Anyone else having a horrible life?

merry christmas, ban me fucking niggers

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Other urls found in this thread: to cut your own hair men

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I'm glad I'm living a life not many others get to enjoy though. There's a special feeling seeing the sun rise before you head to bed, maybe right after you've eaten breakfast of mac n cheese

One can never feel sad when it’s a beautiful Christmas Eve such as tonight

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I wish days like this were so rare that I could truly enjoy them.

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I can't believe that the one time I do this mods aren't banning anyone

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This is my life, except I wake up at 8am, work out, and I don't masturbate.

It's your fault you don't have it in you to better yourself so you could drive out the Jews, faggot

You should have seen the endless furry porn the other day.

I live in the woods

Ironically, I am outside, and not addicted to video games, and sometimes have girlfriends, and am pretty happy.

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>the other day
He was back for an hour or two tonight.

this is me except the showering part

I wish I could make you feel better :(

I was busy with Christmas stuff. I guess I missed it.

It's crazy to think that not doing anything but being on the computer and jacking off all day really isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Lucky you. I wish had friends to hang out with so I didn't have to witness this shit.

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I just ended things with the girl I cared about more than all the others and still feel like I'm fighting through hell

But there's pride to be had in stuff like that

I guess I'm one of the few guys that gets to say he had sex with the most beautiful woman in the world in his eyes.

Made my teenage self proud. I done alright at least.

>most recent weaponized autist attack
wow, that's so horrible... #pray4normies

She was a fucking cunt and nobody deserves to be cheated on.


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You wish you had a chair with that level of lumbar support.

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>In the Woods
>Tyrone moved my cuckshack farther away and now I'm lost

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“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. "

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I'm just a functional version of you fucks. I've been dispatched to work for governments on every content but Africa.

But I'm still just a well paid autistic fuck that lives like this when I'm not dispatched.

I've probably seen more of this world than 99% of you guys. But it doesn't change my origin.

Take care of yourselves. We need you. You're more valuable than the idiot mindless normal wage cucks I have to wade through constantly.

I found a guy I would bet is one of us and got him a serious paying job doing this stuff. He's the best next to me and no one knows why, but I do.

I love you fucking morons. Merry Christmas. We all need you to save this shit fucking hellhole.

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What makes you think she cheated?

Become a man. Get into college, the debt doesn't matter. People cannot take the education away from you.

T. Try hard.
Just relax, you were fucked when you were born unless you were born into money, take the black pill and relax

Merry Christmas. I love how this has morphed into a self-improvement thread. Fuck the Jews!



it's Jow Forums, only people who are having a horrible life routinely post here

based and thanks

merry christmas

Are you me user? I literally just went through the same here

Christmas spirit happy hanukah

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College is the big gay.

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You anons can make it, I trust you

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My compy had a turbo button as well. 386sx 2MB Ram, 20MB HD

Never let evil take root

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>only 1500 per month for rent!
>get to live with roommates!
>sharing toiletpaper
>did you use my pot?
>own shelf in fridge
>i bought toilet paper last time why should I buy it again you use most of it
>stay in my room!

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Ive seen spics who dont speak english with more ambition than you. Youre pathetic and not white. If a fucking spic roofer can make $4k monthly wtf are you doing wrong?

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Is there an infographic on how to cut your own hair?

I think it would useful for the supreme autists here. Buzzut would probably be simplest

if you learn to strive for masculinity, which in my opinion is compromised mainly by concepts like self respect, honor, dignity ect, while not going completely overboard and preventing yourself from having any enjoyment at all, you will find happiness.

also if you immerse yourself in hedonism completely because "life is short" then suddenly you'll find no pleasure left to enjoy because youve destroyed yourself and cant enjoy anything anymore


jewtube is your friend, pull out your fingers from your ass and search by yourself to cut your own hair men

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This is me except for some reason I still find myself conversing with other anonymous losers on the internet. I've quit Jow Forums before, but that was when I had a job/friends/hobbies. Also, I keep in touch with my parents, but only to let them know that I'm still alive/haven't gone completely insane. I also constantly try to redpill my dad, but he just doesn't care. Maybe I'll just give up on him, too.

Embrace the bowlpill.

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merry xmas user. I love u bro

Not really i do coke and weed besides sitting on the comp all day and i occasionally engage with thotties.

>american armored column invading the western front, circa 1943 (colorized)



Grow your own food or at least buy local and healthy products.
pic related: me and one of my four chicken.

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Comfy pic. What's the most difficult thing about keeping chickens?

>20 pushups
Literally won’t do anything at all. Are there actually “men” out there that think 20 push-ups is a fucking accomplishment? Holy shit that’s beta as fuck, pathetic to say the least even for someone just starting. If any user actually wants to improve they should do AT LEAST 100-200 a day... Maybe not in one sitting for a beginner but a couple sets of 25 with 1-3 minute breaks would do. Do NOT do 20 push-ups it will get you no where at all.

cleaning out the coop sucks, and animals trying to kill them. takes them a while to start laying eggs, and they stop laying them when they get old and you have to kill them or just watch them be unproductive. its good though.


its called the "neckbeard challenge' for the lowest of the low, pigs that probably cant even do one actual pushup. bodyweight hsit sucks for the most part, people that believe in that shit are delusional. much more efficient to HIIT the weights.


I usually go at least three weeks without showering but at least I'm not a virgin

Basically me, but I have money and sleep till 9am and stay up till 12-1am most nights.

I worked shift work over 10 years ago and it has completely fucked up my sleep patterns.

Living with my girlfriend, about to start a cool new job, having just graduated in a stem degree. Everything's great except that I'll never have a family with her.

This is just a impulse to start to improve yourself, some user can't even do a 10 push-up in a row.
Start small, and do it every fucking day

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Nothing really they eat nearly everything (kitchen waste, grain, potatoes and stuff). They need food and water daily and a somewhat comfy and dry coop/shed. Every 4 days you should clean the shed. But apart from this they are funny and easy to handle and provide eggs.

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I finished the story for ya. Merry Christmas!

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user, these SIGs are for people that need step by step guides on how to get their life in order. For people that need help in a lot of fields. of course 20 pushups arent some peak performance but for some its a good start or routine

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Yes, of course. I'm getting used to it.


Get down now!


She claimed she cried while i was at work because of some mean stuff I texted her in a bad mood

I got angry again and told her to go fuck some guy and block my number so that at least I could take responsibility for the relationship rather than just getting "cheated" on like a victim

We agreed we were not in an official relationship, but we weren't having sex with anyone else. I respected that I could at least trust a hoe to be an honest hoe and she pretty much paid for anything we did together along with providing for me when i wasn't expecting it sometimes. She showed me a kinda feminist I could almost respect except when times got rough, she defaulted to pussing out like a waman. I would've bowed to her and admitted I was wrong if she had just said "I'm sad and going to hook up with some other guy tonight." Before choosing to do it

She chose to go get drunk and fuck her nice ex, then dodge it the whole breakup talk until the end.

All she had to do was say she was going to choose what she chose and then tell me straight up what she did and I could've respected a feminist waman. I would've been able to admit I had been bested by that.

But given that I got mad and told her to go do something, she went and did it while trying to avoid telling me, we both disappointed each other.

Even though she became both a sad disappointment and a heartwarming surprise, I was still able to forgive her and see how my choices could've changed hers because of the powerful memories we made together(Porn is boring compared to my internal imagination assisted highlight reel now) and how much I loved her as an innocent boy giving his heart away.

We both agreed we were more satisfied with the memories we made together than anyregrets we had but it still hurts knowing I'm strong enough to forgive her and try again but she prefers the simpler happier life even if it makes her depressed, childless and alone in 10 years.

Cunt is harsh but seemingly heartless sometimes, yes.

I am all of you, this is just my body:

Idk if cheated is the right word because we were in an odd open but not having sex with others relationship and then i got angry and told her to go fuck some other dude to test her limits.

I could've been nicer/stronger but I'm far from perfect.

I don't blame her for anything. I blame myself for not being able to move mountains with my bare hands alone.

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Your future belongs to you and you alone user, stay strong and find someone that deserve you.

a song for ya

I'm bound to inherit some nice cash and i plan on buying land and living in a self sufficient cabin in the woods.

Idk how to find the virgin that needs me so I found the alternative

The girl I thought was more beautiful than all the others combined when I was a foolish desperate young boy that accidently gave his heart away. I could fight for that and see if it was survivable.

>Non-existent future son, beautiful hoe that stole my heart, and yes, even you strong dead rival/friend, I swallow my pride and do this for you
I guess I failed like Vegeta but that feeling of at least putting up a good fight and losing with a bang still lingers:
>Imagine your battle the way that best helps you fight it

>Inspire yourself to try harder

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Pls ban me too for a few months.

I'll post porn and fuck with mods if you dont

fuck i have been on and off from this sleep cycle from the past year. I hate it, wish i had normal sleep patterns. FUCK THE SCREENS AGE.

The truthpill.

I want to start an internet influencing/marketing company and hire Jow Forumsacks.

The interview would involve you opening a book, and the first page is a single hitler pepe.

You’d be graded on your reaction to the image. Normie tier disgust would net a “thank you for your time”, and a laugh/checking other pages for more pepes/hitlers would get your the job.

If you proceed to show me a hitler meme on your phone, you get an additional 10k hiring bonus.

I fuckin found the guy she said took advantage of her when she was blackout drunk and straight up asked him why a girl would call him a rapist and all he did was dodge my question.

Apparently he's a felon who's stabbed people, but he bitched out when I got in his face and just told him to answer my damn question.

I'm not huge or a pro fighter but slit my throat and I'll drown you to death in my blood before my heart stops mother fucker.

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