Israel blocks Palestinian Christians from going to Bethleham
Israel blocks Palestinian Christians from going to Bethleham
Fuck Israel
Most of these Christians are Orthodox.
Their priests can marry.
Don't be a cuck.
Don't forget they made a minefield out of Jesus's baptism sight.
Death to paleshits
>being this mad because Israel has an actual border.
Fucking taco munching 4channel nigger.
There is nothing Israel fears more than Americans discovering that Palestinians are actually Christian and getting genocided as they try to pray to Jesus.
Watch how this post will get shilled and slided to death.
Any info on that pic?
Yea, imagine if moslems or Christians denied jews anything?
>Headlines in every paper, every jew on tv screaming about holocausts and nazi's.
Id say jews harassing Christians during one of the holiest days, is alarming to other Christians.
As of 2015, Palestinian Christians comprise approximately 1–2.5% of the population of the West Bank, and less than 1% in the Gaza Strip.
A lot have been leaving in recent years cuz they can't take it anymore.
Before Israel, it was some 20% of the population.
Because most of them were kicked out. They were 35% in the past in Palestine. Bethlehem used to be more than 85% Christian before the occupation. Fuck off kike.
Only legitimate states can have borders dumdum.
Oy vey, but islam is a death cult that tolerates no religion.
Funny how Christians had it better before they got their ethnostate
and by they, I mean nosebergs
inb4 the Jew.
and they say there isn't a war on christmas
Don't care what you arab think, i'm jut stating facts here in reply to this post Also christians are disappearing not only from israel but lebanon and egypt too, really makes you think
that is wrong, the 20% thing was the entirety of middle east at the start of 20th century
I don't care if sand niggers want to oppress other sand niggers
Christian here. This isn't anti Christian but rather a security measure as Muslim terrorists could sneak into the crowd and carry out an attack. In a way it is to protect Christian's.
fake news
(((evangelicals))) aren't Christian.
(((Christians))) are alt-kikes with highly evolved cognitive dissonance
Palestinians would never commit ''terrorist'' attacks against other (Christian) Palestinians you dumb fuck.
>Christian here.
Sure thing JIDF.
Chechens will conquer Israel one day and make you all slaves, you filthy kikes.