What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: 2018-thd-regions-1.jpg (1888x704, 225K)

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Nuclear research at Oak Ridge

>Shelby County
>Davidson County
nashville hipster scum
>Everywhere else

A lot of coal burning in Memphis.

I love in Nashville, hipsters have destroyed this once great city in only 15 years. Now it might as well be called nigger-Mogadishu-Mexico-basedyyboi land

How is chattanooga or knoxville?

Gatlinburg is pretty based. Right wing rednecks and hot Russian chicks

god’s country. any middle tn fags add Cleburne522 #6031 on discord and ill add you to a group.

Hot blondes with country accents and below average intelligence. God's country

I live in Sevier and it's great