Coffee makes u dumb its poison

>reduced bloodflow to the brain

enjoy your inferiority thinking patterns thanks to coffee

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Sounds like you need more coffee Bulgaria. Might be why you're such disgusting faggots.

After years of drinking coffee, you'll no longer be able to digest fat due to the chlorogenic acid.

So does shitty dumb beat nigger music. What's worse: coffee or niggers?

Tea master race. Tea is what made the UK the best nation in the world. Kill and rape our kids while replacing us demographically? Wotever mate it’s tea time

>the UK the best nation in the world
fucking leafs are getting all raked up today.

I like to make coffee and put it in a waterbottle and then put it in the freezer and have a coffee slushee.

threads on Jow Forums sure suck today

what would i pair my breakfast cigarette with if not a cup of coffee

Negus, for every one study saying coffee is bad there’s two which say it’s good for you. “Scientists” can’t agree on a god damn fucking thing, so fuck you, fuck your dumb studies and pour me another cup, you cunt.

is it true Nordic people have a fixation for coffee?

would explain my addiction

based anti-coffee poster
It's literal poison and I too bought into the meme that it would make me more concentrated when writing code, and the bad part is that it actually does for the first two weeks. After that you become about 10 IQ points dumber and must increase the dose by one cup a month to match the previous performance, and so on until you're at 6 cups of coffee a day just so you can be your normal self (like me right now)
A part of my NY resolution is to finally stop drinking this trash

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you dumb nigger every drug builds up a tolerance. take a week off to restore yourself to baseline.

wat? source?

>take a week off to restore yourself to baseline.
yeah already done that so many times that I've lost the count on how many times I """quit""" it. It's always the stomach and kidney problems intensifying and me saying "fuck this I'm done", then a month later "oh whatever one cup won't hurt" and a few months later I'm back at square one
the only way to free myself from this is to directly cold turkey it and never touch caffeine ever again. Fuck the delusional modern "researchers" who keep getting funded by the caffeine industry and keep shilling for it, it's the whole "dude bro just eat bread lmao its great for you" all over again with that shitty image of the food pyramid with bread and flour being the most important parts of your diet while protein and fat were branded as evil, all the while being relentlessly shilled to kids all over the world while obesity just kept increasing, just so those researchers can go "oops it was actually false haha now we know the truth god I love science its always so correct" 20 years later

Tell me if people who go to starbucks don't go for show off rather than having actual coffee?

congratz u discovered tolerance- cunt you lost ur 10 iq points before u started drinking coffee.

coffee is a godsend drug for when ur tired/lethargic/sleep deprived and need to function asap/stay awake. if you are not sleep deprived and or do not need to stay awake/focus then DONT DRINK COFFEE. reserve it only for such events


it literally says at the bottom

> And despite what advocates for moderation have claimed for decades, there appear to be no negative side effects to caffeine consumption above average amounts.


no you dumb nigger. you take the drug until you build up a tolerance. let's say 4 weeks.

then you take 1 week off.

then you go back on the drug now your tolerance has gone back down for another 4 weeks.


Live for something or die for nothing faggot.

Have you ever drank coffee? What you're describing is basically not possible after the first month since your entire schedule then depends on your scheduled caffeine intake, and you just gain more and more inertia to compensate for the fact that the tolerance makes it equal to not having drank that cup of coffee. And that's just the brain part, there's also the digestive system and not taking a shit regularly when you cut coffee because your stomach is used to it as well
It's best to just stay as nature intended us to be and not drink shit that has a bitter natural taste. Loading up with glucose by eating a 70% dark chocolate is a far better mental stimulant anyway

I'm a moody cranky bastard without coffee, without it I'm unable socialize. I'm definitely addicted because I get hit hard by withdrawls and need to drink about 3 mugs a day. Personally I don't care because I absolutely function better with it and coffee prices are manageable so it's not expensive habit to maintain. Only downside I suffer from is insomnia and I need to drink sleeping medicine to calm myself down which is probably worse for me than the coffee. If it kills me by 60 I don't care since my family suffers from dementia and alzheimer's so getting too old isn't something I want to do.

That's why I only take modafinil now.

LMAO no you fucking retard

Fuck off bitch, coffee is the shit

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>not biggest consumer of coffee per capita
>not highest IQ in Europe on national level
>biggest consumer of coffee per capita
>highest IQ in Europe on national level
Really makes you think.

Jow Forums here
I think it's a great drink to surpress apetite and cut some excess fat

you have to go back, Jamal

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Are you farming it?

Double yikes

Why are you lying on the internet

no calories in black coffee

What about cannabis infused grounds for medical cannabis people? For chronic pain, PTSD, and anxiety? I can handle a lot of pain. my chronic feels like someone sticking a spear in my lower gut 5 10 sometimes 15 or eve 20 times a day. I still feel the pain with medical cannabis but its not as debilitating. Disclaimer: Don't smoke cannabis. Eat it. Learn to cook with it. Cannabis does not cure Chron's and probably doesn't cure cancer either but its still good medicine.

Did anyone come over from the drug thread that expired a little while ago?

Caffeine is one of the worst drugs in existence. As covered in the other thread, Armodafinil is infinitely better in every way. More sustainable, less negative side effects, doesn’t fuck with your circadian rhythm, and (because I’m assuming most people drink coffee) no carcinogenic cream/sugar mix.

Research better drugs.

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>being so mentally and physically weak you actually have to worry about shit like this rather than just doing whatever and feeling fine all the time
Lmaoing at your life, merry Christmas fag.

Sorry Pekka, I’m the new Suomalainen now.lmao

Potatoes yes, not coffee


ah yes I too remember being a careless 16 year old who could stay up for 3 days in a row with zero caffeine
dont worry kid you'll reach 28 as well, let me see how careless you end up being when your energy levels start dropping as well and when every pain in your body can be very likely correlated to something serious

Imagine being so fucking gay you get hooked up on fucking coffee lamo.

Sounds like you have low T, bruh. Have you tried working out? Also checked.

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Bad genetics are a real bitch. I spent my life doing drugs, drinking, eating fast food, playing vidya, and shitposting. Recently turned 30, have a kid, look and feel better than I ever have. Its like every year my body just gets stronger and stronger without even trying, I feel for you miserable bastards I really do. I may have no social life and no career, but damn at least my body works right.

social life is overrated anyway

I've been pondering my behavior with cheap german made ‘Covfefe. This thread helped. Thanks Jow Forums.

It makes my pee and pooh hurt

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>Its like every year my body just gets stronger and stronger without even trying
It's called full masculinity retard. In 8 years it will feel like you're dragging a suit of armor around. I'd tell you how to deal with that but you sound like a blackpill shill

You sound like a faggot desu

Look at all these adhom shills here sitting at their computers casually trying to peer pressure you into continuing to drink the caffeinated jew every day. Really makes ya think.

Keep away from the
Porn jew
Coffee jew
Beer jew

Real man don't need any drugs.

>you will get old, you are a mortal
uh, ok?
>makes a pointless mass reply
>his ass literally cant handle coffee
miss me with your 'wisdom' faggot

>It's best to just stay as nature intended us to be and not drink shit that has a bitter natural taste. Loading up with glucose by eating a 70% dark chocolate is a far better mental stimulant anyway
onions boy


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I'm with you, fuck coffee. I'm done with that shit

>stay as nature intended us to be
I don't like coffee either, but fuck off with that 'appeal to nature' crap. You sound like a hippie.

>says a 100 tonne zio mutt

bulgarian gypsy homo metrosexual

Look, this one even comes from Tumblr.

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I haven't drank a cup of coffee in ages. Thanks for reminding me. I put it on my shopping list for tomorrow.

why tho? weak post let me show you how its done
>70% dark chocolate
>not bitter
u wot m8?

Moderation faggots

Tumblr stole that gif from /b/, i merely liberated it from google image search.

Implying instant coffee is even coffee

>miss me with your 'wisdom' faggot
OK... Your loss. Wisdom comes from strange places......

wew lad

We never left

It's true.
I used to have severe mental retardation from coffee and caffeine.
I would drink three to four large sodas everyday, one to two mugs of coffee in the morning and sometimes a large coffee drink during the day.
Towards the end of my caffeine addiction, around 2013 when I was 22 things got really bad.
I would constantly feel really agitated, paranoid, overstimulated in a bad way, my heart would race etc ...
When I quit caffeine I had major panic attacks, I would have extremely vivid dreams and wake up with my bed completely soaked from my sweat.
When I quit though my mental capacity came back, I started feeling more clear and intelligent ... but here is the kicker ... a lot of my recovery and mental improvement also came from smoking weed all day everyday.
There are articles up that marijuana improves the brain and grows pathways, I can believe it because the ganja basically healed my brain from a life of caffeine abuse.

yall some of my favorite posters, always btfoing swedecucks and purity spiraling norwegians
Merry Christmas

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>>threads on Jow Forums sure suck today


Its christmas, shills are gonna shill all day long.

Merry Christmas to you too user

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Why do most people seem so sensitive to stimuli, yet nothing seems to affect me?
Ive ate well, ate like shit, coffee, no coffee, smoking, no smoking, exercise, no exercise. I always just feel normal. Recently smoked cigarettes every day for a month straight, havent touched one for three months.
feels nothing bro

Do they even get holiday pay?

>miss me with

More for the rest of us.

only drank coffee 4 times in my life

>>Real man don't need any drugs.

>>not drinking 12 cups of fresh microground french coffee chock full of pumpkin spice creamer and MCT oil and butter.

Go get pegged by your girlfriend you faggot. We starting the Fourth Reich over here.

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Tea has a high amount of naturally occurring fluoride.

I doubt shills recognize Christmas as a holiday.

nicotine gum>>coffee.
Cost more though and you can't use it as an excuse to sociabilize.
Your dopamine receptors may be non generic, mutant.

Can't you give it a rest, I need my vices

Are you saying this is bad or good?

Synthetic fluoride (that is added to water) can cause fluorosis in your bones. While natural fluoride is used for mineralization of your bones. Different sources say different things though. I haven't done enough research. :\

Im not talking mentally but physically, most people, even health nuts, eat one off thing and piss out their ass for weeks. Why? They gain and lose weight depending on what they eat, stuff like that just seems crazy to me. They work out and get ripped, stop working out and get fat, shit just doesnt work like that for me its crazy.
Im a 30 year old single dad with no health problems and no criminal record, definitely not a nigger.
you got me there

You can draw your own conclusions based on the age old meme regarding british peoples teeth.

Drinking coffee regularly is inversely correlated with several upper GI cancers (eg stomach). Jury's still out on if it helps prevent lower GI cancer.

Toppest of keks


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Voltaire drank over 20 cups of coffee a day and he was one of the cleverest men who ever lived.

Is tea ok. I like to brew a pot of cheap Indian tea when I wake up. Then I go shower and get dressed. By then it has cooled off a bit and I drink it with breakfast and head off to work. On weekends I use the more expensive tea that allows for multiple steepings. I make several pots throughout the day and drink them.

start drinking monster zero ultra, it has done wonders to me

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Wont work, not water soluble and bad temp spectrum (depending on brew method).

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miss me with is negro slang, the like of based.
Are you a black cum guzzler like my Rothschild assigned president is?

Real men take meth like Hitler and all the best Nazis did.

coffee is ok in moderation
like a cup on days where you feel tired

drinking it everyday is what i used to do as well but then my day became kind of a rollercoaster where i'd feel good for the first few hours of my day, then feel shitty and anxious
drinking more than 3 cups gave me extreme anxiety and paranoia and i ended up quitting just last week

i still miss it, might start drinking again. i have no motivation to workout without it my niggers..

*Sips cup of hot boiling water with whole coffee beans floating at the top* “Yeeeeeeeeeeaaauuuuuuuuup, The Franco-German War was a good war.”

You could put weed butter to make some stoner bulletproof coffee.
A shame nobody has mentioned bulletproof in this thread yet.

You feel this way at 28? Lmfaooo. And you think your problem is coffee huh. You feel like an old man because you have a masturbstion addiction dumbass. Imagine not being on hard mode no fap in 2018. You deserve weak bones.


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Have you considered that you might be addicted to sugar? I drink 1-4 coffees a day, never with sugar, and I have virtually no withdraws when I stop. Sometimes I even forget to drink coffee.

Yup. Who needs coffee when you can have a delicious, nutritious, invigorating MZU?

Realistically, you should avoid both.

Yea, Bout to 40 this coming year. I feel the same way.
25 years of smoking drinking coffee and various other things and I pass for 25 easy.

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>christmas 2018
>not ironically niggaposting
>unironically letting niggers control your dialect by laying claim to certain phrases that exist within the social consciousness
yeah, miss me with that gay shit my dude