Is it immoral to use police dogs?

Is training a dog just to be used to circumvent the 4th ammendment animal cruelty?

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>is it wrong to eugenics a wolf into another creature in the first place
is what you should have asked.
probably. sending a dog into a gunfight is fucking stupid, hopefully cops are smart enough to only use them to searc-
>burg flag
-h for drugs nevermind.

Circumvent the 4th ammendment? Animal cruelty? Obliterating the statal order and social security for a harmless training is so fuckin gay

Police dogs not only often save their handlers life, but also that of the suspect in some instances

dogs do not have bad days. the owner/handler does have bad days. i do not want to be around when a police dog handler has a bad day when he is called out to stop you, from whatever the fuck it is you are doing.
tldr: i do not like the people doing this job. i love dogs and no it is not cruel

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Using police dogs to detect contraband inside a house (to obtain a warrant) has already been ruled unconstitutional.
Those 4th amendment protections don't count on public roads though.


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Animal cruelty? Are you braindead?

>4th ammendment animal cruelty
What did he mean by this?

I hate when the fat pigs send their dogs off to a nigger with a gun in a house knowing it's gonna die. Of course, they do it on purpose because the dog's death counts as murdering a police officer & bumps up the charges.

>Is training a dog just to be used to circumvent the 4th ammendment animal cruelty?
Fuck you nigger.
Dogs are the best companion of the about man.

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its better then leaving then your dog in a cage all day

He meant that training dogs (in order to search a suspect's body instead of doing that on their own) is animal abuse...
The 4th amendment is about the legitimacy of 'Search and Seizure' procedures. (Just utter constitutional bs)

Dogs are for niggers and handicaped elder

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Dogs are worthless niggers and they try too hard

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>the gypsy prefers feral feline shit rats

Everything in it's right place.

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OMG animal cruelty!!

You're right, user, they should use niggers instead.

Look at that subhuman dogs face it looks like its done eating its own shit and now thirsty for his sperg master that he takes care off piss

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Cats bury their own shit/piss, walk around on your countertops, and you think they're "clean animals". Then they scratch you, destroy your furniture, and kill every baby rabbit on your block. Fuck cats.

I just wish cops couldn't make their dog alert even if nothing is present in the vehicle. It's entirely bullshit. Oh look I made my dog bark now I can get in your car and root through your shit

weak shall fear the strong

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Dogs are stupid smelly niggers at least cats hide their poop dogs literally recycle it just to eat it again dogs are bad breath shit throwing subhumans

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>and kill every baby rabbit on your block. Fuck cats
Fuck you and fuck garden destroying rabbits I have had to replant dozens of tomato and cucumber plants over the years because of those cock sucking rodents.

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the use of war dogs is for occupying forces

its immoral to use police dogs, but not for the sake of the animal

it cant be reasoned with, ignore and unjust command, or held accountable for its actions

legislating the use of police dogs, further extends the reign of terror on the citizenry and raining bullets down on them

god bless police unions ! god bless secret courts !

destroying america 1 bullet at a time !

one person dies and a thousand go to the other side every time it happens

the rule of law and the end of days are here !

keep up the great work !

It's gone too far. Cops are too afraid to even approach someone that might give them a scraped elbow they have to fry people with tasers or send a dog in to possibly get hurt in their place.

Before we worry about police dogs we should really think about industrial farming

Ask tyranical gov what they do with living thing when they are no longer “useful”

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$15 for this, cant really complain

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You degenerate fucking leaf, don't you ever try to get on your high moose & talk down to American niggers ever again.

Go get a circumcision you rat

>be me
>traveling from Texas to Louisiana to pick up friend
>cops think im trafficiking drugs pull me over for broken tail light
>ask to do search of car
>let them
>ask to do dog sniff test or w/e
>let them
>nothing found

Good job pigggies thank you for your service to the city wasting everyones time on their dime

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Dogs love to eat rabbits. Mine even skins them before eating it.

>be me
>just got done restoring 1987 944turbo
>wanted to road trip
>made it to Death Valley
>cop(park ranger) is tailgating me
>wanted to be nice pull over at scenic lookout to let them by
>almost rear ends me
>accuse me of being suspicious
>searched my car for 1hr in 120degree heat
>find a small electrucal connector I lost
>thought it was a pill
>got pissed because they didn’t find reason to arrest me
I always supported cops until then, more I look into police violating rights more I hate them