How hard will Molymeme go?

I almost respect him enough now to drop the meme from the end of Molymeme

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Holy shit, he went all out.

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Retweeting stonetoss comics too, kek

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He's clearly been screenflased by the Chinese effort to sow dissent amongst the WhiteMan.

Who really cares? Only people who didn't join an already accepted religion care.

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Libertarian to fascist pipeline operating at peak capacity

lmao, ol' Molymeme is really swinging for the fences now. He's going to get booted from twitter. How much of it do you think is genuine vs. appealing to his new base? Maybe he wants to be fuhrer.

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Lazy leaf faggot

People are saying he has been different since his Poland trip

Is the most important contemporary public intellectual of the last 25 years

fuck you I don't know how twitter works

Whenever someone mentions him I always think first of this talentless hack.

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asian men are a harder sell for women

>People are saying he has been different since his Poland trip
imagine being so low IQ you think Molyneux actually changed his views on anything because he visited Poland. Give me a fucking break.

You have to be born after 1965 to post here, boomer

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fuck off cunt

I’m not saying it changed his beliefs, but seeing firsthand the difference between the two could have made him realize how drastic the situation truly is

He's been in ruins since his synagogue video.

>I'm not saying that's what happened
>that's what happened though

Pandering used to not work in the WN camp but it was successful in multiplying in size several times over, the average IQ of a WN is probably 30 points lower now.


The good:

--Truthful about race
--Truthful about gender
--Truthful about politics

The bad:

--Avoids talking about Jews
--Pretended to be Jewish for years
--Has a disingenuous, untrustworthy face
--Attacks and belittles fans that call in and comes across as a psycho asshole
--Isn't as funny or interesting as people like Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, or Ben Shapiro, even though these guys are liberal and politically anti-white to some degree
--Seems to really hate women
--Is blacklisted by the mainstream because he interviewed Jared Taylor and agreed with him on everything so he never gets to do interesting interviews or collaborations.

>Seems to really hate women
This is bad why?

A lot of guys on Jow Forums are really depressed and want to hate everything. There are a lot of amazing women out there. Redpilled ones too.

The number is so low their presence is irrelevant. And putting any women on a pedestal because of their gender is why they became a runaway cancer in the first place, which is what those "amazing redpilled" women would say, right?

A change in tactics is not a change in beliefs

>The bad:
Christ is Truth

Incels are cringe