Why does this place assume the absolutely worst out women? Even /b/, Jow Forums...

Why does this place assume the absolutely worst out women? Even /b/, Jow Forums, and strangely Jow Forums aren't as misogynistic (half the time) as Jow Forums, and I've ashamedly been on this site since the Bush administration; before the advent of Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and their runty children.

Seriously though, if you ever want to see men at their most pessimistic, just include a woman in somewhere. Guaranteed cynicism.

Attached: confused-anime-girl2.png (963x720, 602K)

Ah, boy, it's this thread again.
Hungry for a spare (You), OP? Don't worry, I got'cha covered.

I'd field actual discussion but I feel like you're just here to rile up the hateful ones?

This post is a crime example of Jow Forums's usual misogyny and "hatefulness."

It's just the truth, truth hurts as you can see.

A lot of the people like that also browse /b/, Jow Forums and Jow Forums, they are the ones that most need Jow Forumsice about their life, and as such are pushed towards this board

The people here are only here for advice because they're hurting and angry with their experience with women. A lot of the hate is just venting from men who've been abandoned and have no one to talk to.

>Why do XYZ always assume the worst out of women?

Female behaviour. Guaranteed.

Oh you poor special snowflakes.

This board is full of heartbroken infidels that vent their anger.

Is it? Because you don't seem very interested in actual discussion, just in making other people fight over it.
If you were interested in discussion, you wouldn't be deflecting the opportunity, you'd be pressing for it. Instead, you just gunned straight for a reaction.

This is why, though, if you're genuinely interested in knowing. Because they always act out as the assumptions hold. I assumed you weren't here to have any actual discussion and lo and behold, only one post in and you've given up on any discussion whatsoever.
If you're female, it's evident. If you're male, you've got problems.

You have an uncanny ability of sounding like Orson Scott any time he's called out on his homophobic comments.

Attached: concerned-babby-contrast-vignette.jpg (1638x2048, 361K)

This guy is right. I come from Jow Forums, but I understand that I am the problem. I just can't seem to let go. I don't make threads though, because all it does is shit up the board and hide the threads with real problems.

Piss off Strawman

This is largely a male space. Look into a female space (no idea where that would be), and you'll probably see complaints of how all men are non-committal, cowardly pigs

Why do people keep posting this

Because Jow Forums is such that the only things people want out of it anymore are reactions and flamewars
OP is probably long gone, long after starting the thread

probably because the misogyny of this place in particular is a huge and abounding problem.

This go to tumblr and everything about cis white male is basically the other side of the same coin

Female spaces are harder to find, and usually a lot less severe than male spaces.

>(no idea where that would be)
/jp/ and any of the boards around anime and cosplaying come to mind.

Because people pick on Jow Forums. Even now, you're singling them out to have a laugh at their expense. They're the constant laughingstock of everyone's brigade; they're the constant put-down of everyone's insults. Even in their own threads, the guys who are especially, specifically misogynistic will find themselves outnumbered and cornered by people who aren't interested in hearing a single damn thing from them. As a result, they become embittered and as a result of that bitterness, they lash out. It just so happens that women tend to be topic of the day but were you to catch them in another light, they might be anti-semitic, or anti-establishment, or any other number of things-- simply because they felt they've been denied on promises.

I won't go and pry into every individual case as some are going to be bully victims, some are going to be victims of not getting enough attention and others yet will be victims of entirely-too-real things like rape, molestation and parental abuse (the likes of which a lot of the posters in their threads won't actually understand).
It doesn't help that women then come to represent that worst. Assuming you're a woman (you're probably not but hey), you've just come out and outed Jow Forums in opposition to three other (very notorious) boards, and only to end your thread with a snarky, unnecessary, insulting note just to throw some salt on the wound. If you are, indeed, a woman then you've just represented that worst in women that they call out-- not only are you letting your emotions talk for you here, you're naturally putting someone else on blast in order to make a point, and you're going back in for the insult long after you've made your point, with unnecessary embellishment might I add.

I want you, even though you're probably a troll, and every poster on your side to understand exactly one thing:
They did not make this mindset up. They did not have nothing happen to them, and then start acting like this.

>female space

It's either personal experience or living too much through the internet so their point of view is warped by pol/r9k etc

Jow Forums actually interacts with women and therefore understand how awful they are on levels Jow Forums and Jow Forums can't even fathom

>rile up the hateful ones
that says a lot more about this place. your guys' misogyny is still a huge problem, and prevalent in virtually every thread posted here. with disparaging, demeaning comments against the female gender over things that not only small, but youbnever seem to care when a man does them. and assumptions, analysis, and interpretations over women's behavior that are so off and inaccurate, it's like you're missing the trees for the forest in a different, unrelated forest. you guys have so many problems.


Woman detected.

Jow Forums, like 90% of Jow Forums, is filled with men in their late-teens/early-twenties (the undergrad age range). And those guys typically have sexist, generalised, rather black-and-white views on not just women, but people in general.

>I certainly was at that age.

>/jp/ and any of the boards around anime and cosplaying come to mind.
Completely false.
Or at least it was, I stopped browsing /jp/ and /a/ around the time they became unusable due to too many normies thanks to probably the Burger elections.
/cgl/ though is filled with "women", but Tumblr and lolcow are their actual online safe spaces.

I can't believe nobody brought up lolcow yet though.

These guys are the moths and this post is the light. Look at them all flocking here. Like they were just waiting for the thread to exist so they could whine.

because the anonymity this website has brings out the worst in some people.

A lot of people here are trolls and think pretending to be racist/sexist/whatever doesn't count because it's pretend and they just like making people angry. Why they think this is beyond me.

A lot of people here genuinely believe this hateful stuff and feel they can come here and spout their rhetoric and hopefully be vindicated by like-minded individuals.

It's dumb. I just ignore that kind of stuff mostly, or if I'm bored and want to kill time, I'll argue with them. It doesn't really mean anything and nothing matters.

Because most people who come to Jow Forums are either in a toxic relationship or have an unhealthy obsession with the other sex. Since the majority of the board is male, this will reflect poorly on women. In reality, women in toxic relationships will also be told to dump their boyfriends.