Millennial """"""""""""""""houses"""""""""""""""""" LMFAO

Millennial """"""""""""""""houses"""""""""""""""""" LMFAO

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Don’t worry, you chinks don’t have to worry about that since you own all the real estate in leafland and now Australia.

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Townhomes can be quite comfy but holy shit those are ugly as sin.
That's only in the cities. Most suburbs around Toronto aren't owned by the Chinese although there's a large concentration of Indians Arabs etc. We're just lucky we have no where near your black population so even the worst neighbourhoods are safer than what you retards have.

For the whole building or for one cubicle?

Our nigger populations are also cordoned off to cities since they can’t survive in rural areas where whites do. Only in the South will you ever find the occasional rural negro and it’s always old negros who do as well. Doesn’t make it better I know, but certainly not what you think, Chang.

Kys Phoneposter

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>a hive for humans
Hm what are the jews trying to say?

I understand that and I'm not saying this to mock you but you guys need to take your cities back. I'm not going to pretend everything in Canada is amazing but our cities are really fucking safe even in shit tier neighbourhoods. I hope for your sake the gentrification trends continue.

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Please do not insult my charging pod.

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It is Christmas Eve and I’m not plastered to my computer. Suck my cock, NEET queer.

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I like the door on the top floor. Easy access for whenever you want to kys.

It's not even high enough you'd just break both legs

The architect was one sick fuck

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the last proposed project in 2006 was to create "mobile" trailer parks but in a housing block format...Basically a McDonald's version of housing with a commie twist than can be moved at will.
Free, of course for favela dwellers....

>They pay something like 2$ a month rent, wreck the flat then move back to their favela, selling the house for profit...rinse, repeat.

Acting like this wouldn’t be the nicest crib you ever had or will have....pffft

>I hope for your sake the gentrification trends continue
While that makes the inner city somewhat safer, it does so at the cost of really fucking up older inner suburbs. Blacks in cities are bad but blacks in suburbs are awful. The layout of sprawl is not conductive to policing nor poverty. Things get ugly really fast when blacks take over a subdivision.

The whole house is like 2 feet wide, what the actual fuck

700k for the whole building is great. It IS for the whole building, right?

>townhouses are new

In most of the USA towns like this go for about 225-275

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>Millennial """"""""""""""""houses"""""""""""""""""" LMFAO
Gotta smoke that mutha fuckin weed bro, we got little balconies, go outside not stink up the whole building like the pot.

>although there's a large concentration of Indians Arabs etc
understatement of the year

Depends on location. Such units can easily hit $750k in the cities.

is that Nashville?


Fucking canadian real estate thanks boomers

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>Townhomes can be quite comfy but holy shit those are ugly as sin.

might as well live in government housing.

Why do people insist that living with neighbors on the other side of your wall is the best thing ever? You hear all their shit, you have no backyard, you have no land whatsoever, no garage to work on projects, etc.

Then you step outside and since you're downtown it reeks of piss and you have to jump over hobos to go anywhere.

This so fucking much

I own a townhouse. Live in one and rent out the other. Both have 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a garage. My tenant is an elderly couple and their check always clears

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