and not the other.

>since 8th grade
How old are you femanon?

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>female here
Will need proof.

>Im 22 and still a virgin. is that bad?
No. Women can fuck whenever they want.

yeah, because I am going to passionately kiss and caress a prostitute during interc... oh, no I'm not.

I've been there, and chances are, so have many others. I'm not advocating nofap, but try to increase the time between fapping. You're so used to all the visual and auditory stimuli, it's actually harder to cum during real sex.

As with so many things, this takes time. When the time is right and this happens, let your partner know that it's you. There's no need to mention the porn, but let them know that you are so used to "your" touch, it will take time. An understanding partner will do just this - understand.

The prostitute I see does that with me and it's fantastic. Maybe don't hire shitty prostitutes

I choose not to do that unless I feel for the person in question.

>how to get STDs/STIs