My baby sister had a dream that I tried to force an octopus down her throat. As a result...

My baby sister had a dream that I tried to force an octopus down her throat. As a result, my parents are certain of me becoming a paedophile and sister-fucker in the future.

I'm not nor would I

This perplexes me because I only talk or look in her general direction when I need to get her food yet somehow she dreamt of me doing that shit.

Also as a result, mums promised to install cameras in every room of the house INCLUDING the bathrooms. What do I do?

Attached: (m=eaf8Ggaaaa)(mh=TfCBuN2w7N_JYKy5)2.jpg (320x240, 16K)

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Considering you have pic related saved onto your computer I don't think they're that far off

Take your shitty incest fantasies elsewhere.

Not my comp and only just downloaded this pic solely for this thread.

Not fantasy because I don't want this shit to be happening. HOW DO I STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING?

Move out user, it will help you to avoid you a lot of problems

Just don't stuff an octopus down your sisters throat then. Problem solved. Thread closed

How to:
1) Get rid of the stigma that I might become a paedophile sister-fucker
2) stop my psychotic mum from installing cams in every part of the house
3)kill myself

How old is your sister? I mean, how likely is it that she would randomly dream something like that.
You did probably show her some ducked up porn.

I don't watch porn-they don't film the things I want to see-nevermind the pic. Nor would I ever show kids porn. She's 4 so she has a vei active imagination.

"I will not let you put cameras in the bathrooms nor my bedroom. I will smash them to pieces and dispose of them. We should all see a therapist to understand why sister had that dream and why you are taking it seriously."
Cameras in the bathroom is fucked beyond belief.

This is bait.
If not, I would go DIRECTLY to the police just so that there is something on record. Tell them what your mother is doing. There is no crime being committed, but they will be concerned and confused thus prompting a wellness check. The point of this is to briefly bring some higher authority into the picture to make your mother understand she's being retardedly paranoid.

This is either b8 or your parents are actually retarded for taking the dream of a 4 year old seriously

An user with wisdom! Thank you. Whenever I try to say "no cameras in the bathroom, we have children in this house; that would be considered child pornography" she says "It's only child porn if you sell the video"

But I never thought about smashing them desu. I was thinking like put a towel over it or sumtin.

Isn't it still considered child porn even if you don't sell it? And besides that, isn't it an invasion of privacy to install cameras in the BATHROOM?

"if you going to spend so much money on camers then you/we should go to see a doctor and see why all of your trying to make of me a pedo."
"its not problem and its disgusting that you are putting a camera in the bathroom , that's called being a pedo"
"if you are going to put cameras in all the house.
i am moving out" or just tingle with them and make your parents see how much they spend on those shitty cameras (if they are complete moron with tech)

Noted, user. But this is not bait

Am OP. not bait. My parents, especially my mum, are just religious psychos who believe dreams are omens of the future.

No it is child porno if it’s collected and stored. If any of your friends or their friends come over then there’s a whole list of charges that can be filled against them.

Most likely your parents are child molesters.

Simple solution move out and never talk to any of them ever again

Would do if had money. Been saving up for a while now but no place is cheap enough. Might move in with a friend who says he can accomadate me for rent on the low but I'd rather try to convince my mum that she's crazy than go spending my year's savings.

fuck off

Attached: 490.jpg (627x626, 23K)

No u. What do you want me to do to prove that I'm for real? I CAN'T make this shit up. I don't know where else to go or what else to say to convince my mum that she's a psycho becaus she's stubborn af, just like you guys! My dad is just as stubborn and he's so blinded by fear that he agrees with my mum without question.

Attached: fd4f29f0b7498934d347a7452c5f1b42--memes.jpg (236x342, 15K)

Recording video of naked minors is illegal, regardless of what is done with the video afterwards.

So your sister has a dream and that is your fault how?
Is everyone in your household - including you - fucking retarded?

How am I retarded? I'm trying to get my mum to NOT think I'm a paedo for a dream and not setup cams everywhere in the house.

Your parents are mentally ill. Sister will have another weird dream, Mom will interpret it as you molesting her, she will scream and kick you out anyway, sister will become convinced over time and with Mom's brainwashing that you fingered her and will be in therapy to treat the trauma stemming from sexual abuse that never happened for the rest of her life.

If you can avoid that, you should do so, even at some inconvenience to yourself.

but it was just a dream, it doesn't mean anything

Yeah this.
Go to the police, so when your mom fully loses it, you have some reference to protect yourself.

Why the fuck would your mother take a dream so seriously that she’d have cameras installed and suspect you of being a pedo/incest guy... it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever unless it’s bait

he can't go to the police till she does anything. no evidence at the moment

I'm not saying get her arrested, I'm saying talk to them about what is happening, ask them to put your statement on record or some shit.
And also ask them what they would have you do.

If this story is real, the mother clearly isn't quite right in the head.

You know, that's how a rational person would look at the situation.

But this is my mum, and she isn't rational.

She believes that everything that happens in this world happens because "God willed it to happen" especially dreams. So no matter what I say or do she will always believe that I diddled or will diddle my sister.

I got my answer anyway; either convince my overzealous mum that she's fucked and can't do the things she promised (install cams everywhere, call me paedo) or I move in with my friend for cheap rent.

Thread closed, problem solved.

A therapist would also be helpful

Before you go, sauce on pic pl0x

should be gakuen shinshoku: xx of the dead episode 2

If you don't trust link, just look up 'tentacle hentai' in google and go on porn hub and you should find the vid almost immediately.
for the full episode

Many thanks desu

You gotta definitely write a song about how you do not diddle kids!
Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddlin' kids~ etc etc


There is no quicker way for people to think that you're diddling kids than by writing a song about it

How old are OP? If you'd rather not say, how long until you can move out? Did your sister say you've ever done anything of the sort, or just that she dreamt about it? Consider contacting some form of authorities on your psychotic parents.

First of all, why the fuck don't you interact with your baby sister. If you only look at her when feeding her you're a shitty brother.

I'll take what you say at surface level and accept that your mom accuses you of pedophilia for no reason other than your sister's dream.
Your only option is moving out, you COULD draw a line in the sand and say you will have absolutely no cameras in the bathroom, but even if you fight your way out of that you will live in an awkward situation at home.
Move out ASAP, and right before you leave call your mom a psychopath.
Question; how old is your sister, if she's above the age of "lol whats a sex" why would she tell the family about a blatantly sexual dream?

He already said she's 4.

fair enough, I didn't see it lightly skimming through the thread.
So yeah OP (I'll assume you're 18+ because there wouldn't be underaged children here, right?), if I were you I'd get out ASAP, you don't have to move out right away but see if you can couch surf at your friends houses for a while, just until the heat dies down.

no, gotta do it.
"I wouldn't do it with anybody younger than my daughter, no little kids, gotta be big"