Am I ugly?

Please be honest.

Attached: 31131574_10156347516652774_7012087931942477986_n.jpg (720x960, 69K)

Subjective question.

A bit ayyy lmao looking, but not bad user. If that's you, anyway.

Go away to , fag.

Not ugly, but weird in a good way, unique I would say. Easily 7/10

I've seen guys that look like you with 9/10 qt white gf, so probably not


Your features are all really weird and out of proportion, but it works for now.

defs a 9 if you get a better haircut n wore a suit

Your face has an unusual shape. Other than that you look pretty decent but the fact that you're looking down doesn't help.

The /hm/ banner popped up and you look like a hairy moot who got his head squished gently in a vice.

You're not ugly. You have a unique and odd shaped head, and it works well. Difficult to put you in a standard attractiveness rating.

Try out a /soc/ rate thread.

You're a special kind of 6 or 7.

Id say no. Your face is a bit long, but youre not offputting or ugly. Maybe try not to look so sad? Try a smile? :)

Grow one of those cool old fashioned mustaches and watch all those women fall for you.

Just have confidence and be you, you’re not ugly whatsoever

You have an unusual type of head
But your face looks good imho
i think your face looks niice when you smile

You know how people are telling women "hey toots you'd be a lot prettier if you smiled smile for me babe" and then the feminists get mad? It's true though.

People do look prettier when they smile and it's true for men as well, instead of giving us this dead-eyed autistic passport-picture look.

Also do something else with your hair. Either grow it out some more or styl it with gel or curt shorter or anything at all. Right now it just looks like Lego hair.

Also this


You have some very attractive features. Being very honest. You have gorgeous long deep-set eyes id even say “bedroom eyes.” Use them!!!


Smile and find joy in life.

Your head is a bit too long but you don't look bad.

well i think you're cute OP

You're ugly because you look like you just ran over your own dog on accident and it's driving people away.


Not ugly at all

You look weird but in a good way. You seem cute and gentle.


These cute sad eyes are your appeal, op!

You look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo but you’re perfectly presentable. I don’t see your looks impeding your lovelife at all.

Ugly? no. Weird? kinda. From your nose up is a 8/10 but the jaw is weird.

I don't think a woman would think so.

Femanon here. I think you're hot in an unconventional way. I'd definitely fuck you and maybe get with you if I liked your personality.

Pewdiepies retarded brother