Jow Forums, Roger Stone doubts our ability to cuck out the FBI

Jow Forums, Roger Stone doubts our ability to cuck out the FBI.
Jerome Corsi is Mossad - his Mossad handler is a man by the name of "Abby Abramson"

Give me what you have on Abby.

I've come to you guys with all kinds of shit before and worked on my share of user investigations and never had to act like a LARPing faggot but here it is -
I desperately need you faggots right now - the fate of the nation (or at least the expediency by which it is determined) hinges on us sorting out who this person is - this person is a key acting between multiple persons

I wish I could give you all of it but I can give you this:
Abby Abramson is Jerome Corsi's handler
Related somehow to Sam Nunberg, and to Steve Bannon
There is also an FBI informant who operates out of the Miami Field office named "Harry Greenberg" who falls into play but I don't know how besides the FBI angle - but if I had to guess he's tied in as well

(More info TLDR - be aware dense reading -
ttps://"Avi Abramson"


Attached: 1545700408543.jpg (480x320, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:"Avi Abramson"

first for merry christmas, mossad

Kys and fuck your shitty crusade website

Attached: michelle-carter.jpg (1200x865, 1.04M)

Was gonna bake a thread but looks like you got it handled. Reposting anyways

Previous thread:
Jow Forums, Roger Stone doubts our ability to cuck out the FBI.
Jerome Corsi is Mossad - his Mossad handler is a man by the name of "Abby Abramson". Give me what you have on Abby.

-Abby is not a female
-Abby is not Corsi himself

-Abby may be short for Abraham, not sure
- Could be Avi Ben Abraham? (turbojew)

I've come to you guys with all kinds of shit before and worked on my share of user investigations and never had to act like a LARPing faggot but here it is -
I desperately need you faggots right now - the fate of the nation (or at least the expediency by which it is determined) hinges on us sorting out who this person is - this person is a key acting between multiple persons

I wish I could give you all of it but I can give you this:
>Abby Abramson is Jerome Corsi's handler
>Related somehow to Sam Nunberg, and to Steve Bannon

There is also an FBI informant who operates out of the Miami Field office named "Harry Greenberg" who falls into play but I don't know how besides the FBI angle - but if I had to guess he's tied in as well

>Quick Rundown
Some secret mossad/cia nigger handler has had their alias identified. We are attempting to figure out their real identity so they can be purged.

OK guys what the actual fuck

Attached: C08846B0-E9E9-4088-B881-701882F52E73.jpg (750x1017, 302K)

A Google search just went over my house!!!!

Maybe a related Avi Abramson"Avi Abramson"

Attached: 1545726758885.png (752x655, 51K)

Avi Ben-Abraham (61) is an imposter. So is Corsi (72), they are both similar in age, and both make wild claims that are highly conspiratorial in nature.

Both likely work for Mossad, and Avi, or "Abby" is likely Corsi's long time handler.

It's a larp faggot. You're chasing ghosts. There's probably something actually important happening now.

>There's probably something actually important happening now.
Yup, Israel's being overrun.

>t. worried shill

Attached: IMG_20181225_172833.jpg (948x5421, 595K)

Nice. That would be a happening

Even Jerome Corsi is mentioned in the same blog, and getting called out for spreading completely false information.

Anyways, OP, chime in here, could it be this Avi Ben-Abraham?

I'm sure you're filling out Captchas like a madman to post anymore... lol

just get a load of how much this last name pops up in the CIA and shady ass shit. Abramson is the one who orchestrated mk ultra. Not our Abramson but most likely connected.

By Rosanne?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-25-19-55-14-46.png (1080x1920, 1.01M)

>In 1999, Ben-Abraham was endorsed by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and won the primaries for a top seat on the governing Likud party list of candidates for the Knesset. He was elected member of the Likud's party central committee, and was appointed as a senior adviser to Israel's Minister of Justice.

>Ben-Abraham served as commissioner, Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation of the State Bar of California. In that capacity he interviewed and evaluated hundreds of judges and several justices of the California Supreme Court.

>Appointed by the Governor and by the State Bar of California, Ben-Abraham received his security clearance from the California Department of Justice and the FBI. He was sworn in by Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas.

I know this was probably covered in the last thread, but this is a turbo jew who was handed picked for a seat in israeli government by king jew Netanyahu himself. Definitely worth further digging

>Anyways, OP, chime in here, could it be this Avi Ben-Abraham?
It absolutely can. I think that might be the true name, and Avi Abramson kind of a nom de guerre. I haven't seen anything appreciable making me think the two men are different, other than potentially it looking like there might be maybe a son, but I think we're looking for the older one, more likely he's Corsi's handler.

Yeah, OP needs to dish out some more info or im out.

Look at the human cloning part of the page as well.

Worried about what? It's a faggot larp shilling his shit website

Youre mom is suckling my dock while I ghost chase but that's not really important.

Here's another document on the kike in question

Unironically thought you were joking fuck mkuktra and a pediatrician (child doctor)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-25-19-57-19-77.png (1080x1920, 217K)

>Abramson keeps popping up
Not shocking considering the Mossad-CIA connection

Forgot the link

Another person linked to the Dr.

Okay guys I think we got it.
Avi Ben_Abraham is definitely connected and is associated with a lot of shady shit to do with israel. Our best bet by far

the programmer abramson real fb is completely locked.

Attached: ssssss.jpg (896x571, 56K)

Chances are its just a xxxx "Abby" Abrahmson, anything might fit

fuck off faggot

I think so. I'm curious if the Dr is our Singing Avi, if the Dr can practice Israeli law, and where he works and lives

Agreed. Are we still looking for the one kikes address or what are we doing now?

Here's something that seems to link to the Robert's bowers hoax

Attached: 496D981C-D2A6-46B2-95BA-56E74512BB0B.jpg (750x321, 146K)

Epic dude

OK. Transitioning to doxxing the dr

if he can practice Israeli law - this is certainly our guy


OK what the fuck is this?

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>Visiting Hong Kong in January of 1996, Avi Ben-Abraham quickly became the toast of the Crown Colony. According to The South China Morning Post, the man cited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's youngest doctor had treated Pope John Paul I, was "intimate with the powers-that-be at the Vatican, the Kremlin and the White House," and had been chosen as "one of the 100 greatest minds in history by super-IQ society Mensa." It was a bravura performance by Ben-Abraham, an Israeli native, who claims to have mastered Einstein's general theory of relativity at age 7, and who for more than two decades has employed his purported credentials as a child prodigy, "the real-life Doogie Howser," to ingratiate himself with some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful men and women.

>Ben-Abraham had an important message for the super-wealthy Hong Kong investors who quickly befriended him and took him into their homes: The company he headed, Toronto-based Structured Biologicals, had developed an AIDS vaccine that was ready to begin human testing within the year. All Ben-Abraham needed was $20 million to finance the vaccine trials.

>"He had this great story about saving the world from AIDS," recalled one Hong Kong acquaintance. "And of course everybody said, `Hey, that's a great concept.' He walks around the with Guinness Book of World Records and says `This is me and I did this and I did that,' and everybody says `Wow, that's great.' So he said, `Put some money into this company, and it's got a fantastic technology that can save the world.' And these people said, `That's a great idea.'"

>There was no AIDS vaccine and never would be. But Avi Ben-Abraham left Hong Kong with $4 million from investors that included Asian casino magnate Stanley Ho, and Michael Kadoorie, whose company owns the Peninsula Hotel chain, both among the world's wealthiest men.

Nice, Germany is awake! Merry Christmas!

I desperately want to say Germany is Fucked, but it's Christmas, so let's make a truce, and be brothers for just one day.

"No information can be revealed about Dr. Avi Ben-Abraham or his activities, due to his involvement since 1976 in matters of National Security of the United States and its allies. Intelligence agencies planted disinformation about Dr. Ben-Abraham in newspapers around the world, in an effort to protect his life and hide his secret scientific discoveries.

>matters of National Security of the United States and its (((allies)))

Attached: MKULTRA.jpg (684x495, 61K)

>Based on more than 100 interviews and hundreds of pages of documents obtained by the Chicago Tribune, little about Avi Ben-Abraham's life is as it appears. The real story of Avi Ben-Abraham, 43, is one of an indifferent student, rejected by Israeli universities, who found his way to Italy and obtained a questionable medical degree at age 18 through a series of misunderstandings and bureaucratic errors, then used that rare distinction to build a globe-spanning network of relationships that included presidents, prime ministers, European royalty and Hong Kong billionaires.

>Ben-Abraham declined to be interviewed by the Tribune. But his legend withers under scrutiny. A Guinness spokesman said Ben-Abraham's entry "somehow slipped through the net" and was dropped after only three years. Mensa says it has never compiled a list of "the 100 greatest minds in history." Authorities in Rome say it appears that Ben-Abraham's medical degree was obtained through "a false presentation of documents."

>Driven from his own company's management in 1998 by the same Hong Kong investors he wooed, Ben-Abraham displayed his genius for reinvention by surfacing the next year as a candidate for the Israeli parliament and, most recently, as a outspoken promoter of the highly controversial effort to clone a human being.

Let's be brothers for all days no more brothers wars

It's Jason Goodman

Corsi ran a scam... so did this Doctor, huh. Look at that. What a cohencidence, huh goyim?

chances are i found his FB
>Lt. Colonel
gimme a second with the link

merry christmas

Is this nigger freezing brains in ATL?

Heres the full article about this jewbag from july 2001.
Basically shows that he has lived his life as a massive fraud and con artist, is very close with Netanyahu, had been inside both israeli and american political systems, and lobbys for human cloning.

This guy is fucking glowing. This HAS to be our "abby"

Here's Dr. Ben Avi-Abraham

>WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 28: Dr. Panos Michael Zavos (L) Founder, Director and Chief Andrologist of the Andrology Institute of America, Dr. Avi Ben-Abraham (C) and Dr. Brigitte Boisselier (R), scientific director of Cloneaid prepare to give testimony 28 March 2001, before a US House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee is holdings hearings on issues raised by cloning research. (Photo credit should read LESLIE E. KOSSOFF/AFP/Getty Images)

Let me know if he looks like this next guy...

Attached: gettyimages-51981829-1024x1024.jpg (1024x657, 385K)

Hey that's that guy who was doing that israeli army singing shit. This nigger is a uranium lamp.

Hey fag OP. Post proof you work with Stone other than a bullshit screenshot.

Attached: 1544355008617.gif (300x300, 1.5M)

the power of autism

that's our singer
that's the Dr?
Trying to keep up with archiving all, sorry for slow responses

newcastle based bro?

Merry xmas mate

>Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle Neptune Pool Reception
SAN SIMEON, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Melinda Jacobs and Avi Ben-Abraham attend Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle Neptune Pool Reception at Hearst Castle on September 7, 2013 in San Simeon, California

This guy, look at his hairline, like there's a scar up there that connects the two people.

Also check out the other pictures from that night...

>Neptune Pool Party
>Hearst Castle
>"Best Buddies" (Children)...

Attached: Avi ben neptune pool party 1.jpg (1024x693, 397K)

yes that timeline lines up with his human cloning program

this is the singer,
avinu malkenu shai abrahmson,
his fb is here
possibly a cold trail though

No point if verifying if he is legit. Avi Ben "Abby" Abraham is our apparent target. He is linked to all sorts of seedy shit and is almost definitely the person that OP was looking for more information on. Also take note of how ridiculously hard Jow Forums is being slid right now at 4 in the morning. Count how many threads there are with less than 10 replies and have all been created within seconds of eachother. We never get slid this hard and blatantly unless we hit a nerve, which it appears we have big time.

Attached: 7B0D08C0-2C39-48A3-A46B-936FBB65F549.jpg (530x298, 31K)

Shai abramson looks very similar

Attached: shai 1.png (308x276, 157K)

Attached: 6DA5AF4E-570C-43A2-B1A4-09C371B124CA.png (1024x987, 1.33M)

down the fucking rabbit hole we go

It's on.

Um....guys, this sounds really bad.

Control F and search for avi ben abramson

Attached: 183DE20F-7236-4554-91B7-A31706600558.jpg (750x592, 211K)

what youve never seen that pic? Corsi has been fucking with these elite kikes for ages. He one of their occult meme fucks.

> Corsi
thats definitely our guy

no i havent. we need more anons to contribute though, we are getting close to something big

Attached: 27944B50-3319-4A08-B1E5-38220E36B3FD.jpg (274x184, 7K)

I want to believe. But he comes in and the first link he gives is to that bullshit crusade website that suddenly started getting shilled here about a month or 2 ago? Something is happening but I think all the slide threads were to funnel everyone into this shit thread.

Attached: i_want_to_believe.jpg (730x992, 100K)

No wonder the FBI wouldn't touch this guy, he glows harder than they do.
I need an address. Bad. Very bad.

OP initially said target was possibly linked to Dershowitz and the Dr most certainly is.

Attached: CFF1CEAC-1D87-449A-ACD4-CC4C2500F185.jpg (1024x704, 110K)

>At the other end of the world, in Russia, a Jewish follower of Sharon's own ultra-
Nationalist Jabotinsky movement, 'Eliezer Dacevich-Voronel', who described himself as a Uni-
versity Professor, composed a poem: 'We, the Chosen Ones, are united by hatred to the slave
tribes that rose, dethroned our ancestors and rejected our God. Once you knew of your place in
the world: 'a swine must stay in its sty'. You revolted, and forced us to serve you, but now your
end is nigh. We are your masters. You are our slaves. This is God's design. Soon our sun will
rise again, and the slaves will not dare to look at it. And then, the Lord of My People will appear
in Heaven, while we, the dozen of dozen thousands (i.e. 144,000) of Chosen Ones will sit in the
great amphitheatre and watch the miserable columns of souls crawling into their paradise. By
God's will, we shall name it Auschwitz'.

They speak even of genetically re-constructing the King Antichrist. The brilliant maverick,
Dr Avi Ben Abraham

>cloning the antichrist

>Dr Avi Ben Abraham

Attached: C8BBEE00-629F-4D6A-93D1-EB527E4235CF.jpg (398x444, 130K)

Attached: 9874D0D6-6F87-4EC6-9FBD-490F1FB89D11.jpg (450x337, 24K)

What is it with war and kikes?

just like I thought. This is all a power grab. Old world order vs new world. But the new world and its npc werent as smart as the old world boomers needed them to be. We are seeing it go down. Who knows what they will do.. im guesssing end the fucking world, boys

Attached: itsover.jpg (749x606, 113K)

>The men of hate and vengeance are ready to seize the magic ring of power, the Temple
Mount, to enforce and perpetuate the rule of the Antichrist.

>the rod and the ring will strike

do these buildings look similar to you?

Attached: AVI ABRAM 2.png (1255x898, 1.11M)

From here
>Ben Abraham, who received his doctor of medicine degree at
the unheard of age of 18, hinted at his plans in an interview with Haaretz.
Someone should look into this, maybe we can get him on video

Attached: 4B8EAEB1-6589-42C5-93D9-3720A0EAA961.jpg (2000x1791, 606K)

Yes very much so. Hmmm.

whats that say in the reflection?

Yes they do

it makes sense that all the american kikes hate Trump, their all the old worlds robots. the ones that were promised it would never end. We need to push the JQ hard as possible, anons. IDC IF YOU ARE BLACK, YELLOW OR FUCKING GREEN, LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THE JQ.

nvm thats some kind of hotel banner or smth


Can I please ask a kind user to archive everything in this thread and the previous thread?
I believe this may be some serious shit we have stumbled upon, and it would be a huge setback to lose all of our accumulated information as most of it will be wiped within a day

>thinking Corsi/Stone are something more than Mueller kikery
>chasing ghosts on basket weaving forum instead of revolting in the streets to protect POTUS and our civil liberties
>trust me goys

fuck off frank. what even is this thread.

I have it all in several locations already
Anyone else who wants to do same please do
Stone set something major in motion here - not even I expected this

Anons, he claimed to clone a human in the antichrist walking the earth?

>In an article appearing in a recent edition of Southern California's DAILY NEWS, "In November, Dr. Avi Ben-Abraham, president of the American Cryogenics Society, told an audience in Washington, D.C., that several high-ranking Roman Catholic Church leaders support human embryo cloning, despite the church's public stance against such research. According to Ben-Abraham, those church leaders hope to reproduce Jesus Christ from DNA fibers found on the Shroud of Turin."

to bring on their "messiah"
Theyre fucking schizo, desu.

what in the actual fuck

Idk if this is related, but apparently there is a legal case involving one "Avi-Ben Abraham, Jr." in california. Didnt see what it is regarding but Im trying to dig and see if theres anything there.




Plaintiff Francisco Carrascal’s motion to compel compliance with subpoena is denied.

The Proof of Service accompanying the motion does not indicate what papers were served.

The motion does not include a copy of the subpoena Plaintiff is seeking to enforce.

The Court notes that a subpoena, executed September 7, 2018, was filed with the court on October 16, 2018. If this subpoena is the subject of the present motion, the motion would be denied because the Proof of Service shows that service was by mail, not by the required personal service. (Code of Civ. Proc. Sect. 2020.220 (b)-(c).) Further, there is no showing that Plaintiff complied with the requirement that a Notice of Subpoena must be served an all parties who have appeared. (Code of Civ. Proc. § 2025.240.) There is no showing that Plaintiff served the Notice on any party. If the tentative ruling is uncontested, it shall become the order of the Court, pursuant to Rule 3.1308(a)(1), adopted by Local Rule 3.10, effective immediately, and no formal order pursuant to Rule 3.1312 or any other notice is required as the tentative ruling affords sufficient notice to the parties.

this cant be fucking real

If you look closely at this gigakike. His hair has been cut to give him a false hairline..A funny looking one too. I wont go into how I know that's a "trick of the trade" suffice to say it's a little thing people can do to look different in a pinch. See the whiteness of where his old hairline used to block the sun from tanning the skin? Also kind weird pattern for a receding hairline and doesnt match the windows peak Male pattern baldness... I dont see the SCAR, but there are ways to make that disappear as well...Brown eyeliner and it'll blend in with his hair...

I had a feeling there was a son with same name.
Vampire covens and all.

I know, im the one who posted the link in the original thread. They already have this tech worked out, now they are all dying off. They seriously make Alex Jones rant on Joe rogan seem plausible.

Wow WTF have we stumbled on here tonight!

Attached: 1531370476565.jpg (343x361, 44K)

that may be it, galilee flower mentioned he was in Cal for a long period of time

its also just to mask baldness, but i agree, hes a mossad kike for sure.

I think the father is Corsi's handler, but the more this goes on, the more I think it's worth looking into everyone operating under this name.

Did we just find the antichrist on Christmas day? What the actual fuck is happening.