What’s the justification of putting kids in cages?

>”It’s to stop child trafficking”
Well why put them in cages instead of anywhere else? And why send the “parents” back almost instantly instead of thouroughly check them?

>inb4 “Hurr Hurr spics don’t need to be here”
Obviously, but that doesn’t win any argument or debate without you sounding like a racist autist.

Attached: AE51DAE5-4E9E-4590-8AF5-B6A8C39F6308.jpg (750x375, 96K)

Because animals belong in cages, user.

This photo was fake somehow if i recall. It may have come from obamas time as president or something like that or it may just be completely fake

See the 2nd point user

It was taken during the Obama era. But it’s real I’m sure and people use it to bash Trump. And I’m still pretty sure this still happens now

>why send the parents back almost instantly
Because they don't have any documents to prove they belong in America you stupid fuck
>why put kids in cages
Because there's literally nowhere else to put them, or you want Americans to finance 5 star hotel stays for little goblinos? You sound like a megacuck to me, op

>inb4 “Hurr Hurr spics don’t need to be here”
>Obviously, but that doesn’t win any argument or debate without you sounding like a racist autist.

First, OP can't Inb4. Also, your Inb4 sucks because advocating for strong immigration policy is not inherently racially motivated and you are engaging in a logical fallacy by straw manning the position before anyone can even begin to make it.

Also its not a cage user, it's a playpen and kids are used to them in America, sorry if taco land doesn't have these things yet.

Attached: whitesneedusopenthegates.png (1014x674, 1012K)

Where else do you suggest we put them? I see a few options
1. Send them back immediately, no custody, no responsibility.
2. Stomp on your constitutional rights and house them in American citizens homes courtesy of faggots like you.
3. Spend a few billion dollars of taxpayer money to house the criminals in places that are likely better than where you live. Further incentivizing their criminal behavior.
4. Kill them.


usually when you break laws you get locked up

You’re right honestly

why not? they are illegal

What, you think the invaders should be put up at the Ritz?
>why send the “parents” back almost instantly
They are invaders. They shouldn't be deported, deportations have never worked, they should just be killed.
>b-but the CHILDREN
You can not root an infestation while leaving the eggs and the larva. They all have to be killed.

No it’s fuckinf terrible, how desensitized are you? Holy shit they’re little kids





This is what it actually looks like. Not as bad as what the other picture implies

Attached: 5b0dbccf1ae66230008b4fec-750-486.jpg (750x486, 142K)

Don't want to get locked up? Stay the fuck in your shitty beaner country.

they are human beings not animals

They aren't citizens
And if anyone sits there and said what about rights, remind them that when you visit a foreign country they do not afford to you the rights of their citizens so why in the fuck should we not do the same?
While they shouldn't be there because they should go right back with whoever the fuck brought them here or the first competent adult you send back, putting them in cages is the best thing to physically show they don't belong here
Anyone who tells you it's racist ask them if it's racist that it takes years for white immigrants from white countries to come to the US legally but if you're brown it's a fucking cake walk


Thanks for being sensible op

I like option 4

They're unruly little assholes and that makes them behave.

They must be so cold :(
They have no blankets

I fuckinf hate their parents so much o hate everyone

Brown people aren’t humans

Because non-whites are literally animals.

come illegally into america like a wild animal don't get shocked when you get treated like one.

With the 88 git

There's nothing wrong in being racist tho

Jails look more comfortable than this

>I’m pretty sure
>I think
So you’re just wasting our time bitching about something that is ancient policy that you have zero knowledge of.
Great thread, grinch. Don’t you have some family you can get drunk with and argue about your pointless shit? Terrible thread and you’re a shitty person. Give it a break, Felicia.

Tyrone will put you in your cuck jail Francois.

Attached: 9834567963475345.jpg (928x969, 384K)

Good photo opportunity

>Well why put them in cages instead of anywhere else?
Because the people now complaining about the cages wanted them there so they could be with their parents.

>faked photo op, like most of the other caged children memes
>the few legitimate pictures are nowhere near disturbing
>exclusively used for temporary vetting and crowd control
The justification is that it’s harmless, not oppressive, temporary, and efficient. Even if it were as bad as the faked images made it look, you’ll never be able to pull blame away from the parents that bring their children acrosd the border, in danger of rapists, cartels, sex slavery, and other dangers— also with total awareness of the fact that their children would be separated from them and caged. So why don’t we start talking about the real issues? Why are mexican parents acting like subhuman animals and recklessly endangering their kids?

Those aren't kids, they're brown subhuman monkeys