Its clear that this board is primarily single guys between the ages of 18-24. Now would be an appropriate time to meet women yet we are dissuaded from doing so because of the current state of affairs in Western society. Is it still worth a shot to try to meet a soul mate? I feel like the best girls would find long term relationships quickly and without action we'll find ourselves limited to burned out roasties and former flames that need to hitch up for the betabux express.
Are there any wholesome ways you guys have found to meet girls IRL?
I tried tinder but had a hard time selling myself like a deli product.
Its also hard to meet girls at my university because I am in a male dominated field and most girls are either taken, boring, ugly, or fished out by older grad students that trawl for ass at university events.
if you're 25+ and still on Jow Forums you should kys
Leo Hill
I would like to thank the weaklings for not further contributing to the gene pool. You can be a trap in one easy step.
Chase Clark
Dimming the lights?
Austin Morales
Eighteen and older : (
John White
> if you're 25+ and still on Jow Forums you should kys OK....Killing myself right now.
Oliver Jackson
This. Place is terribly underaged too
Julian Sullivan
1. Know what you want out of a relationship and know what person needs to fill that role 2. Use your most suitable social network to help out. Guys that are taken with good fiance's or wives are a great bet. They may know some women around 24 or 26 that are looking to settle down. It's that easy. Be patient and make sure to have fun. Look good, and have your money right.
Dylan Jones
Literally no point even trying if youre some raisin tipped cutfag dicklet best just leave the women to superior uncut immigrants who can please them in ways your gnarled little frankencock never could.
Carter Morris
hey dickhead shhhhhhhh [spoiler]dance classes[/spoiler] its a secret
Brandon Smith
>Are there any wholesome ways you guys have found to meet girls IRL?
Go to church and do what they tell you.
James Ward
>18-24 You do realise jew that most people on this board are underage shit posters?
Justin Robinson
No. Jow Forums is a legion of 9-14 year old PewDiePie fans.
Leo Perez
So where do I go then? 35+ idiot.
Carson Murphy
Ok, this is my experience with meeting women >Random girl flirts with me, I end up getting her number >Has nog hal-breed at home >Meet some frind of a friend at a friend house, get her number >has 3 kids from three different dads, on'es a nog half-breed
>Meet some chick, get her number, hides the kid from me until she thinks I'm invested
That's the last three women I met that acted interested in me , I am not paying for her and some other guys mistake
Brayden Gutierrez
45 and active in Jow Forums every day. Fight me Brah.
Let me tell you a trick. Women will not give two shits about you until you stop being a beta cuck and completely ignore them.
First step is hobbies, wealth and comfort in you skin.
The trouble is......once you find that inner happiness, women are no longer useful except to shit out a kid. A self actualized man can see clearly that a woman will only take things away from him.
This man knows. Once you find that self-love and purpose in your life that defines who you are, women become tertiary. If you are thinking about women more than you are thinking about youe goals, then something’s off.
Camden Thomas
>Tried on Tinder If you're looking for a gf, don't search in the trash can! Go to church, find a virgin, let her seduce you, keep her loyal and don't let her get bored in the bedroom Read r/theredpill Sex god method Be relentless, David X No more mr nice guy, Robert Glover Watch Coach Red Pill (youtune channel) Practice, practice, practice. Practice like a madman and get /fit Good luck
Easton James
29 here you gaffot
Jaxson Young
A self actualized man will seek a woman to help him reach the next stage of life, fatherhood
Matthew Ortiz
The problem with all the young impressionable men on this site is that they had shitty parents who continuously beat it into their heads that the only happiness in life is a "woman".
In fact, every time I was down in life, my parents would always say, "Son, why don't you get yourself a good woman! That will fix you right up."
And every single time, getting a woman in my life, only served to make me more miserable; gave me more responsibility and forced me to compromise my core values.
And so I walked away from it all. And I learned hobbies and skills. I love to camp; hike; research; watch documentaries; etc. And it all makes me feel great inside. I know honestly, a woman would take that all away from me. She would make my attention be all about "her". That is what women do. See them for the parasites they are.
The only reason you would intermingle with a woman is to shit out a kid, and that's only if she is under 25. Other than that women are completely useless to a man and should be thrown away like an old pair of shoes.
To some this is a blackpill but it's actually a hopeful encouraging redpill.
Nolan Gray
>A self actualized man will seek a woman to help him reach the next stage of life, fatherhood
This is only true if that man is able to secure a wife under 25. That means he's not too far past that age.
Many men today don't self actualize that early and wind up getting caught up with post wall roastie whores. I am very against giving any unmarried woman past 25 onc spec of shit fleck off my taint much anything else.
Roastie Whores at the Wall must be punished which will in turn, convince younger women to be a proper wife to that young man who seeks fatherhood.