Need help seeking treatment for baldness

Need help seeking treatment for baldness.
Propecia or Minoxidil?
I hate myself when i shave my head even more then when i just leave it growing full of baldspots and very thin.
Im 27 so im very self consciou about this and i would like to delay it if possible untill im 40.
Anyone had personaly sucess with this issue?

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Shave your head.

Cant you read?
I did that and i hate it makes me feel like fucking Krillin non stop.

Both. One is to prevent the formation of DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness, and the other is to promote growth. Taking both would give you the best results. Also read into micro-needling / dermarolling balding areas for regrowth help.

Are you stupid? You are going bald whether tou like it or not and are in complete denial over your situation.

But go ahead, be one of those nasty combover guys.

Don't come here asking for advice and then becoming a spicy bitch when we dont agree with you.

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Use minoxidil on facial hair, shave head, grow a mad beard.

Sorry for double-posting but this. I have friends who tried to resist balding, I tried to resist balding. Embrace the balding, it's unstoppable.

Don't be like this poster, male pattern baldness is a solved problem. You just have to do something about it.

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oof, may be too late for ya OP. Could we see your hair?

Very informative post.

Sure,but yea its to late.
You think its still worth it? Wont the side effect of both fuck me up?

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Look i know shaving the head is the most dignified thing but i dont like it.

What do tou think?

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shave your head

Dude, don't waist your money in delaying it. If you hate it so much, work/steal/rob/hussle every dollar you can and get a hair transplant. I got one and fucken regretted all the miracle and "scientific" snake oils I put on my head and took. Fuck, I even took estrogen supplements. Save up, get a transplant, and then make a budget to keep it good.

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Ive seen a few companys that do it for around 3k . You mean capilar transplant not fake hair yes?

Yes, capilar transplant, the medical procedure of taking hair from one part of your head and transplanting it to another.

I doubt you restore full thickness but its worth a try, you don't have any patches yet so you're lucky.

They actually take hair from your butt or pubic region and weave it into your scalp. I work as an assistant at a hair transplant center.

I've never understood why people say this shit. Shaving your head isn't the dignified thing to do. Rather, the dignified thing is to just let what fell out stay gone and take good care of what you have left. If that means having Captain Picard head, so be it. Don't fuck around with hairpieces, comb-overs, or other stupid shit. That's letting it go gracefully.

Shaving your head is what you do when you want people to think you look ridiculous by choice.

>side effect
To the extent there are side effects, I think they're quite rare. In fact, there are positive side effects to both related to their original intended uses: Propecia will alleviate an enlarged prostate if you have it (high DHT can cause this, in fact), while Minoxidil shouldn't do much other than slightly lower your blood pressure.