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What happens when welfare queens of fake tech are given status they could never earn without illegal political assistance. True innovators don't need welfare. Welfare tech breeds welfare tier products. Everyone but liberals are aware of this fact.

lmao Elon has publicly stated several times that his goal with Tesla is to force other car companies to start manufacturing electric cars

he is winning not losing

You mean his goal is to take crony capitalist money in order to fail so others can succeed? Sounds the the whole of the U.K. these days.

What's a solid state battery? You mean a capacitor?

Jewgle, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Microsoft Oracle... It is all bullshit. Their products are always messy in different ways.

>solid state

enjoy your inevitable battery death

no i just said what his goal was, to force other car companies to start manufacturing electric cars

OPs pic is proof he is winning

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its the oled display of battery's. you can cut it in two without fear of explosion and it will still work.

>What's a solid state battery? You mean a capacitor?

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By 2022 I'm pretty sure every household in America will have a Tesla anyway; I think they've already reached a status similar to Apple, where as long as they keep turning out new shiny shit people will continue to buy even if some other brand is superior.

Nah. Its gotta mean the next gen beyond lithium ion. Probably something to do with the anode or cathode.

Tesla doesn't sell EVs because of their range, they sell because of their styling and brand power. Major manufacturers right now have decent EVs on the market with QC that Tesla can't touch, but they barely sell. Nobody is buying the Chevy Bolt. Tesla will have solid state batteries in a few years as well as there isn't any monopoly on them. A few different firms including VAG have been developing their own.

The entire auto industry gets government welfare. It isn't exclusive to EVs and hybrids either. Every car sold in the US has at least one major subsidy on it that your taxes are paying for. The auto industry isn't competitive and could not exist in its current capacity without government handouts. Nor could it exist without the banking industry's debt financing.

Theoretical batter that doesn’t utilize electrolyte

no liquid electrolyte (Whatever the fuck an electrolyte is lol)

Solid state batteries use a thin glass or similar composite electrolyte instead of any liquid near liquid membrane.
This lets them pack more lithium as a charge carrier into the battery for a given weight, so capacity increases. It does make them marginally safer as it reduces internal shortages from dendrites forming and bridging layers.

He doesn't care, the man has just re-branded sewage pipes into a "transport system for the future."
>if they kill us, we win

Elon made the Tesla open sourced, he doesn't give a fuck if they make solid state battery electric cars.

It's a substance (usually salt) whose solution is electrically conducting.

Electrolyte transfers the energy between anode and cathode

Superimposed in the hippocampus.

oh okay makes sense

Tesla has great branding, mechanically-ignorant people love them, they can do no wrong. Tesla can do no wrong

Toyota has a better brand for a larger portion of the market though.

You mean Brawndo?

How do you know this and yet you use a meme flag? Could it be, because you are, indeed, ((()))?

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it has what plants crave.

Still doesn't get around basic physics which means that electric cars will never be able to have the range of a gas vehicle. That's right NEVER faggot. NEVER.

This, Elon is a phony, a fraud. His rocket transportation proposal is fucking retarded beyond belief. Yeah, sending people inside unstable, huge ICBMs surely would never go wrong.

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He has 30 billion dollars, why the fuck not? He helps the world, everyone now loves him because of it, he's become a household name that everyone knows because of it, etc.

How the fuck is that not winning?

Yet another wild (((meme flag))) appears. Just how much do jew hate Elon? :^)

That was his plan all along, stupid

ELON musk will die in his sleep, screencap this.

Pay your debts America.

I'm American, you retard.

wut? maybe when they cost $20K and they can make enough to go around, sure

This is wonderful thank god that competition brought out the best of what we can accomplish in what is going to be a dominating marketing I believe in the next couple years

would you rather a:
Spend the rest of your life on a planet wide version of Detroit
Or b: Risk dying in 50/50 chance rocket launch explosion to then set up a colony on a cold desert planet with no magnetosphere or breathable air to speak of?
I think the choice is clear.

>Who do you think owns the media?
Before this he got good press, now it’s nothing but attacks I really wonder who owns the (((media)))?

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Every single corporation you can think of is on welfare or some gov subsidy. At least with tesla this is a tech that will at leastdrastically decrease our reliance on gasoline and reduce pollution rates.

elon wanted this, his purpose was to stir the electric car market not make money

you know you're fucked when even peugeot produces something more exciting

you realize your country (and mine for that matter) are fucked, right? oïl will be replaced soon after

no it's not , he's simply stating the inevitable consequence of his company succeeding .
im sure if it was up to him no other company would go into electric cars

most people posting here won't be able to comprehend this lol ELON MUSK BAD, ELON MUSK LOSE.

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The media still eat his shit and tells us it's 10/10. He opened his boring tunnel a few days ago and they're all over him.
He's talking about Musk's idea to use ICBMs to move people from Detroit to Beijing, not space travel.
Oil might be going, but slaves are forever.

>planet wide version of Detroit
Is a open carry state and “shell issue” concealed carry. We still use mechanical voting machines that can’t be “hacked” we have no emission testing. No toll roads. And best of all largest liquid fresh water reservoir and endless supplies of salt under the whole state. Iron ores, copper, natural gas.

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He literally believes himself to be trying to save the world.

By then he’ll be on mars digging tunnels and earth will be so overrun with chinks niggers spics and mudslides it’ll feel like we’re on klendathu trying to escape before the horde storm over the wall and consume us

Why do you hate musk?

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yeah, he was probably on a shit ton of uppers when he said that.
but still Detroit

>Chinese batteries
These will only be bought by jihadis who are too cheap or dumb to build their own car bombs. Considering how often they buy Toyota pickup trucks, Toyota is probably just pandering to the market.

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Why don't you just built electronics and computers instead? The quantum computing revolution is coming maybe get in on it and start building semi AI robots

I dont like the kingdom. Our over reliance on oil has created a segregated country where the rich and poor live in drastically different living conditions

Imagine believing this

>a company owners purpose for his company is too lose money and be brought out of business
I dont even own a business but rhis is common sense

>Everyone but liberals are aware of this fact.
Yeah, Musk and Trump are notorious liberals

Sorry toyboy, by 2022 I'll have a Tesla in my garage.
Anyway, Elon stated more than once that he doesn't care if Tesla ends up failing, so long as it fails because it managed to force everyone else to dump ICEs and start manufacturing better electric cars than he can.

That's exactly what's happening. Here in Italy the 3 cylinder diesel meme is dead. Nobody wants a diesel anymore, with the recent ban of Euro 3 diesels in pretty much every town in northern italy (due to particulate pollution).
The only kind of engines that sell anymore is bifuel gasoline/LPG or gasoline/CNG, and literally ALL car companies are scrambling to try and keep up with Musk.

Maserati and Alfa announced luxury electric cars coming out in the next 3-4 years. BMW already makes the i3, Renault makes the Zoe, Fiat is expected to put out an electric car for the masses in the next 5 years.

By 2030 a good 50% of all cars on the road in Europe will be electric, and the remaining combustion engines will all be CNG or LPG because those will be the only ones who can sort of keep up from a fuel price standpoint.

The combustion engine is dead. Elon has already won.

he, like most free market enterprises is making the world a better place , but making other compete with him is not his goal , it's an inevitable consequence .

it's like him stating that today he is walking on the ground because he decided that he should be pulled by gravity and not floating around\flying .

he's simply pointing out that his success is good for everyone whether his company ends up as the marker leader or not which is true .

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sounds like Jow Forums

Yup and Michigan is full anyways so don’t bother

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elon never implied these people are israeli and im sure the vast majority of them are not

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will hair plugs fall out due to stress?

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>The combustion engine is dead
Chevy Volt is dead

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We have electric cars which cost $30K now, it's not that much of a price drop to get to 20-22K.
It'll happen in a few years.

>we have no emission testing.
If you think that's a good thing you're a fucking idiot. Enjoy your cancer.

They don’t have to be Israeli, they just take an oath to Israel

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the hydrogen fuel cell wasnt ever to expensive to make. that was a industry excuse. they only made hydrogen fuel cell cars after the patents expired so they didnt have to pay the team that invented them

its a famous example of the actual inventor getting nothing and companies exploiting the patent system. you get a patent its out there people can look it up and how it works. the patent expires others can now make money having done zero R&D to invent the mechanism

its so cut throat its unrealistic to expect any good idea to make it to the market and for companies to screw every one and hand them some half assed hype and the future that was thought up by some old fuck living in the past. there are boomers in companies still determining the fate of technology in the west. how does it make you feel knowing some one who in all likely hood doesnt know how to program tivo is determining the direction of technology in america?

Oxygen + Hydrocarbon -> CO2 + H2O

>lmao Elon has publicly stated several times that his goal with Tesla is to force other car companies to start manufacturing electric cars

Do you know that other companies can make electric cars, take him out of business and then stop doing electric cars right?

You're retarded ALL HIGH CAPITAL INDUSTRIES, ALL OF THEM, were funded by the government in the beginning. Why? Because no fucking individual has the capital to fund that stuff. Without DA BIG EVIL GUBMINT there wouldn't be computers, rockets, and a bunch of other shit.

Look, in a way I'm sort of sad myself. An electric motor will never measure up to the roar of an old school turbocharged straight 4 like the one I'm driving now.
But the environmental advantages are just too big to ignore.
And it's not just exhaust emissions, combustion engines (especially diesels) tend to leak a shitload of oils due to their intrinsic complexity and difficulty in finding and fixing leaks.
Just look at the ground in any car park, it'll be full of oil stains.
Where do you think that shit goes when it rains?

Electric cars are mechanically much simpler (easier to find and fix leaks), and they have a lot less fluids in them.

>no fucking individual has the capital to fund that stuff

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Yeah, and look how poor is he is compared to the U.S. government.

>measure up to the roar of an old school turbocharged straight 4
I have turbocharged 7.3l V8

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>what is particulate matter
>what are VOCs

No they can't. The cat's out of the box now, people have seen that electric cars are possible and they can be better than combustion cars. That's a market that you can't just ignore.

He owns federal reserve, every single US$ in circulation is debt to federal reserve.

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Out of reach for most people here, with our fuel prices. And probably very unnecessary.

And in the rare cases where an indidivual or corporation can potentially fund something new, they won't take the risk. They will get the goverment to pay for it initially until prices drop over time. That's how computers became household items. In the beginning they were too expensive for the majority of people to own, even rich people.

Well if they can get their act together in their factory, we’ll see. Also start making cars without the wierd ass interior

No he does not.

What is lithium? What is Lead? What is Sulfiric acid?

we don't have the talent nor the resources to do that
i don't like my country either but i live here

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this will probably be the stupidest post in the thread
well done


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>my meme images and meme quotes are facts bro!

>"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

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Don't change subject, cletus.
You were rejoicing at your lack of emission control, and that's got jack shit to do with battery recycling.

I learned from an expert in Austrian Economic

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Why do so many liberals dislike him?

The demand is very clearly there they wouldn't do that.

Austrian economics is a fucking meme founded by Jews, lol.

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So China mines lithium in Afghanistan, uses diesel trucks to transport to China for refining. Then uses diesel powered ship to be sent to Japan for final product. Then it gets shipped about world wide with diesel powered ship. Factories uses coal power to manufacture electric cars. Then electric car used coal power to charge. Sound like a great solution to our fissile fuel problem /s

No wonder you use a meme flag
You're such an idiot that you don't want to bring shame to your country

no the american diet will do that

No that would be Keynesian economics

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Not hairplug, probably hair transplant taken from the back of his head