>This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.
>wh*Tes STAY OUT
>This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Jow Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.

Why do wh*Te sub-humans always feel like women have the responsibility to sleep with they ass? Bitch, if you believe in Darwinism don't get mad when your bitches want the SUPERIOR MAN. And by superior, I mean BLACK dick. Our BLACK dicks are larger, and our seed is stronger because we are closer to the original lineage of the first human. Anything not BLACK is scientifically and technically a mutation of the original gene that we hold.

And if you didn't want us to assert our human biology on your women, you should have NEVER stolen us from our sacred BLACK land.

Remember my BLACK brothas and sistas, sleeping with the wh*Te devils women is not a sin, not only is the pussy great, but you are doing a favor to gods green earth instilling a little bit of good, inside the dark heart of a future wh*tetoid baby. A bronze baby is much less evil then a wh*Te one.

wh*Tes are the stain of this earth, and we are here to make sure their lineage is cleansed with our seed.

>The Story of Yakub and Yashmal

>African Heritage

>Nation of Islam


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Other urls found in this thread:



Niggers only get good because of affirmative action, literally a retard pass

Keep my name out your mouth nigger.

Jannies, please slide and sage all nigger threads. They're non-political, and filled with coping chimps.

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>it's another nigger whines about white people episode
Dude stop talking about us

Did you read the thread wh*Toid? NO wh*Tes ALLOWED. I know your deformed mutated genes make it harder for you to grasp and understand that, but get your DEVIL ASS OUT OF THIS THREAD.

This thread is made for discussing BLACK politics, not your devil shit. *loogie noises* *spit*

You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal wookie.

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Remember to sage GRU/IRA threads.
Do not reply to GRU/IRA threads.

> Black nationalists
> Promotes race mixing
You retards are just a bunch of low IQ degenerates and are the scum of nationalist movements.

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ANTI-WHITE PROPAGANDA SHILL THREAD. Shills are sowing discord between the races so they can profit and people are busy not seeing the puppetmaster seeing the strings. Remember the real enemy. Don't fall for hatespeech.


Oh you poor stupid nigger. Just for that, I'm all over it.

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*pulling the strings, of course.

Shut up, John Oliver.

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>Greeks and some southern Europeans actually have a different genetic heritage than blacks and did not come from Africa
>Blacks are "superior" but they got universally wrecked due to being less advanced
>Black people unilaterally live in worse conditions
Not saying whites (or any race for that matter) are superior, there isn't any concrete evidence linking intelligence or desirable traits to a certain skin color yet, but blacks definitely aren't the "superior race"


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ooga booga what are you gonna do about it?

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Blacks are master race
>Muh dick

Checks out

There is lots of evidence that that the different races have different IQ levels ( on average.)

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

There should be though. I totally support that movement.


Of course there should be a wall around it with no migration coming out of it. It should be it’s ow country.

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Nigger thread

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>that picture

Complains trolls invest his thread.

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The Lesson of Haiti

Philadelphia and Uganda

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This is now a official piss on a...I mean praise a nigger thread

Maybe a lower IQ average, but it's mostly due to other, socio-economic factors or diseases that lower cognitive abilities. I haven't yet seen any trustworthy research pointing to a relation between IQ and race, but I'd be happy to see some, if you have it

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>I'm white
Top kek

It exists you just have to interact with large numbers of people. They will never openly admit it.

Who's country's whores are these?

Might be, but it probably is due to black people generally living in poorer neighbourhoods, having access to worse levels of education and diseases/habits that affect babies' intelligence during pregnancy (smoking, drug abuse, etc..) being more widespread in black communities. Another probability is that the IQ tests themselves are biased, in a way. Not saying you're wrong, but I have some doubts

It was common knowledge but after the 60’s it was repressed due to political correctness. They have a perfect excuse because up until recently most blacks did live impoverished lives. I don’t know how many blacks you have interacted with but I can tell you they are generally less intelligent than Whites no matter their upbringing. I have however met a few rather intelligent one’s so they do exist of course.

Nah I’d say it comes down to where they evolved.

You think you're funmy but all I see is a young, proud African American acquiring money and exercising his 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and arm bears

Kek wtf is with all this nigger posting?

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>only comes in one color
Thanks desu, haven't kek'd that hard in a minute

May very well be the case, but empirical evidence isn't really enough to judge a whole race, especially since, as you yourself said, there exist intelligent individuals of that race

That's a factor as well, yes. It's way harder to build a successful civilization where resources, water, favourable terrain and the sort are rare than where they are abundant

God please give us a race war soon

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I bet that guy's shoes smell like shit.

i'm a nigger and this is a very nigger thread