thats me. do i have hope
How fucked am I?
Depends. How many penises do you have?
Look alright to me
second pic. honestly you guys be honest with me
It all depends on how many penises you have.
You got mang, just don't be stiff. Train yourself to relax your facial muscles and you'll have a hella confident aura to you
OP here, reason i made this thread is because my ass keeps getting ghosted on dating apps. wondering if it has to do with my looks, because im a good person in real life
Just post a picture of your penis on those sites instead
You keep posting this. Stop.
You're a normal looking dude but your smile is a little forced and your photography skills are lacking. Your personality and/or your bio are the things people find unappealing, if anything. You will continue to be ghosted regardless, because that's how online dating works.
Is this answer satisfactory? Nice digits by the way.
Probably with personality and fake accounts. Why would you even step so low to use "dating" apps?
guess i thought that would work. woman are more shallow than i thought, damn
I would say people are shallow. And that's how it is so deal with it.
You need to look into photo taking skills. I know one handsome dude who don't get any replies but because he takes really shitty photos. They used the same photo for a job posting, and the bosses said take another one. That woke him up that he needs to take better photos.
To answer how to take such photos, I'm still a noob myself. But good advice I recieved was to take hundreds of photos a month, a few every day. Delete the 95% that are shitty, but you are bound to hit one that is just the perfect setting, mood, look, clothes, etc. Don't worry about becoming selfie or camphor addicted or judged, fuck that. After you get your 5 GOOD pics, you don't need anymore for the next year or two
op here again, this is actually really great advice user thanks. i will definetly start taking some quality pics. I know im not bad looking, idk how dating works i guess. but hopefully its not me
>under 6'
No one under 6' "makes it".
i guess im fucked in the height department user. im 5'5. Fuck my latino heritage
Nice meme bro.
On a real note, you're likely fine if you're not a NEET, just don't become an idealist.
op here
Took me a while to learn but I got it a few years later. I am the same height as well.
Make funny faces pics and learn to laugh at yourself, It gets better as you practice. Going through old pics is always cool
i appreciate you man. Good to know im not the only one feeling the struggle