>go to mass
>everyone so cheerful and innocent
>everyone wearing Christmas
>so nice to each other
>feel so out of place
>watched the hiker decapitation video and masturbated to a throatfucking video in the last 24 hrs alone
>feel like I no longer belong in church, once felt at home there
>everyone in church is such a dork
>this is what I struggle every day to protect
Are these the people we are really fighting for? Are we depraved souls the ones who must fight for the west in the shadows while the innocent carry on oblivious to the attack on Christianity?
Go to mass
>Are we depraved souls the ones who must fight for the west in the shadows while the innocent carry on oblivious to the attack on Christianity?
I guess.
It takes warriors to fight warriors, maybe it takes degenerates to fight degenerates.
Post link to the vids BTW.
Trust me bro, they know about the attack on Christianity and the West. I say this as a Church goer myself
>he thinks being a degenerate and watching edgy liveleak videos makes him superior
>masturbated to a throatfucking video
You’re part of the problem
Stop watching porn, you will feel like a human again.
anyone else tortured by the plethora of 15-18 year old virgin beauties at church with their parents and family? knowing you are now 33 and society will never let you strike up a conversation to meet them and marry a traditional and unspoiled chaste woman? feels bad man. if you are a sub-21 year old, you better be making the most of your fucking time right now and snag a good woman with low cock mileage while you can. when you are 30+ its over. you are stuck picking all the bruised leftover apples from the fruit stand after the good crisp perfect ones have been ransacked. i wish i had a time machine
a lot of those saints from back in the olden days were all dirty dogs
We are doomed to be the shadows on their doorsteps.
a man of culture as well i see
>everyone in church is such a dork
lmao i feel that man. christianity is some lame and weird shit. were naturally dirty heathens. christianity had to be forced on us. idk if paganism in its original form is right for modern europe, but i do believe a modernized version of it is. at the very least every people/nation need their own unique beliefs and religion. using religion as a form of conquest like all the semitic religions is wrong
Christianity is hebrew mindcontrol to get you to accept Communism. You could also say Communism is bringing the height of the christian empire back to modern day. The same group behind it.
Your jew tricks won't work Chaim.
Most Christians are counting on God to wave his hands and fix everything, like a Hallmark movie. You've found the dark truth that it's mankind's hands to make it happen. And ultimately, it doesn't even matter that He exists.
shut up you kike loving kike
Betafag detected
We depraved fools fight not only for the innocent, but to save our very souls.
How people who frequent this board can even still watch porn daily is beyond me.
Have you not been paying attention
Sometimes you have to hang in the bowels of hell to find truth and goodness and know what's worth fighting for.
There is not one church in the world that is good. The closest one would probably be Westboro Baptist Church.
>feel like I no longer belong in church
Many saved Christians think, "oh I've sinned too much, i'm completely unworthy of God, why bother repenting or praying or even trying, He'd never forgive me". You just get an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame and unworthiness from all your recent sin, like a tide coming into the harbor. This is your separation from God, not Him separating from you.
Recognize that this voice accusing you is not God, it is not your own inner voice, it is the great accuser. Who with pin point accuracy tell you how you have sinned and fall short of being worthy of God...and he is right, you aren't worthy. Agree with the accuser, because you cannot win that argument, but remind that accuser of what does make you worthy - the blood of the Lamb, the Son of God and how He paid the full price for your sin, and by your faith in Christ you are given the grace and mercy needed for you to be blameless in His sight.
What you don't see is that you (as a believer) are never unworthy, because God values and loves you, more than words can say, those words don't even describe it, so to use a stronger word--- God "absolutely Treasures" you, even as you sin against him, because those sins were already forgiven on the cross. These self-judgments of shame, guilt, and unworthiness are wiped away, they are transformed (through repentance and glorification of God) into innocence, Joy, and knowing you are adored by God. Glorification of God by saying your blessings in thanksgiving brings Joy from nothing - in even the most dire of circumstances. This is release from bondage Paul speaks of in Romans 8:1-17, this is the breaker of Chains. Walking in the spirit of life is Freedom that pushes that tide of feeling of unworthiness out.
Shepherd's Chapel is good, so is the La Porte Church of Christ.
...and he isn't a betafag. Stop projecting, goddamn leaf.