I met a girl who's 15, and I'm 18 and we're going to go out on a date, is this illegal and/or will I be put on a sex offender list if we end up fucking? Don't want to risk ruining my life for a random girl
I met a girl who's 15, and I'm 18 and we're going to go out on a date...
It's illegal.
Don't fuck kids. :I
I did this user, do not make any sexual approach even if girls around 15 are super horny and wet 99% of the time. Do not even think about her tight virgin pu$$ey.
You could fuck her, but if you piss her off she could accuse you of being a pedophile and ruin your life if she wanted to. This is dumb, get with girls your own age
If she's really a virgin, educate her in being a pure girl and its advantages. Then clean your room, wash your balls, and WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE YOU FUCKING DEGENERATE
it depends on country, user
if you're in Mexico, for example. I think that you're ok
but don't fuck kids anyway
Assuming this is real, I would say absolutely not under any circumstance should you proceed. Unfortunately you're already fucking stupid enough to consider it and came on her for "advice" which just means you want someone to tell you to do it.
Dating is not illegal. Anything sexual is.
Bit too big of an age gap to be accepted at your age. In Australia it wouldn't be legal until she's 16
I'm just going to tell her that I don't want to go out on the first date anymore, then call it a day because if we continue to date then we're gonna probably have sex since HS dating, thanks!
I live in Oregon, anything under 18 is illegal
Depends on the laws in your country retard.
No one is going to care except for the parents, so you'll probably want to talk tot hem before you talk to a bunch of random anons.
>be me
>Be 20
>16 year old wants to date me
>Legal where I live
>Know as an adult she's just got a little girl crush and just wants to brag to her high school friends about how old her boyfriend is
Just don't OP.
Perfectly fine
California here, i was 21 she was 16, she told her friends we were dating even though we never went out, i ended up in a lot of trouble even though i barely knew this girl, she was just a coworker.
Waiting will be worth it. My gf is 18 im 24, feels good man. When i was 16 she was 10, that still gets me rock hard even though i only met her recently
It’s never worth it man. Plenty of stories of people here who’s life is ruined. Just wait it out. Also if she’s really down just groom her until she’s 18 and put a ring on that finger.
You're not helping user
Dude nobody but oldhags care ffs, I dated a 16yo when I was 26 working out of college, we stayed together til she went to college because long distance relationships never function but we still talked occasionally.
Go for it, fuck any uptight faggot that judges you for it.
this, if the grass is green poke out her spleen
16 is legal in a lot of states. It's just that California has Hollywood, and the movies go off of their law of 18.
It's only illegal if you try to sex her and the cops find out. It might get you funny looks, and depending on where you live age of consent laws might net you approval to do whatever you want if her parents agree, mostly just don't fuck children if it's illegal where you live. Bad move.