I’m a Feng Shui master

I’m a Feng Shui master.

I have studied the major works of Feng Shui. I can tell you how to apply Feng shui to memes. It really works!

Since it is Christmas I will do 10 Feng Shui consultancy on whatever you like. It can be a problem in your life or something you really want. You can ask me about pretty much whatever you want and i’ll be able to give you some Feng shui wisdom

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how do to stop peepee get stuck wen sexy fun times with hoover pls ?

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Kill niggers?

Do a feng shui meme

Can Feng Shui find me a girlfriend?

Ok, since the western world has degenerated into a moral abyss thanks to the amplification of kikery on a global basis, how could feng shui be used to clear kikeistan of its murderous urges and return it to spiritual harmony without gassing the whole place?

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Go away faggot nigger. Memes don't need your Jewish influence.

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Feng shui of Israel is all messed up. The corners of lots of countries are pointed at it. And it has sharp corners. If they want good Feng shui they need rounded or irregular borders. For example China has excellent Feng shui because it is a blob shape.

Im depressed?