End it or give in?

My gf is a year younger than me and wants us to get married early. I don't think it's a good idea because I don't think we'll be mature enough and financially ok.

She doesn't really care and thinks we'll be fine. I recon we won't have live enough and we'll be rushing things. She said either we break up or I agree that we get married early.

What do i do?

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Sounds like she has an ulterior motive if she's rushing to get married so quickly.
>marry me or break up with me
What the hell kind of ultimatum is that? She's either crazy or super dumb. Either way, the best course of action in this case is to dump her.

How long have you been with her?
General rule is you should be with a person for at least 5 years before considering marriage.
I was with my gf for 3 years and we are not even thinking about marriage yet.

Well then it looks like it's time to break up.

We been together for a bit more than a year. And she doesn't want to get too old before having kids because "Elderly primi" - it's some health condition where if you have your first kid after 35 it's dangerous for you and the kid - so she wants us to get married early.

I could see that but she's not thinking early like next month or something...she's thinking along the lines of maybe next 5 years or so and she doesn't want the situation where we've been together for so long and i don't want to get married early when she's ready so she's wasted her life.

Also, OP here

Initially, i did kind of hint on the fact that i was done with the whole early marriage thing initially but then i began thinking about it and realized that it's not feasible but she's not down with that.

About a year.

This is why you're lonely losers. What he said would only be cringy coming from your beta loser mouths

The hell are you even saying?

What advice would you give?

Are you retarded?

that's not nearly enough time to know somebody before committing to marriage. She's a bitch for threatening you over this and you should dump her and find someone more reasonable and laid back.

>I don't think it's a good idea because I don't think we'll be mature enough and financially ok.
The financial situation is irrelevant, what you need to gauge is whether you are a good match.
If you break up, it means you are ruined, so make sure you want to spend a lot of time with her.
A few things you can do to test wether she is worth marrying.
Talk about what your values are, whether you can agree on certain things, make sure you want the same things.
Ideally, you should be able to trust your partner to make a decision that affects both of you and be okay with it.
Test leadership skills through intense situations, go on a canoe trip, put up new wallpaper together etc.

How old are both of you?
How long have you been together?

>She said either we break up or I agree that we get married early.
What does "get married early" mean for you guys, how long? Was this in response to a conversation you were having and about what? Did you mention you're never getting married, don't believe in marriage, or anything similar before she said that?

>marry me or break up with me
what kind of bullshit ultimatum is that? that's a terrible place for a marriage to come from.

This really
You should not be married because she threatened to leave you over it
That's a really shitty reason to get married and will probably just make you both unhappy

Are you both fucking 40? Lol.

That's really helpful. Thanks

> Get married early is in about 5 years-ish from now
> I just mentioned that i wasn't particularly interested in the early marriage thing

>She said either we break up or I agree that we get married early.
Just end it desu.

You absolutely have the right idea, user. Don't wreck your life.

Wow. You're an idiot.


STAND YOUR Ground and tell her you want to have your life together before you get married

dump her. Shes crazy.

>Get married early is in about 5 years-ish from now
So this is a troll thread and you're a idiot.

No it's not.

>She said either we break up or I agree that we get married
get the fuck out of there asap
abandon ship, abort mission immediately
this is not a drill
if you continue to associate with this sort of woman you will be knowingly and willfully entering a world of suffering

DO NOT marry someone who gives you an ultimatum.

You marry someone when you are READY to get married. A good partner will listen to your feelings, respect you and be fair. I've been married for 5 years - we're a military couple and we see a lot of 18 year olds getting married early because then they'll get to "travel the world together" - we have seen all of their marriages end in divorce so far.

No, because you're the one who will lose once you divorce. And you will.

>She said either we break up or I agree that we get married early.

First off, this is a fucking stupid bluff and you should break up with her for putting you in that position. You are right to have concerns. You aren't 50 and have everything in your life together.

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