Is this a good article to redpill me on the Federal Reserve? I know nothing about it and I think its about time I learn...

Is this a good article to redpill me on the Federal Reserve? I know nothing about it and I think its about time I learn.

Any good entry level but profound redpilling books on the banking system, IRS, and Federal Reserve and why we need to abolish all of it? I only know of End the Fed by Ron Paul but honestly I am not sure if its a meme book that gets shilled a lot or if its actually good. Its almost a decade old though. Anything on basic economics too would be nice. How is the book Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell? Another book I am not sure if its actual legit or just a meme.

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Other urls found in this thread: Creature From Jekyll Island_djvu.txt

bump please

come on

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Oh man wouldn't that be terrible

Only indirectly about the FED, but you get a pretty good picture of why you would need to end it. Be sure.


The Creature From Jekyll Island. Contains everything you need to know by about the Fed and how it works. Very informative and after you read it you will be able to explain it to normies. The author does a good job of explaining enough to get the points across without being too dry. Creature From Jekyll Island_djvu.txt

The documentary Money for Nothing and any book/article by Jim Grant

Why would you want to waste your time reading articles about the Federal Reserve when you could be masturbating to female Nip feet?

How can u expect me to big think when uve maid all my blood go to my dick

Nobody explained fed better than Mike Maloney. No conspiracy no Rothschild shit. Just historical parallels and facts. I suggest grabbing his free book or if you're lazy like me his audiobook and at least read first half which is more of a historical lesson about humans and money and fed rather than investment advice. His series called hidden secrets of money is also great let me post links

Here are my fav vids of his
Here's vid about fed
I suggest watching whole series except two episodes

>The Creature From Jekyll Island. Contains everything you need to know by about the Fed and how it works. Very informative and after you read it you will be able to explain it to normies. The author does a good job of explaining enough to get the points across without being too dry. Creature From Jekyll Island_djvu.txt

Based. Click this OP.

>redpill me on the federal reserve

Is redpill just code for "feed me the most retarded conspiracy theory you can find"?

I mean you already have your conclusion:
FED BAD!!!!!

But you honestly admit that you know nothing about them. Did you try looking up a modern economic textbook? Maybe if you knew what they actually did you wouldn't need a conspiracy to fill that knowledge gap.

I am watching this video and its just embarrassing. Who is this crazy man and why does he have so many views?

>retroactive shaming in order to curb the thirst for information on an anonymous image board where social pressure means jack shit

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>t.seething jew with a banker dad

Dont be too mean user, clearly hes acoustic

I've been making more money since I started following him and few others so called Crazy men. Enlighten me what's good about Fed reserve

Let me be more direct.

Here is a great book I read during undergrad. I am looking at it now, and depending on your familiarity with math it might be a bit much.

If your a complete newbie to the subject I would suggest. Charles I. Jones "Macroeconomics " Specifically chapters 8, 10 (only 10.4 if you are not interested in recessions), 11, 12, 13. This is really easy reading and you can skip the math sections entirely without losing out. Totaling about 110 (could be different if you have a newer edition than me) pages its a pretty short read with lots of helpful visuals and external links with more information.

You should be able to find a copy for free online or at your local library.

My guess is that you weren't paying much attention to economics in general before you started following these characters. I am sure you are a smart enough guy, and were able to improve your situation once your mind was focused on it.

As for the fed if you really want to understand see Otherwise shortest I can give you :

Fed controls interest rates to attempt to smooth out the natural boom-bust cycles caused by human-powered economies. This is done by buying and selling bonds in what is known as open market operations. Sometimes the fed does a good job and it prevents a major crisis, but sometimes it does the wrong thing at the wrong time exacerbating the situation.

It's not a secret society. They publish everything after a few decades so economists can poor over their choices and write books about how they would have done it better.

The American federal bank has the idiosyncrasy that it is not also our national bank, this is where most of the conspiracies come from if I were to guess.

god i wish i was that banana

All of what you said is true but fed did some huge stupid mistakes going for QE3 and all my indicators show markets will retaliate against QT with M0 and M1 screaming for market to be shorted

Her tits are ruined now

>actual psychopath defending the most destructive vermin to ever take human form

What is it about those striped socks I find so hot

This cartoon is the best redpill movie for people who know nothing about the FED. It's mandatory viewing.

Imo to early to tell if they truly fucked up with QE3. These things take decades to really sort themselves out.

But markets are expected retaliate against QT that is the entire point. Ideally, they simply do so at a time when the backlash is mostly ignorable compared to the overall trend.

They want to slow things down, but more importantly, they want to get back to a point in which they actually have room to drop rates again.

It seems you might actually have gained some knowledge on the topic, but I would seriously advise you to go get some basic theory under your belt. It will make what these charlatans are selling more clearly visible as junk.


Truly I have wasted years of my life. I could have just watched a conspiracy cartoons and saved myself the trouble.

Why do none of these videos talk about the downsides of gold-backed currency? It was a terrible way to do things.

>Dr. Daniel holds degrees as follows: Masters of Missiology, a Doctorate in Ministry (D-Min) and a PhD in Christian Business Administration

LOL. This is going to be my new go-to for useless degree rather than "underwater basketweaving" .

I wonder if a degree in Jewish business admin is a thing?

Me too bro.

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>Reddit spacing
>Doesn't know what the word "conspiracy" means but uses it anyway
>Assumes information is false without bothering to look into it

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It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow gentleman of refined tastes.

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You're from red dit

I am down the rabbit hole now.

>Logos University, formerly known as Logos Christian College and Graduate School, is an interdenominational and non-sectarian institution in Jacksonville, Florida offering academic degree programs designed to prepare men and women for professional service in Christian ministry using distance learning.

>Logos University was authorized to grant degrees by The Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities to grant degrees through religious exemption. The grounds for this exemption include "The titles of degrees issued by the institution cannot be confused with secular degree titles. For this purpose, each degree title must include a religious modifier that immediately precedes, or is included within, any of the following degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Education.

It's an online degree that's not even a real degree! Can't you get in trouble for calling yourself a doctor? Or maybe that's only MDs.

I have watched that video multiple times. Back when it was posted 5 years ago and let it run in the background just now.

It's a cartoon that purports to reveal a decades-long conspiracy to steal Americans god given gold-backed income through inflation.

>Assumes information is false without bothering to look into it
I literally work in this field for a living. I have looked into lol. I have been a TA for classes on it. The video Is just hilariously incorrect.

Hedge with Bitcoin

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So you're saying you were indoctrinated and now you think the unconstitutional private bank that destroyed our currency is a good thing. You actually like the fact that they print money out of thin air and charge us interest on it. It doesn't bother you that 1/3rd of our $22 trillion debt is owed to the federal reserve.

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>conspiracy to steal Americans god given gold-backed income through inflation.
You really are fucking retarded user

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