Should I go to trade school and become an Electrician, or get a Bachelor's and maybe become an Engineer?
Can't decide. Just want that juicy $30-40/hour as I've given up on "pursuing your passion" and other nonsense. I want to maximize my chances at this stage in life since I'm already behind.
What was the passion that you've decided to give up on?
Carson Campbell
Freelance illustration for fantasy/sci-fi. Had a path opened up and connections ready to go, knew exactly how to get good and how to make enough money to stay afloat.
Something happened before I could really get going and I had to stop. All I will say.
Hunter Walker
It doesn't really matter which you choose. If you want to go for money maybe you should just do banking though.
Christian Thompson
learn a trade if you wanna work hard labor for the rest of your life. go to college if you wanna make sex figures and work a white collar job.
Leo King
This isn't even true. You have no idea what's offered at a trade school
Tyler Jones
care to explain further
Charles Myers
Not all trades are doing heavy lifting and shit work all the time. (unless youre a plumber.) Yeah youll be uncomfortable 90% of the time and might have to work long hours and yeah you'll sweat but no other route in life will a.) have such strong job security and b.)will pay you to learn. The pay is not going to be six figures and ez money but depending on what you do and where you go, youll be well compensated and have a great retirement plan/benefits. (this applies to Americans only, i know the u.k. has strong apprenticeship programs too tho) Also point me to a degree that will just drop a six figure job in your lap as simple as that? I have respect for academia but getting your return on investment in degrees is getting trickier and trickier these days.
Jace Gonzalez
What makes you think you can make that jump from illustrator to engineer?
Brayden Turner
Above average IQ and $40,000 for tuition.
Also, I'm not an illustrator. I never successfully became on because it was cut short.
Connor Fisher
>Just want that juicy $30-40/hour as I've given up on "pursuing your passion" and other nonsense.
You're going to hate your life and hate yourself because your everyday life is working a shit job you hate like you're stuck as a 16 year old working their first job.
Unless engineering and electricity and whatever makes your dick hard. I'd work forever as a janitor since I love to clean. Be happy.
Ian Peterson
easy to say this when you speak from a position of extreme privilege
seeking passion is an extreme privilege, something I do not have anymore
not speaking about you, but this is the truth, I'm trying to get what I can, I'll find happiness in other aspects of my life
Caleb Martin
Hey bud I'm right there with you.
25 with a BA in poli sci. Absolutely garbage degree, total waste of time. RIP hopes and dreams.
I'm not mathematically inclined, so I'm thinking about going into medicine.
Juan Ramirez
>I'll find happiness in other aspects of my life
Still try to find a career you'll enjoy since it'll take up about 75% of your life. Don't JUST go for money
Angel Nelson
trade maybe drilling wood on a house....feels end of day...lift get buff fuck cute house wives
Chase Hill
Go to trade school to make bank doing hard but satisfying work. Go to college to go in debt while not making any money for 4 years going to class with annoying ass children and then be lucky to find a good job.
Nathaniel Green
I failed my final year of college in a computer science course over some bullshit requirement and I just gave up because i felt like i would be wasting a year of my life doing something that i already knew. so during the six months between years I began self teaching myself and building my portfolio on some bullshit projects that i coded myself and volunteered to built a website for a nonprofit organization for free. now i have a 60k a year job and never went back to that piece of shit school
Thomas Rogers
Drilling wood on a house?
John Phillips
I would advise you don't pick a life path like that OP. just do stuff that brings you and others around you joy desu
Nathan Williams
Here’s what you should do OP. Choose either route. You already realize you should be doing something more. Regardless of which path you choose, make sure that the trade or degree path you choose is one that you’re not only interested in, but one that will also challenge you and require that you work hard.
All in all, you can do it. It isn’t too late and success, in one form or another, will come to you considering you give either path your all.
Brandon Rodriguez
It seems odd that you signed up to do it in the first place, didn't you read the requirements before making an application?