>That horrible, awful, evil feel when your immutable traits want to make you fucking off yourself
I'm 5'6", extremely babyfaced, high voice, etc, and 22. I'm mistaken for 16-17 regularly. People talk about getting ID'd at bars/restaurants and being annoyed, but not only do I simply get ID'd; baristas routinely joke about it to the point where it's just fucking degrading. I've been small and looked young for my whole life. It has crippled my ability to acquire women. I recognize that it is partially because women generally don't find babyfaced manlets attractive, and partially because I've been rendered anxious around them due to my negative experience. Does anyone have advice on how to get over this other than literally just saying "Be yourself, bro", or "You'll be happy in ten years when you're 30 and look 22!" I can't WAIT ten years to be happy with myself! I want to be happy with myself as soon as I can.
That horrible, awful, evil feel when your immutable traits want to make you fucking off yourself
You have it rough for sure. Develop a talent. Anything you do well?
Find a nice hobbit girl
Solitary talents, mostly; an autistic ability to collect factual information which I've channeled into my college career (I'm studying to be a history teacher), and an above-decent ability at writing, whether it be non-fiction or fictional prose. None of these are really talents that attract women, unless you make a ton of money off of them. Once you've reached a certain threshold of revenue, it doesn't really matter what talent you've acquired. What matters is the revenue. Women like guitar players because they can fantasize about being with someone who has garnered a considerable degree of fame/notoriety (social capital, which is almost synonymous with wealth in this context). So, it's really less about having a particular talent, and more so just about possessing a talent which allows you to accumulate social capital/wealth. Sorry if that comes off as sexist. Women like high status males.
I've had a limited amount of luck with small Hispanic and Asian women. The amount of legitimately tiny women who actually exist is a tad overstated, though; I live in an area that's mostly white. The vast, vast majority of women I encounter are within a couple inches of my height. And, please don't tell me to just move somewhere else (that's not advice). Humans are not that mobile. Also, a shorter woman may be potentially attracted to me, but that doesn't mean that she is into twinks like me, necessarily. So, I'd like to establish that this isn't simply an issue of height. If I were 5'6" + had an ability to grow decent facial hair, had a deep voice, etc., I think it would be an entirely different situation.
Become a storyteller, start creating entertaining narratives about historical characters. Make YouTube videos about them. Get on Drunk History.
If you're convinced that you need revenue or status to get women, figure out how to leverage what assets you have to go get these things.
Unironically learn to dance.
No, I don't think that you need considerable revenue or status to get women. But, you asked if I had talents, and I was more or less just making a point that it's not necessarily a question of having talents, and more one of having magnetizable/status-maximizing (often one in the same) skills.
How will this get me laid?
OP here; I should also add for context that I have had a single gf. I took me until 21 to find a girl who was genuinely into me. She was as mentally ill and clingy as me, and confided to me multiple times that she was more attracted to women than she was to men, so that didn't do a lot to help my self esteem. We had sex hundreds of times, so I'm not a virgin. But, I'm mostly convinced that she stayed with me because she was afraid that she couldn't find anyone else who would love her (based on things she had said to me)
Become a trap and get all the nigger dick you can put up your ass.
Or aim for old women who are into little boys.
Nope nope nope nope nope nope at that first proposal. I'd appreciate it if this thread strayed away from that direction. I've contemplated that a good deal. Please, no.
And, going for old women who are into little boys isn't really a long-term strategy. For getting laid, maybe, yes; but I intend to have children. The only person I've had sex with besides the girl I mentioned in was a really desperate 50 year old woman who slutted around with a bunch of my friends at the bar one night a couple months ago. She made it pretty clear initially that she was interested in me, and noted multiple times that I "looked like [her] son" before having sex with me.
Most of the older women I encounter who look for young dudes at bars are bottom-tier. And, I don't mean that in a shallow way. They're just, generally speaking, low quality people who have to resort to looking for young twinkish guys who also have low sexual market value. It's less so an instance of a woman generally having a fetish for men who look like me, and more so an instance of two people with low sexual market value finding one another. That encounter didn't boost my self esteem, because I recognize that her and I were both desperate, low SMV people.
You mean this guy?
Who the fuck is this nigga?
No, I look even less masculine than him. I have this horrible combination of having a square jaw + round face. I look like a cross between a pretty boy and a lesbian. It's awful.
Linustechtips. He is 5'6, baby faced and has an extremely high pitched voice. Watch his videos. You'll see how charismatic he Is, try that
Move to Mexico, my brother is 5.5' and he fucks bitches every night.
>married to an Asian
I can't just move literally anywhere
If you are a manlet in your country, move to a country where you are not a manlet, if I were in USA, I would be a 5.9' manlet, but in Mexico, I'm fairly tall.
Just buy a pocket pussy
Well personally i prefer cuter guys over masculine ones
Just my personal opinion
My ex bought me an onahole as a gift lol
Are you a woman? What are some of your attributes? Would you consider yourself attractive?
But what about height?
5’6 manlet reporting. Same boat as you (except have somewhat of a deep voice), accept what you got and work with it.
Of course there are things you can do to better yourself. Start working out, eat better, dress better, there are even shoes with lifts! Develop hobbies, read, just do fun shit you enjoy.
Look up videos on how to talk to women and people in general. RSD Max/ Todd Valentine are great and have helped me tremendously over the past few years. Learn to have fun, and let go. Push your comfort zones, it’s scary as fuck but so worth it.
Ultimately, even after success with women/life you’re gonna just have to be okay with yourself. There’s no reason you’re not enough.
It's not the person you wish you were but there's nothing wrong with you. For things you can change you can work on it but for things you can you should learn to like and own yourself.
Height cannot be changed (well with expensive and dangerous surgery it can but....) so you can't focus it.
Tons of girls like baby faces and if you do makeup you can change your look. Guys can wear natural makeup too.
>tons of girls like babyfaces
You'll appreciate looking young when you're older faggot, I looked 25 when I was 14 and got arrested and accused of selling beer to kids older than me.
Or move to a country where you are not a manlet.
Oh my god I have stated multiple times in this thread that 1. Moving to another locale is not easy & 2. I am not going to wait several years to feel good about myself. That is not fucking advice. I want to know how to be happy with the way that I look.
They are crazy popular and there's always a baby faced guy. So many kinds of faces and bodies and they all have tons of fan girls.
First up, accept yourself, you are not tall, at least you are not a dwarf, if you look childish, use it on your favor, bitches like pretty faces, if you were ugly, that would be a problem. If you could get a gf, you can get another, keep searching, develop a thick skin to prevent being offended by idiots, you'll get a girl that will like you as you are, as we say here: 'lurk moar'.
5'6" reporting in. Man up and stop being a faggot. I have fucked over 100 girls, why haven't you?
Go gay. Gay men love guys like you.
Dude, those are all 13-17 year old girls fawning over them. Sorry.
Okay, if I knew how to accept myself, I already would have. Have any advice on how to go about that?
And, women are not attracted to feminine traits
Fuck you, motherfucker
>Okay, if I knew how to accept myself, I already would have. Have any advice on how to go about that?
Thick skin, can you change what you are? If yes, do it, if not, deal with it and embrace who you are, think about it for a moment, you could be better? Sure, but you could be worse, much worse, you are not a dwarf, you are not ugly, I assume that you are not fat, you are not disabled or have a deformity.
It's more difficult to tell someone who have any of the disadvantages that I've just listed to accept himself, in this case, is easy, embrace what you are, if you need to upgrade something about yourself, like reading so women don't find you boring, or workout to be more muscular.
And thick skin, having thin skin will affect you and make you bitter, I can assure you that no one wants to be near a bitter guy obsessed with his height (maybe that's the root of your problem by the way).
Everyone wants to have thicker skin. You are not telling me HOW I even begin to get to that point.
You are a manlet, a hobbit, a dwarf and I think that you and Gollum are related. Are you offended yet? Well, get used, who is insulting you? (In this case, me), a nobody on the internet? Fuck off, someone is making fun of you in a bar? Who? A loser who has to work all night long dealing with drunkwards and assholes? Most of people are nobodies, they have their defects too and are making fun of you because they are insecure themselves, I bet most of the ones calling you manlet, baby face or dwarf are uglier than you. Thick skin is something that you develope on the time, for example, I'm mexican, if someone calls me 'spic', I don't give a fuck, that's thick skin.
Here is how: dress as a baby for Halloween and enjoy yourself
Here is a suggestion on how to develop a thicker skin: start going to the church. You will learn to be more grateful for what to have instead of whining for not being born with a chiseled jaw.
I'm 5'5" and also have a baby face, people still can't believe I'm 21. You just gotta have a i don't give a fuck attitude. And be into tall girls. Having a girlfriend taller than you helps you realize the way you look really doesn't matter and the people that fuck with you are really just insecure about themselves, so they will pick on the little guy.
i'd rather baby face than premature aging.
So don't complain about it.
Tbh going through this thread your problem is personality. Who wants to be with someone with no confidence in themselves?
There's no magic cure. Work on ways to improve your self esteem.
>high voice, etc
Can you sing at least?
bro this is your girl right here
You mean this one? Even she doesn't want him, kek.
Truth is that manlets are fucked no matter what, but he's like double-fucked.
idk it's worse to be 5'6", mildly masculine looking, hairy and balding lmao
cuz u just look like a man but in the body of a teenager, at least u can get like bi chicks and girls that like anime and shit
my dreams of having a weeb gf were shattered when my hairline started receding which killed my neotenous appeal
>I'm 5'6", extremely babyfaced, high voice
5'8" girl here
would make you my shota bf
>would make you my shota bf
I don't really know what the big deal is. I'm 5'9 and balding (I shave now) but I've never legitimately struggled with dating fairly attractive women. Is it demeanor/persona? I'm acquainted with 5'6-7 guys with literal autism who find more romantic success that what OP is describing.
same here fuck
People say baby face because they like being annoying. Unless you have a round fat face you don't have a baby face. Smooth masculine face it what fiancé has. He looks young too, not as young as me but about four years younger than his age.
And don't wear makeup, why anyone suggested that idk.
I'm short and physically as long as they were cute, taller than me, not fat, and etc. (I'm not listing everything, I was picky because I can be.) they had a shot, doesn't mean they got anywhere.
OP here. A-are you still there?
>taller than me
Okay, but do you understand why it is difficult for me when I am five foot six and only an inch taller than the average woman? I barely qualify as taller than them, so the average woman is not attracted to me.
I'm 5'7 and dating a 5'2 girl (my brother is 5'8 and dating a 5'10, but that's beside the point). Get you a shortstack cutie and never look back.
Cool, but it doesn’t mean much unless you’re also a high-voiced babyfaced manlet. Why are people in this thread consistently acting like this is just about height when I clarified like thirty fucking times that it is about a bad combination of traits?
>you’re also a high-voiced babyfaced manlet
I certainly don't envy your defeatist mentality. Is this honestly how you perceive yourself? Do you unironically label yourself as a "babyfaced manlet" when you're alone? You need to start searching for your redeeming qualities or you'll never genuinely connect with anyone. Ever.
I know what my redeeming qualities are. Women generally overlook those, because they are simply not biologically wired (on average) to find tiny boys attractive.
>so the average woman is not attracted to me.
You don't know that plus there's plenty who aren't average meaning there's plenty of shorter women like me 5'1 almost.
No the thread is about you making excuses to never try.
>more excuses
It's not anything else, your attitude is the problem.
“Plenty” can be like a quarter of the dating age female population, but you have to be kidding yourself if you think that cutting out 75% of my dating pool doesn’t make my prospects extremely difficult. You wouldn’t know what that feels like, because men and women face fundamentally different problems in the dating market. Few women know what it feels like to be truly undesirable as a lot of men do. Have you seen the image where someone made a fake female account on OkCupid with a picture so hideous that almost didn’t look real, and he still got a ton of messages in his inbox?
I’m not bitching about women getting more attention than men. Men are more desperate and horny than women, and that’s how it’s always been and always will be. But, I’m not going to be lectured by someone who could never conceivably face the issues I am right now. As a female, you are extremely privileged in the dating market, and I’m not going to act like that doesn’t come with its disadvantages. It can be creepy to have a ton of people make sexual advances towards you, and women also have the unique issue of having to turn droves of men down nicely, which can be difficult for people with agreeable personalities. But, that’s a fundamentally different problem than mine. Why do you think you’re in a place to lecture me?
>Why do you think you’re in a place to lecture me?
Because your willow bitch ass posted on Jow Forums and for some inexplicable reason anons are actually trying to encourage you. It's ultimate your life to squander man.
“Just be yourself” and “Stop caring about what other people think!” is not advice. Everyone wants to be themselves.
Your focusing too much on the negative
Im 5-6 and about to hit 30; I get carded all the time people will grab a friend and tell them to guess my age etc.You will appreciate it when your older because most people will age like shit.
Go for all type of girls. Some tall girls like a confident short guy because it against social norms.Hold your head high and walk like you own the place dont be a dick though.The majority of girls have there 6'5 white prince standards but thats because they let others dictate what is an ideal partner; inside they a biological need for dick. As long as you have a dick you can fulfill their inner most instinct so yeah if the world was perfect youd have no chance but the world is fucked and you can fuck it. Its a numbers game also; lets say said white prince can fuck 8 out of 10 girls then just to be realistic you can fuck 4 out 10. 8 of those girls would prefer prince white but they is plenty of those bitches to go around so you can fuck half of them. The more you focus on the flaws and the people you couldnt or cant fuck the less focus you put into possible fucks.
This is all really silly. Embrace your flaws.
I’m not waiting until I’m 30 to be happy with myself. That’s not an answer to my problems. I’m not going to waste my young adult years waiting until my body matures to the degree to which I can finally be happy with my appearance.
So go to the gym, grow a beard and dress like an adult and shut the fuck up.
You clearly haven’t read the thread, you stupid fucking faggot. Clearly stated several times that i’m incapable of growing a beard.
>literally only skims the thread
FUCK you
Ok, so whine about it some more. That'll help fix your childish image, for sure. Stupid shit.
You’re acting like an inconsiderate faggot and whining about me not accepting your advice when you clearly never bothered to read the OP or any of my following posts in full. You’re a self-righteous fucking faggot, and I’m responding to you the way I am, because this is generally how people respond to shitty behavior.
I don't care if you take my advice or not.
im not saying your not going to be happy until everyone else looks like shit. Your not going to get an answer that will make you happy its just the reality of things that you look young. Basically I was trying to encourage you since your just whining about wanting to be someone your not ever going to be. This is a harsh lesson your life is giving you the way you handle it is up to you; you can be a little mopy bitch about it and spiral down into a deep depression or you can shut that flaw up and pay attention to the shit you got so you can make the best of it.
What good does it being a little bitch about it?
The little bitch is that part of you that keeps you from getting what you want. Shits not going to be handed to you and some people have to work harder for less of a reward its not fair but pussy wouldnt feel so good if it was fair. So grab your balls and stop listening to the little bitch inside of you before you become it.
Then, you're literally posting in this thread for some gay sense of self-gratification.
>pay attention to the shit you got so you can make the best of it.
Okay. How do you make the best of being fundamentally unattractive to potentially 90% of women, if not more?
Start by shutting the fuck up.
Holy shit, do you ever stop whining?
Tons of ugly guys have girlfriends because they have other things to offer. I'd say a good personality is probably the most attainable possibilty, but maybe in your case you should focus on getting rich. Jesus.
10% of women is alot. 1 out of 10. So speak to 100 and fuck ten thats pretty good.
Make the best out of you. Groom, dress, excercise, yourself into something decent; you dont have to be spectacular. Girls are just as horny as us but they have more options so just play your cards right; know when to fold and when to bet. Its all a chance at poon so dont get hung up on one theres literally billions of poon not to include the dead kind
>"Wahhhhhhh you're not irrationally positive about yourself wahhhhhhhhhh"
I have things to offer. Women are just not willing to settle for someone who is fundamentally unattractive to them. If you're an ugly guy who's masculine, you're still seen as a potential mate, because you have masculine traits, and can dominate women. Being a twinkish manlet is different. You're not seen as a potential mate, or someone who can be masculine and dominate the opposite sex. It doesn't matter how symmetrical your face is, or if you have nice eyes, freckles, what-have-you.
Dude, it's not true that women are just as horny as us. Sorry. Testosterone makes men more horny, and that is literally a scientific fact. I don't know who's been feeding you this garbage.
You obviously do not have anything to offer. I'm not sure I've ever met someone so unlikable. Next Elliott Rodger?
Yes, user. You know everything about my personality from a venting thread. Go fuck yourself, you self-righteous piece of shit. Bitch and moan some more about how I'm not taking your basic-bitch "Just beeeee yourself" advice. You're coming from a place of never having dealt with the issues I have. It's easy for you to tell someone to just "be themselves", when you've never had any fucking external forces making that profoundly difficult for you.
Oh i think the absolute worst thing YOU can do is be yourself. You obviously need to be someone else entirely.
It is like I've shattered your world by not immediately accepting your overly-positive "Just beeeeeee yourself"-tier advice. You've never encountered someone who's genuinely pessimistic or has had a reason to be pessimistic or unhappy. You have a really fragile conception of a just, happy, and rewarding world where everyone can achieve fulfillment/happiness so long as they just try hard enough.
Your right man. Women are less horny than men.
That one fact doesn't keep me down though; I am 5'6 and a minority and got laid throughout my twenties sure I couldnt get any girl but fuck it took the best chances I had and got my nuts out. Your thinking too much into why you struggle than actually just doing something like getting out there and getting through the numbers.
I never once gave "be yourself" advice, you stupid fucking faggot. You bring a virgin is the world operating exactly as it should.
Like women everywhere, I'm done with your whiny ass
>like getting out there and getting through the numbers.
Stated multiple times in this thread that I have gotten out there.
>You bring a virgin is the world operating exactly as it should.
Stated multiple times in this thread that I'm not a virgin.
Lol. No one wants to read your posts. You're genuinely uninteresting.
Then, get the fuck out of this thread, bitch!
Well when youve gone on a hundred dates and havent gotten laid once then yeah your fucked.
Look dude your not the only one whos short in a taller world there are worse situations and people dont let that keep them from trying to make the best of it.
Stop being so pessimistic and just try your ass off and when your clapping some cheeks think about how much time you waste thinking about negativity instead of trying some more even when youve already tried.
Youve gotten laid twice right?
So its not impossible its just difficult
Youll get another chance to fuck and to reap some other cucks cumdumpster.
I know vids are cheesy especially with the background hype cheese but this fo ryou
The issue is that my rate of success is so mentally draining and harms my self esteem. It just always will be that way. The average male does not have to experience crippling failure as I do. Taller, better men enjoy a higher quality of life, and none of them have sympathy.
I feel bad for cr1t1kal i do the best i can to let him know hes cool in my eyes even if im broke.
Ow OP I have the exact same problem, 5'6", 20. I'm also EXTREMELY awkward.
I wish I had a friend like you man. Life is insufferable like this.
Lift and get sunlight pussy.
I'm 21, 5'2 with a shitty guttural voice and still manage to get women to like me. I'm saving sex for marriage but my last ex I had to break up with because all she wanted was sex.
If I can get that shit, literally any human on earth can. Wasn't even an ugly girl either. Average looking, but that's not a bad thing.
You can do it user.
You want a real fucking solution? I ain't reading this whole thread but there's many factors that go into your voice and actual attractiveness. Mainly Test. Testosterone makes men handsome and happy.
Ways to increase it:
Drink milk
Get sunlight
Eat meat
Drink OJ
Get good sleep.
Boom, in a couple of days you'll be more confident than ever, and women enjoying your company more.
lift and become swol. Girls will fawn over you, babyface or not. I've seen dudes who look like shit get really pretty girls just because they have Adonis bodies. seriously, girls will overlook a lot if your strong looking
also, 5'6 is not that fucking short. you are not a manlet, stop acting like it.
22, 5'3" manlet reporting in.
I like the positivity I see in some of the other manlet posters here. I personally work out and eat healthy, but I'm really just focused right now on trying to build my career and get my life in order. Right now I just have put women on the backburner.
It's about average or above average female height. You are still taller than most girls. That's how you can recognize trolls.
Well the thing is that guys in the 5'6" to 5'10" range are usually the ones who get the most girls. It seems to be the optimum for balancing looks and body without being too short or tall.
I am.
Work on personality! I’ve got a manlet friend who’s 5’7 and gets chicks like crazy, it’s all about charisma. And it’s not as hard as it sounds, I know “charisma” seems like this lofty, unattainable ideal that only sociopaths can nail, but it’s really just about being a pleasant person. Be a good person to be around, and people will gravitate towards you. Drop the defeatist shit and have a positive outlook, or at least fake one until you’ve gotten so many friends that it becomes real and you don’t have to pretend anymore. Hell, use Adderall to jumpstart you if you find that the funk that you’re in is unconquerable right now, it’ll help you be more outgoing and sociable, and from using those training wheels, you’ll learn the ins and outs perfectly. Hang around more positive people, too, once you’ve got the hang of it enough to join them. If you’re fun and charming, have a lot to say and say it with conviction, you’ll be seen as a leader or at least capable, and people will be drawn to you. Remember, it’s not hard, just takes practice. Use whatever you need to get there. Good luck user! I know you have what it takes underneath that depression, we all do.
Why is always people in the 5'5" to 5'8 range that are insecure about their height? I'm 5'3 and I also know a guy who is about I guess 5'1 and we're both pretty mellow about it. But then every time I see a thread here complaining about their height its someone taller than me.
Because you have more pressure on coming to terms with it.
It's only an inch above average female height, which isn't even noticeable IRL.