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Bentley Bennett
Aiden Watson
Thomas Clark
This is not what I meant by free helicopter rides
Robert Reed
I'm sure it's nothing and they'll be fine in the morning.
Levi Powell
Did they dies?
Only state I know with a Messican Gov, and Senator is NM is that where it happened.
Oliver Martinez
OP forgot to explain why this is big: Martha Erika Alonso, Mexican governor for Puebla, was one of the few candidates who won the past elections against Morena (AMLO's political party). She was always opposing AMLO policies and critizicing his decisions. This is undoubtely a political assassination.
John Moore
just another day down in mehico.
We voted democratically for a dictator to bring back the time where we had one party rule us for 50 years.
Samuel Rivera
Which governor? Do you have a link?
Luke Cox
AMLO putting those communist skills to work eh
Logan Flores
govenor and senator?