My gf always cries when I look at her naked body

My gf always cries when I look at her naked body.

I mean like breaks down and sobs. We don't have sex because that makes her cry too but sometimes we snuggle with no clothes on and she will be fine for a long time then she will shiver like it's cold and get up and go to the bathroom and I can hear her crying in there.

I always ask her but she say's nothing is wrong, she has lots of scars on her body, what should i do?

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Not date a mentally unstable person?

Dump her and date someone less messed up

i would rather get her to stop crying somehow,

You can't, unless you magically become a really good mental health specialist
Don't waste your time user

Sounds like sexual abuse. If it's difficult for you to deal, and for the vast majority of people it is, don't date her. OR if she means a lot to you, get her into therapy first and if there is improvement over time then you could stay

It sounds horrible, but her problems are not on you and you ultimately can't fix/save someone else. If she's really damaged or refuses help then it's best to just not get more involved

t. dated someone mentally ill

Talk to her about it, let her know her body is beautiful, if nothing works she could go to therapy.

Shes mentally fucked OP. Nothing you can do. Whoever hurt her probably touched her gently so any kind of normal loving behavior you show her will trigger her memories. That's why some girls cope with only having rough sex after.

Likely past sexual abuse.
If you care about this relationship enough to try and get past that, then just sit with her and try to get her to talk to you about it, you can't just pretend "nothing is wrong" is a satisfactory answer. If she refuses to open up about it, and just continues to refuse to trust you intimately then I think you should break up with her because their really is no point.
Don't be afraid to get stern about it too, don't let her just keep saying nothing's wrong. Tell her what you suspect and let her know that you won't think any less of her for anything that happened in her past.

she's been sexually abused user, make yourself available to her emotional needs if and when she decides to open up. That being said, you could try have specific "sex cloths". Like a hole cut in a pair of pants, or a light fabric shirt. In theory it should make her feel more comfortable.

Since your bent on making a relationship, which I fully support. You need to set up a sort of counseling session with a pro, of course. What im getting from this is that she must have been in a previous relationship to where she could have been abused. If that is the case then you and a profesional such as a counsellor should get her to open up about this so that she can heal and look towards her relationship with you:) I hope it all works out!

This girl needs intensive psychiatric care, not a boyfriend.

My guess is that she was sexually abused and is self harming to relieve the pain.


She is weak willed like the majority of women. Just let her know you have no problems being with a weak, crying, piece of shit bitch like her.


please listen to this

man rape and molestation is so sad

don't cum inside her

dont be with girls who are fucked up in any way.

I had a similar issue as OP, gf would be okay with being naked around me of it was shower/bath, taking a shit, etc. But she would cry or hide if i looked at her sexually or she caught me checking her out. It went on for years, we became very bitter and the relationship, eventually she started demanding i cum inside her.

So i broke it off, she was slowly losing her mind, and it all turned to shitm its sad OP, bit you have to realize you cant be held back by someone whose mentally fucked.

Youre worth more than that.

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Ends up, she was sexually abused by her lesbian cousin when she was little, and never wanted to deal with trauma.

start crying when she looks at you to show her how it feels

this is the right advice

Break up + psycholofist for her.

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She was raped.
Just ditch her unless you want massive work and prepetual work, she will always have her attacks but if you do love her you will man up and be a good friend to her girl. Maybe you finnaly know what is love.

My girlfriend is very self conscious of her scars too; not to the level of sobbing about them but she was worried I'd be disgusted by them or other parts of her body. She still covers her pussy with her hands whenever I kiss my way down her body like I'll suddenly not enjoy the sight of it despite having buried my face in it countless times at this point.

First, you need to find the root cause; is she crying because she thinks you're disgusted or is she crying because of rape or abuse triggers? Don't take "nothing's wrong" for an answer, people don't sob uncontrollably if nothing is wrong. Obviously you're there for her; you're still with her despite this behavior. If she won't let you in, it can't be helped and you should move on but if she does you can't run off like a little bitch.

I feel bad for you.
Idea 1: Nice guy the fuck out of her
Idea 2: James Bond the fuck out of her

Exit and terminate the relationship as fast as possible.

That’s mean

Try hitting her a little, that might be what she is used to

Raise her self confidence by making her feel beautiful and she will grow stronger feelings for you.

You can't fix her. With some luck, maybe you can get her comfortable enough to the point where she is willing to confront her own problems and work through them, but you CANNOT cajole or push her into it unless she is doing it of her own will.

Speaking from experience, though, it's a rough ride and she may not be able to get to that point with you unfortunately. My first gf was abused and I tried to be her whiteknight - it did not go well. From what I know I think she's doing better now, but that was way after we broke off.

My ex-fiance was fucked in the head too, but in an entirely different way. She would play games of ignoring and cold shouldering me for weeks on end. It was toxic to our relationship and was causing me untold amounts of stress. I tried to get her to go to therapy. She even said she would but when it came down to it she wouldn't go. To this day I don't know if she was fucking with me or she really was that fucked in the head. By the time I took the ring back and broke it off, the relationship was already dead. Had seen or heard from her in weeks. Hadn't had sex in two months. Hadnt even seen each other just for hanging out or whatever in a month. It's still hard but my life is much better now.

tl;dr you can try talking to her to work through it with her or professional therapist or whatever, don't give up just yet. But know when to call it quits. Know when to draw that line in the sand. There is a point of no return. Do not make the mistake of staying past that and wasting your life.


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Well if she wants to keep lying as if nothing wrong then try to recreate the sexual events that her sexual abuser did to her maybe she wants that. Women tend to be weak willed pathetic bitches so don’t feel bad


you can't love someone like that

This, but tbf it is a bad idea to cum inside of the majority of women

The truth hurts

Pump and dump her faggot! No bitch is worth keeping these days

Just break up with her.

I speak from experience. She might go to therapy and you'll see some improvement. But out of nowhere she'll have gangbang with like 6 guys in a motel. Women with sexual trauma act out in these ways.

She's broken OP. Find a stable girl.

"I would rather stop gravity and human greed"

Become nudists, she'll get used.

You best believe she'd get used, I'm planning on using her long and hard


>"I would rather stop gravity and human greed"

I dated a mentally unstable girl and I wish I could have read this before.