My girlfriend was sexually assaulted while away on a college summer class...

My girlfriend was sexually assaulted while away on a college summer class. There’s a very good chnace it would have escalated to rape had she not been on her period. She doesn’t want to come forward and tell the school or her parents because there are only two days left of class and she doesn’t want to have wasted her time but I think she should. Should I keep trying to convince her to or not

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What do you mean by "There’s a very good chance it would have escalated to rape had she not been on her period"?

The rapist stopped trying to sexually assault her because she told him she was on her period? What happened to her?

She is at X prestigious college for 3 weeks during the summer by herself and so she tried to make some friends while she was there. All of them are pretty shit but there is one that stands above the rest. I’ll call him Charlie. A day or so ago my gf, Charlie and A mutual friend were supposed to hang at the mutual friends dorm. They all show up and then the mutual friend leaves. Charlie asks my GF to fuck and be friends with benefits because his gf back home doesn’t want to smash. My GF says no but Charlie doesn’t care, takes her shirt off and starts groping her, but stops after from what I can gather sticking his hands down her pants and finding out she’s on her period. Thats my basic understanding of it.

Checking your dubs.
It sounds like she just wants to forget about it and you should honor that request.

She's not dead or anything right?

you should offer to be there for her in any way she needs you to be.

I got raped a few years ago and EVERYONE was telling me to press charges, including the police that found me. But ultimately, in a situation where it felt like I had no control and the concept of choice had not been an option, the one thing I still felt control over was whether or not I wanted to make a big deal out of it and press charges, or if I wanted to forget about it/heal/move on. I chose the latter and I'm glad I did. It was the tiny thread I was able to hold on to in order to rebuild my life.

>but stops after from what I can gather sticking his hands down her pants and finding out she’s on her period

Next time he'll consummate the deal.

Unfortunately I can’t even see her for a few days even though I wish I could comfort her in person. I feel like a fucking moron though. We all knew the dude was a creep and told her so but I didn’t wanna be the controlling boyfriend so I didn’t ask her to stop hanging out with him.
Probably, just with someone who isn’t my GF. From what she tells me I don’t doubt he would try it again on another girl.
She was upset yesterday but she’s better today.

yeah, deff stay away from the "i knew he was a creep i should have told you" kind of thing because that will probably come off the wrong way to her since she is in a sensitive state.

the best way to be is "that dickhead, I will fucking kill him if i ever see him face to face" (don't actually, it's just a nice sentiment to express to the girl so she feels protected by you), and say things like "how are you feeling? I want to be here to support you in any way you need me" (even though you cant see her rn you can still support her emotionally)

if she wasn't penetrated move on, its snowflake assault at the point he touched her period blood and left.

Why would she tell her school that she let some dude fondle her? I'm not the type of person who denies rape but this sounds like the story of a ho who went too far and doesn't want to break up with her boyfriend.

OP, as someone who works in a women's crisis center and who was a victim, you need to let it go. Reporting sexual assault is difficult to do, and as a victim, even if you walk out 100% believing it wasn't your fault, which is rare, you want to avoid confrontation and move on. Legal action requires so much pain on the victim, and usually with little payout.


Not OP, but what about >From what she tells me I don’t doubt he would try it again on another girl.

It was in a dorm room at X prestigious college so she should tell someone at the college. If this guy is running around trying to fuck girls out of the blue he'll attach others and a guy like this shouldn't be on campus.

But, I seriously doubt she ended up alone in a dorm room with a guy she didn't want to be there with. All she had to do is leave when the mutual friend left. My guess, she is kinda digging Charlie and your mutual friend was going to tell you, astonished she remained behind with Charlie.

Glad to know people like you exist so rapists can just keep on raping.

Seems like she was trying to get dick then got insulted when he left cause she was on the rag and instead of dealing with her shit she decided it was rape because if questioned too much when having to describe the event in question she will either have to admit that was the case or enough people know it was the case that she would get BTFO in a court case.


>she doesn't want to come forward
This just means she wanted it to happen(or got drunk) and lied to you about it so you'd feel sorry for her

>Charlie doesnt care and takes off her shirt
Holy fucking shit you are retarded. What bitch lets a guy take off her shirt without fighting him? SHE LET IT HAPPEN YOU IDIOT

This. Your girl is in COLLEGE, dude. Think of all the smelly dicks and thick Chad jawlines and biceps she is surrounded by on the daily. I bet some dudes have gotten high and jerked off to her, what with how weed grows seemingly like moss off the campus buildings these days.

There are so many fucking dicks on that campus, dude, just pining to spear your gf’s cunt. All she has to do is spread her legs.

What is all this incel bullshit? He touched your woman so put the fucker in the hospital. You don't have to tell her you did it, you don't have to even see him face to face if you don't know how to fight, and quite frankly would hide your identity if they remember.

I'm just really fucking confused, as a guy, when a girl decides she's not going to push to have a criminal recognized for his crimes in the age of all this #MeToo

Just floored

Wasn’t a mutual friend of mine and hers, a mutual between her and Charlie.
Doubtful. She’s done nothing but complain about him the entire time she’s been up there to me and our other friends. I’m the first person she’s ever even dated. As an example of how weird the fucker is, his attempt at hitting on her was to say that he doesn’t think girls are hot or cute, he thinks they have really symmetrical faces. He then said she had one and then kept asking her if she thought he was cute/hot. It’s genuinely the most autistic thing I’ve heard in a while
I don’t know all the details and I didn’t want to ask at the time. As far as I know he ripped it off her or forced her shirt up. She is genuinely weaker than my 13 year old brother, I really doubt there is much she could do to fight back. I might ask about it in a week or so when she’s feeling better but I don’t believe she’s lying to me.
Not wrong, she’s literally had 3 dudes and 1 girl hit on her lmao.
Don’t have any way to because she’s away.
I don’t get it myself. All I can assume is that it didn’t go any further than it did so she just wants to forget about it and doesn’t want to deal with the embarrassment and worry from her family.