"Muh stock returns" how are you fags so stupid?

>21 trillion in debt

>criminally suppressed interest rates and cheap money for 10 years

>on the precipice of a currency crisis with our based president calling out the fed

And you fucking idiots aren't at least 50% in real wealth and real savings.... gold bullion..... and stupidly trying to find what to invest in to get a return.

It's not about being in the stock market it's about knowing when to get the fuck out and convert your worthless paper fiat profits into real wealth and real savings......


Which will unironically be the greatest transfer of wealth in human history since there has been so much manipulated fuckery for so long.

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Other urls found in this thread:


21 trillion in debt.......... to who?

That question is anti-semitic goy

buying gold now?

This week has been horrible but the stock market gave me 5,2% profit this year for my savings and a low to medium risk portfolio. Im happy with it, I beat inflation and more.


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DOesnt matter idiot. Economic and political climate are both fucked. You need to be in real wealth or you'll be fucked when the reset comes

Gold is super undervalued compared to other real assets and silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth

One ounce of silver historically equals 2 weeks worth of wages since a silver piece the size of a silver dime equals 1 days wage historically. And 14 silver dimes equals one ounce

For every 15$ ounce of silver you pick up you re securing 2 weeks worth of wages After a collapse at least.

1 single ounce of silver buys you 3-4 months of food on the black market in Venezuela. The dollar cost of 1 ounce of silver is 15$. 15$ barely buys you a burger fries and drink at Five Guys.... thus proving just how badly the Jews are fucking us through inflation

You don't get it stupid. That 5.2% that you earned is NOT REAL SAVINGS because it's in fiat that can and will hyperinflates!

Gold is just gold it doesn't go up in value like a stock. So once you earn a profit in fiat in stocks you have to convert it to REAL SAVINGS before the fiat implosion or else you lose it all

ANd the fact that you HAVE to try and beat inflation means here's something wrong with the system.

Why are prices rising so much that you have to beat inflation in the market?

Shouldn't you earn a dollar today and that dollar buys you the same amount of shit today as 15 years from now?

Buyers market faggot , They are depressing the economy to dump Trump, if you’re too chicken shit to get in now wait to Beta O’Cuck wins the DNC Primary and the polls show a 10pt lead them buy.
The Trump Bump after 2016 was meant for Hillary to smooth butt hurt over the neo-con cunt winning and the wheels were turning months before hand, same will happen in Nov. 2020 to reward us for getting rid of Trump , but it will happen either way because it takes too much engineering to start and stop an economy.

>That 5.2% that you earned is NOT REAL SAVINGS
I know. But its 5.2% more than I would have with that money in a savings account.
>ANd the fact that you HAVE to try and beat inflation means here's something wrong with the system.
I cant beat the system user. I cant change it. I adapt to it. Welcome to the real world.

You kinda make my whole point on why to get gold. This shit is all engineered.

I invested in guns and ammo. Neither loose their value, and I can shoot people with gold and take it from them.

I understand you made 5.2% now go out that profit in gold and silver before the fist implosion.

And adapting to a pillaging system means you need to get gold too

Gold is too, they can ride the price of that up and down

Gold doesn't lose its value either dumbass but ammo and guns have different use cases than gold

You have inaide knowledge hyperinflation will hit in 6 months. What do you do? Put your entire 500k net worth into ammo and canned food?

Dollar price of gold doesn't fucking matter. Did gold all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created?

Of course not.

So why would you be valuing gold in terms of dollars? Moreover it's gold that gave value to the dollar. So why in the fuck would one care about the dollar price of gold?

All the dollar price of gold represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is.

Is the dollar dissapeared from planet earth tomorrow that doesn't effect my gold at all. That's the ENTIRE POINT of buying gold in the first place

>devastating economic collapse
>all cash is now worthless
>no problem I bought 5 ounces gold
>take tiny gold bullion to merchant
>try to buy food
>he has no way to appraise or make change
>end up with 2 days worth of food for 5k in gold
>starve and die
Good thing I bought gold.

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>buy gold

user. You are late to catch the gold meme train

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You can go on YouTube right now and see sub-Saharan starving Africans panning for gold in river beds and when they accumulate .01 gram of gold you can see them go exchange it for a loaf of bread

Nope gold is an asset and real savings. Might cost you more fiat to get an ounce now but at least gold won't implode like your fiat will

>And you fucking idiots aren't at least 50% in real wealth and real savings

I owe almost $200,000 in student loans. Crashing this currency with no survivors is actually in my best interest.

I also have properties. I diversified my wealth user. If my fiat implode (they wont) I can still living renting/selling them.
Invest all your money in gold if you want. Its a bad idea

Overlay a graph of how many dollars are in circulation and you might understand why gold will still go up. Because it's denominated in something has a high chance of becoming near worthless.

Theres a huge portion of America that would welcome a crash so hard that it would even wipe out their debt.

Gold is not an investment dude! Gold is real wealth and savings.

How can converting your fiat paper into real wealth be a bad thing.

It makes zero sense logically

All of the US debt in in dollars.
The US controls the value of the dollar (in theory).
It would be a very smart thing to just rip of the band-aid and devaluate the dollar quickly, erasing all debt, and switch to the new gold backed dollar.
But you won't, because you're good goys.

Can veggies from the garden, stock the freezer with deer, more or less what I do anyway. I understand that the majority of fiat currency is just bullshit in a computer somewhere and that it has only the value we decide it has. Some actual physical precious metal is good to have, but if the economy goes tits up in a bad way, it's just some metal sitting in a safe. A gun is a compact, easily transportable asset that is value dense and actually serves a purpose beyond being "valuable." At some point the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme is going to collapse and we'll probably go back to a gold standard or something similar. In the meantime for the average person, even gold will be largely useless and there'll be a period of bartering.

You're a retard to not invest in things you can actually use. If the reset is as bad as many think it will be the best investment you can make now is land, particularly land with fresh water sources. That and means to defend your land with such as munitions and guns.

My concern about investing in gold this time is that there might be an actual collapse & the gold will be worthless. Probably just gonna mostly invest in bullets & a little in gold in case I'm wrong, at least the bullets generally hold their value in my area regardless, if not as profitable as gold anyway.

This, debt is a contract. If my credit card company says I owe them $20k then that is what I owe. Oh wait, currency is hyperinflating, just traded a pack of cigarettes for $20k in cash. Fuck you Capital One!


Explain how a bar of gold will turn into two bars of gold over a 12 year period.

Peter, take a nap

this is such a fundamental misunderstanding of every single aspect of what money is, why do you even post in a thread like this. this is a bullshit line ignorant people parrot ALL. THE. TIME.

It won't, and that's why it's valuable.
There are certain rare points in history where owning gold outperforms everything else - usually at the end of a currency debasement cycle (QE).

Watch this series and get redpilled:

Nobody is saying don't fucking prep with some shit but again if you have 500k in the bank are you going to put that entire 500k into preps?

What if the reset doesn't have a period of social chaos and it's just a devaluation and you put 500k into prepes instead of 100k into preps and 400k into gold

It's like you fucking idiots think that is against the law that if you buy some gold you can't go buy preps as well or you'll go to jail.

Guess what stupid? You can buy preps AND gold

True story

>It would be a very smart... to the new gold backed dollar.
No it would not. Due to the size of the US economy it grows faster than you can produce gold. Not being able to make enough currency to match growth leads to a deflation on currency.

Gold is the only real Money that exists.
Everything in our financial system is based on the value of Gold being there.
The further we get away from it (removal of the Gold standard), the more valuable Gold becomes.

Yes, in an apocalypse situation people will rather have bullets and food than Gold, but

1) things aren't going to get that bad.
2) gold is still used in trade when things settle down.

Gold and silver coins as an insurance policy is never bad to hold.

Except there have been countless financial calamities throughout history and gold has never been useless or worthless.

You people are literally fucking braindead and absolutely brainwashed to have a disdain for gold. Your fucking NPC morons thinking that it's only possible to buy things with Jew paper.

I actually have new found respect for the Jews who have absolutely fucking infected your brains like a virus


Everyone that wants to learn about Money needs to watch this 10 episode series of videos.
Very information but also very entertaining.

That's not the point you fucking retard.

When you go to a coin shop and buy a fucking ounce of gold you are doing that for a completely different reason than when you call up your stock broker and buy some Amazon stock.

Do you fucking understand that retard? Gold is money and savings and Amazon stock is an investment.

Do you fucking understand the difference between investments and savings?

You understand when you buy an ounce of gold you aren't really buying anything you are just transferring your worthless paper wealth into real wealth and real savings, and effectively storing your wealth

How can you people not understand something so simple when I'm spoonfeeding you 2+2=4?

>It won't, and that's why it's valuable.
I'd rather own a company that makes me a profit and use that profit to buy other businesses that make more profit. That's why investing is valuable.
I'm making money to make more money while you get to put on your dragon suit and pretend to be a dragonkin sleeping on a pile of metal.

People, it all depends on that you're planning for:

- anything from a heavy recession (another great depression etc) to economic collapse, hyperinflation (Zimbabwe, Venezuela but not quite as bad because we're white) -> gold is a good investment

- complete societal collapse, hunger -> you'll be trading all your gold for a few loafs of bread, a clip of bullets, or some medicine

If SHTF gold is a really good investment, until it gets really really bad and you get over a critical tipping point and it becomes virtually worthless.

There's enough gold retard. Just for the right price.

The entire primary function of money is to measure value, which gold has done great for milennia. Dollars measure value like shit

You do realize those metals only have value because we say they do, just like a paper dollar bill.

No.... I want bullets, guns, food AND gold.

What is wrong with these people who say is rather have ammo than gold?

Do these NPC's understand you can go to both an ammo shop and a coin shop and get both?

I swear that some of you think it's an either or decision and that there's some sort of law that will throw you in jail for buying ammo and then going to buy gold also.

You people don't know how to think at all

The big difference being that gold is a limited resource and we can't just decide to create more of it.
Scarcity is a very important factor in how much value is attributed to something.

With that nigger tier logic then how come the dollar is failing?

Everyone says and agrees the dollar is valuable and everyone uses it...... so what's the fucking problem then? WHy is the dollar failing?

>If the reset is as bad as many think it will be the best investment you can make now is land, particularly land with fresh water sources.

Land is not held in allodium and by the SHTF memes you're basing this on, the little paper contract saying you own the land is as meaningless as anything else, so by your own logic you might as well just rent and save that money you would have put for a down payment on more guns.

For actual investors who want to potentially earn a lot in economic dire straights (or at least not be totally wiped out), gold and silver are solid choices IN ADDITION to owning firearms.

They can only parrot the exact same talking points too.

>durr can't eat gold
>Well in a collapse only bullets matter!
>Has no use

They put zero thought into anything and apparently scoff at the idea of economic collapses existing, or are mouthbreathers who literally think Mad Max is the result of stock market/currency collapses.

I mean if they want to stay poor and have 50,000 .22lr and a closet of expired MREs that they have no particular use for and that no one else really wants, let them have at it.

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>entire thread of poorfags talking about how to invest when they can barely pay their electricity bill.
You people dont have a fucking clue

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>When you go to a coin shop and buy a fucking ounce of gold you are doing that for a completely different reason than when you call up your stock broker and buy some Amazon stock.
What reason is that? Wanting less money?
>Do you fucking understand that retard? Gold is money and savings and Amazon stock is an investment.
Gold is not money. It's a metal that isn't legal tender anywhere in the world. If you are saving wealth rather than using it to get more wealth you are being retarded.
>Do you fucking understand the difference between investments and savings?
I do and I know that saving will always yield vastly less wealth at the end. Why would you want less?
>You understand when you buy an ounce of gold you aren't really buying anything you are just transferring your worthless paper wealth into real wealth and real savings, and effectively storing your wealth
My "worthless paper" wealth buys me goods and services, it's not worthless. I see no reason to hoard my wealth when I use it to make more wealth.
>How can you people not understand something so simple when I'm spoonfeeding you 2+2=4?
How can you be so stupid as to suggest hoarding wealth in unproductive containers.

Doesn't matter how bad it gets. Gold is savings. Doesn't matter if we are eating each other. Gold will still be savings and money

Ohh forgive me for wanting something practical in case of SHTF, I mean I guess I'll just invest in gold & not have any bullets when an army of tyrones comes to my white area. I mean I'm sure people will value gold in such a situation over food, bullets & things that you can actually use to survive, yep makes sense.

Scarcity doesnt play a factor. If I owned a metal from a far away planet and nobody else had it, what's to say I cant place the value of it to all gold on earth? The fact of the matter is that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If nobody wants or needs gold it doesnt hold value.

I know. I love the but I can't eat muh gold meme.

Yeah? Golds been money and valuable for milennia yet nobody ever at gold back then.

It's almost like they think everything will become free once an economic collapse Shtf scenario happens.

Hopefully some of these morons who don't buy gold and silver have to sell their wives to eat for being stioidband not buying gold and silver before the fiat collapse.

Hopefully there's internet up still when it happens and instead of seeing desperation threads of how they lost 50% of their investment in ethereum we see pink wojack threads saying they had to sell their daughter to get food for the family to avoid starvation lol

Thank you! This guy gets it.

>I have $10,000
>Okay so I have to spend ALL on bullets or ALL on gold
>Well bullets are more useful lol why can't these dumb gold-fags see that?
>No stop telling me to invest in gold, I NEED BULLETS

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You should do both.
When investing in bullets etc you quite quickly reach the point of diminishing returns, unless you think the next 100 years are going to be a post-apocalyptic hell.
If I were living in the US, I would get about 2 or 3 times the amount of guns and other survival equipment I think I would need get my family through a rough few years, and put the rest in real estate (not in the cities of course) and gold and silver.

>There's enough gold retard. Just for the right price.
>The entire primary function of money is to measure value, which gold has done great for milennia. Dollars measure value like shit
The world make about 3,150 ton of gold a year. With a value of 116 billion, or $0.116 trillion.
The US GDP is 19.3 trillion call that 20 trillion.

At 2% growth of 20 trillion you need $0.4 trillion to keep up, or about 3.5 times as much gold just to keep pace with the growth and each year that number grows. I'm aware that we could mine more gold but not 3 to 4 times as much.
Making the USD into gold would cripple the economy drive massive deflation killing investment and growth.

We might be able to get space mining up and running just to match the demand for gold, but that would open a whole new market and it's near impossible to guess what they would do to the world economy other than in the end massively grow it eventually.

>I do and I know that saving will always yield vastly less wealth at the end. Why would you want less?

You aren't getting it yet fuckhead. Gold IS WEALTH.

I understand investments exist and you try and earn more fiat. But in a currency crisis/hyperinflation event..... that 100k you made in the stock market last year will evaporate unless you put it into REAL WEALTH - gold.

Debt paper is not wealth. Debt paper is not savings.

Nobody is saying don't invest or put 100% in gold but if you don't have gold and a currency reset happens your wealth in paper will vanish but your wealth in gold will be 1000% in tact

>Gold is super undervalued compared to other real assets and silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth

Gold is incredibly undervalued in relation to all the money that has been conjured out of thin air (shown here as Fiat Money Quantity), especially in the last 10 years.

Silver is even more undervalued than gold. The Gold/Silver ratio is at levels that have often resulted in substantial rallies for precious metals.

Attached: GoldFMQ.png (1200x578, 88K)

You can speculate on the price of gold and earn wealth like that. However most gold speculators fail at predicting the price of gold, and end up buying high and selling low.

People have given value to those metals for 10s of thousands of years bud

Thats it, I'm convinced. Ill buy all the gold I can & trade with the feral niggers after the collapse & be filthy rich later on after I survive the chaos... From trading gold. It's not as though bullets & food are gonna become extremely valuable for both survival & currency in such a situation no, gold will.
You all must live in a super wealthy white states that there's no threat of niggers, spics & retarded whites who will become mad max raiders the second electricity goes out for more than a few days. Must be nice, enjoy it while it lasts.

Reading comprehension is an incredible skill, look into it.

Paper bills have to be backed by something. If not it’s just a piece a useless bill

Mostly to US citizens

Gee, aren't we lucky not living in gold-standard-era US when real wages grew in line with the economy instead of disappearing in banker's pockets.

>You aren't getting it yet fuckhead. Gold IS WEALTH.
No I get that. But so are chairs, washing machines, gravel, and any other item or legal construct that has a value. You could buy anything that isn't going to deteriorate away and call that wealth.
>I understand investments exist and you try and earn more fiat. But in a currency crisis/hyperinflation event..... that 100k you made in the stock market last year will evaporate unless you put it into REAL WEALTH - gold.
I take that 100,000 and buy more revenue generating items. I buy more companies, more land, more real estate. I don't lose my stock value unless I sell or the company goes out of business.
>Debt paper is not wealth. Debt paper is not savings.
Fiat currency is wealth if it commands goods or services.
>Nobody is saying don't invest or put 100% in gold but if you don't have gold and a currency reset happens your wealth in paper will vanish but your wealth in gold will be 1000% in tact
My property and investments don't go away if a currency revaluation happens. I could lose the value of my currency which is why like most people I spend it (invest it) as I earn it. I can generally convert my investments back into cash when I need money without loss.

I don't believe that under the current system the currencies I own will suffer from a value collapse. If some socialist or communist is elected to power I'd need to look at safer investments to protect my wealth from both economic collapse and government theft. Your gold is as much at risk as my ownership of a company if the commies/socialists get into power. Also the government may just take your gold like they did before.

How senpai

I like how the goal post was moved from enough gold is produced to wages haven't kept up.

I'm not defending the current monetary policy as being good or great. But a gold standard is vastly less economical helpful than fiat currency can be. Clearly you can do both wrong, but you can't do a gold standard right in a highly productive technological economy. It simply doesn't work.

You NEVER trade ammo for ANYTHING.... I'll let you try and use your brain for the first time in your life to try and figure out why you never trade ammo.

You can get 10,000 bullets for 2-3k depending on the round. If you think there's the slightest chance of Shtf coming you can go take care of your ammo need for nothing.

What? You think as a gold owner and worried about financial collapse you don't think I have ammo also?

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I get your point

But if fiat money based economy collapses it's very likely that gold and precious metals will become trading assets like they were centuries ago

People will need a way to exchange things easily and gold does the job very well.

But I understand your logic too. Gold doesn't have much of a use besides being used as "money"

>Gold is just gold it doesn't go up in value like a stock

Brainlet detected. Gold is subject to the law of supply and demand, same as stocks and other equities.

>Fiat currency is wealth if it commands goods or services.

Yeah until it doesn't! Do you understand that I understand dollars buy shit? I'm literally fuxking saying in a currency crisis where those dollars don't command buying shit anymore is why you need gold. Get it?

>I take that 100,000 and buy more revenue generating items. I buy more companies, more land, more real estate. I don't lose my stock value unless I sell or the company goes out of business.

The stock market is at record highs on Venezuela. Doesn't matter how high stocks are if the currency you are generating revenue is doesn't buy you shit on the street anymore

>raising rates to check inflation
>buying gold
You're retarded. Gold goes up when lending rates go down, that and market interest is why it skyrocketed from 2008 to this year. The Fed is going to raise rates probably twice more next year. You're literally buying the peak. Now is the time to SELL your gold. Buy again late next year.

Awww OP got a 80$ square centimetre of gold for Christmas, how adorable!

Thanks mr schiff. Just bought 0.1

To your future selves. The moment you admit you won't or can't pay it, another great depression hits but 1000 times harder.

People don't buy gold because they care about the dollar price of gold. People buy gold because fiat is a scam and they want money and wealth for when paper hyperinflates.

Do you get it fuckhead?

Nobody buys gold at $1,200 to sell it a ticket $2,200. That's a phantom profit.

You buy gold for when the dollar implodes and then you "make it" in a reset when all that fantasy paper wealth gets consolidated into gold for when a new currency is released

The dollar value of gold is irrelevant. Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created so why the fuck would you care about the dollar price of gold?

>HURRR you can't eat gold
fags in a nutshell.


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>But if fiat money based economy collapses it's very likely that gold and precious metals will become trading assets like they were centuries ago
>People will need a way to exchange things easily and gold does the job very well.
>But I understand your logic too. Gold doesn't have much of a use besides being used as "money"
When you look at other economies that failed the things people use for money is generally luxury items or standard useful items. Tobacco, lighters, chocolate, pens and paper, fuel, cans of food. Simply put you get more value using money to buy trade goods, than you do using it to buy gold.

So if you can convert $2 into 5 lighters, that will buy you a weeks worth of food, you would need to convert $100 into a gold coin to trade for a week's food.
The utility of the goods raises it's value in the collapse economy. As you said yourself gold is useless.

Hur dur how to shave gold bullion and weigh with scale...
It’s not fucking admantium, it’s not permanently fused together into a brick, you dumb fucking goy

Yeah but even if you shave it, it still isn't edible.


>Nobody buys gold at $1,200 to sell it a ticket $2,200. That's a phantom profit.
yes they do
gold is valued inversely to equities, lot of fund managers have a set % of gold to keep in their portfolios, 5% or so
high gold price and low equities means sell some gold to buy equities
low gold price and high equities means sell some equities to buy gold

If you have to ask, you won’t. No one will miss you, either

Real estate and farm land are above gold imho.
In super mega depression, food guns ammo clean water would be most valuable.

user has a point. Precious metals are a good means of saving. It take your holdings out of the hands of the bank and into a place under your complete control. If and when shit hits the fan, it will not be the dollar that holds trading value. It will be precious metals and other resources. I can also see a Metro Last Light scenario where before-event bullets could turn into currency. This goes for other resources too though. Food, water, guns and ammo, medication, alcohol, will all hold tremendous value. Same with gold and silver. Precious metals have been used in trade since the beginning of time, and when were thrown back into the dark ages, or some mad max shit, the means of purchase will also revert back to precious metals. By all means, put your retirement savings into a nice stock index fund, but be prepared for the worst, because many think it’s coming. Have gold and silver. Have guns and ammo. Have medications too. I’d say store food, but more importantly, create a permaculture and practice living off the grid and without power and electricity and other modern amenities.

Lower metals like copper and silver, as well as basic resources will be for day to day stuff and smaller purchases. Gold is for big purchases and holdings

>Welcome to the real world.
>Implying we don't live in clown world

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I forgot to mention this too. Thanks for reminding me user. Land is an incredibly important resource. Not just any land though. Fresh water source, good potential for agriculture, and good space to build.

No, he has a point there.
I'd go all-in on potatoes.
Goldcucks will come begging to trade gold pound for pound for potatoes when they are starving.

>Yeah until it doesn't! Do you understand that I understand dollars buy shit? I'm literally fuxking saying in a currency crisis where those dollars don't command buying shit anymore is why you need gold. Get it?
You actually end up with a tiered system where old low denomination bills hold value. So my $5 bill becomes worth about $5 pre-crash while the 1 trillion dollar bill is worth about a square of toilet paper.

>>I take that 100,000 and buy more revenue generating items. I buy more companies, more land, more real estate. I don't lose my stock value unless I sell or the company goes out of business.
>The stock market is at record highs on Venezuela. Doesn't matter how high stocks are if the currency you are generating revenue is doesn't buy you shit on the street anymore
The dividends those stock pay is often changed to monthly/weekly when inflation goes nuts.
You still make effectively the same money in terms of what you can buy with them. Same clearly goes for rent.

>Gold goes up when lending rates go down, that and market interest is why it skyrocketed from 2008 to this year.

Not necessarily. It's the real rate of interest (the nominal interest rate (Tbills, CDs, etc) minus the inflation rate) that is important. In the late 70s, interest rates were going up and so was gold. Why? The perception was that the CPI was going up even faster.

Gold peaked at $1900/oz in August 2011. It's been in a downtrend ever since.

You still aren't getting it. People buy gold because fiat is a scam.

You value gold using ratios compared to other real assets.

And if you want to value it compared to the Dow a same valuation is 4 Dow to 1 ounce of gold.

Right now it's like 20 to 1.

So the market is very overvalued compared to gold

Again you people are stupid. Preps are fine. But are you gonna throw your entire net worth of a million bucks into guns and canned food?

Do you morons not understand that there isn't a law saying you will go to jail if you buy gold and then also buy guns and canned food also?

Do you also realize shit won't be free when the economy collapses?

Economy collapses.....

People start starving....

You think food and guns will magically become free? You people are stupid

No user it's a trap. Even if someone RIGHT NOW offered to trade you a bar of gold for a potato, DON't TAKE IT. They realize that gold has no intrinsic value and that you cannot eat it, and are looking to gyp you out of your precious spuds for when the economy collapses while you're left holding their shiny rock.

Here’s the order of importance:
>Your own skill sets. Your use, I’d say, is the most important resource. Medical professionals, builders, farmers, etc will all become extremely valuable
>Land capable of growing crops, sustaining structures, fresh water source, good hunting, fishing and trapping
>guns, ammo, preventative security measures on land.
>medication, alcohol, tobacco, and other high value commodities, maybe even drugs if your morals allow it kek. This stuff is good for trading.
>stockpile of food and water. This is low on the list because if you have sustainable land, then you won’t need much.
>Precisous metals

Gold hasn't gone down at all.

A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today. Doesn't fucking matter if the dollar exists or not.

Sure.... we are in fiat system and if you bought gold at $1,900 and now need to sell to pay bills well then yeah you lost in fiat.

But the entire point of buying gold is for the currency collapse and when the fiat paradigm ends. So you aren't losing with the dollar price going down unless you have to sell before the reset