In the end everyone is broken or almost, everyone is internally fucked up no matter what they outwardly project
Everyone has their own problems and ugly insecurities, and is a disgusting fucking mess on the inside, there are no good people, it's just selfishness and despicable virtue signaling and other petty shit
There is no ideal or truth, life is all about compromises and acting fake no matter how authentic you think you're being
And here I am among that, even more disgusting and dysfunctional than 99% of people and somehow I have to get by like this
This is depressing, how do I deal with this? I disliked people before, now I'm just repulsed by them and I'm tired
In the end everyone is broken or almost, everyone is internally fucked up no matter what they outwardly project
Shut up loser, shuut up
That stuff isn't true of everyone.
projecting hard, buddy. yes, everybody is fucked up in some way, but there are still people who are genuinely good despite it all.
Yes it is
Take the sweetest and most outwardly likable person you know and deep inside they're just a bundle of shit
See above
Stop using meme words like projection that don't even mean anything anymore
>how do I deal with this?
Find something to do.
I've been going to college but I dropped out a few days ago because I couldn't deal with it
you only think this because of how YOU feel inside. you just prove your own point and you're not going to listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. quit fucking pointlessly whining when you're just pretending to want to change it, you know and i know you're not actually going to do shit to change your outlook on this. take it to gioyc.
So find something else to do. All the existential woes in the world won't stop the Earth from rotating. Gotta make money, gotta eat.
>you only think this because of how YOU feel inside.
Sounds like you're the one "projecting" here then
I think like this because of what I've seen and experienced
>change your outlook
I didn't say I wanted to change my outlook, I asked how to deal with knowing this.
I should get a job but how do I know I'm just not gonna quit after the first few days given how weak-willed I am? My family will support me forever anyway so there are no stakes or pressure on me
>how do I know I'm just not gonna quit after the first few days given how weak-willed I am?
That's up to you. I'm not your keeper. I can tell you right now: Locking yourself inside and not doing anything will not make you feel better.
Ok then
What's an entry level job that won't make me want to kill myself
There is no right answer to that question because only you know your limits. If you have a car, you can do one of those food delivery apps. Minimal interaction with people.
No, that's you. Perhaps you've had a decade where you were perfectly fine, happy to wake up on a sunny morning with the birds chirping? some people don't stop being like that.
I don't have a car
College stressed me out because I had to constantly go up to people for group work and whatnot. I'd shit myself from the stress in a service job
You can keep saying it's me, but you know you're wrong. Everyone pretends even unconsciously, that doesn't mean some people aren't truly happy, but they're trash too
If social interactions stress you that much, you have more pressing issues than existentialism. Have you considered therapy?
I don't know what the thread has to do with existentialism but whatever
Fuck no, then I'd have my family on my back even more. What is a therapist even going to do aside from asking me how it makes me feel and putting me on zoloft or some similar shit?
>and putting me on zoloft or some similar shit?
You never have to accept medication.
>What is a therapist even going to do aside from asking me how it makes me feel
Therapy is a tool to help you reach your own conclusions and solutions. You have issues interacting with people by your own admission. Therapy sounds about right. If you don't want therapy, don't want a service industry job, don't own a car, your options are becoming limited very quickly.
I have issues interacting with people but it's not like I desperately want to talk to them and can't, I don't want to have anything to do with them. Ideally I wouldn't need to overcome my social retardation but I can't seem to find available jobs with minimal interaction even though they obviously exist
Then there's not much more I can do for you besides this last paragraph:
Know you're not the first and won't be the last person to think like this. Many have walked your path before. Some of them killed themselves, some didn't. Michael "Eyedea" Larsen is one of the ones that killed themselves, but his musings on life and people live on. They really helped me figure out how to think. You might take to some his work, especially these first two:
nice collection of loser music
What did he mean by this?
idk this dude is gone
Eyedea? Nah he was lucid all the way up until his last album with Face Candy; he's not saying anything people don't already say in their own heads.
I dont care about Eyedea you self-aborbed pessimist, man/grow up
That nigger is pretending to be me for some reason
Whatever, thanks for the music