Save your wealth now before it's to late

I have been warning you about this for fucking months now. The crash is starting. get your money out of the banks right now if it's not in your possession you don't fucking own it. We are fast appoaching a lehman level event where all the banks will close and depositers will get fucked. The banks will try and force you into a cashless centralized system do not accept it.

Get your money out of the banks right fucking now.

Get your money out of stocks bonds whatever it is your into. You should've done this weeks ago. Anyone in stocks is about to get royally fucked in the ass.

Buy as much crypto as you can right now. Do not leave it on an exchange coinbase or any third part exchange when the banks collapse most exchanges will go with them. again if you don't physically hold it you don't own it.

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Keep me posted

Keep me posted for tomorrow

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Your money won't mean shit when everything crashes unless you got gold and other valuables locked up in the bank. Paper is worthless

>get your cash out of banks and stocks
>buy crypto


Lol Nikkei down another 5% within hours of opening. Tomorrow will be a fucking bloodbath. Honestly if it wasn't for the plunge protection team the S@P would've dropped 10% on monday. The markets are so illiquid if everyone tries to sell. your pretty much getting fucked with a dirty broom.

>other valuables locked up in the bank
Haha nice try fed. I am not bringing my AR to the bank.

Lol you fucking moron if the bank fold it they'll just seize it. They're already doing it in Europe taking dhit form the safe deposit boxes. You've been warned.

>implying federal reserve notes are worth fuck all
The whole system is coming down, good riddance

Nikkei 225 opening in 50 minutes

The count down is on

When SHTF you if you don't own crypto well good luck getting any after the crash.

fiat will be useless once shit gets real

You may still wanna hold cash outside the system. What is likely to happen is the banks just freeze everyons deposits and won't allow you to buy crypto, I mean they sorta already do that. Things could get real ugly real quick

What the banks really want is a populace totally controlled like scandinavia

Janet Yellow said everything is going to be OK.

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I have $700 in credit card debt am I screwed?

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>sitting on piles of cash
>hoping housing market crashes again
>4 more rental properties and I retire in my 40s
I can't wait.

Own some crypto and some physical gold as a hedge against fiat and the financial system, own some physical cash as a hedge against bank bail-ins, own some cash in the bank to buy stocks and other assets if the coming crisis collapses the price to attractive levels. Get a gun if you can and prep a little bit in general with food etc.

That happened here, highest suicide rates ever. It was pretty awful but just to prove how retarded people are and how short their memories are: 15 years later everybody is demanding compulsory digital money thorough bancarization.

Is there any reason why you think this

Crypto is inmune to that , Venezuelans have that problem and they buy amazon giftcards with paypal and then exchange them for crypto.

That way the ones freelancing can get their income.
Crypto is unstopeable , the cashless hellhole system is going to collapse because politicians will never know when to say this is enough , they will tax everyone until we return to feudalism non stop.

But it´s not going to work , nations doing that will collapse , nations with cash will prosper.

That cashless society will be the last attempt to save the keynsian ponzi scheme but it will fail.

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C'mon guys, just buy link, it's the only thing that will save you

>implying we will have electricity if SHTF

How many you got now? Im thinking of getting into real estate

Go back to biz disgusting linky , btc core is the real deal.

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A recession starting as we go into 2019 is believable, but I don't believe there would be a 2008 level crash. Do you have a specific reason why you think so?

Interest will double amd you will go to debtor prison. Get out.

Is this all happening because I declared chapter 7 bankruptcy?

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it's literally nothing, you get more stocks for each IRA contrib

btc might go up again because people are retarded

some forklift operators and other unskilled laborers will probably get fired (Jow Forumstards)

the difficulty level increases a little each year, i wish the underclass wasn't so butthurt about it

>durr the crash coming
>hurr its gonna be shtf
>buy gyptocurrency
If it ain't bullets, beans, or bandages it ain't worth shit

Just paid off my second one. I charge $1200 per month on both. Nobody has a credit score good enough to own anymore.
If you really want to play by jew rules. Do rent to own. Take a sum up front. Charge a higher monthly rate. Watch them leave a year later due to fuck knows (job loss, new job, shit happens etc) and keep the money and house. Repeat.

My face when I owe thousands and all my debts will be lost in a tsunami of even bigger debt

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>Buy as much crypto as you can right now

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>buy as much crypto as you can

Yeah stopped right about there


>yes goy, buy my gld before china's African returns flood the market with it

>Buy as much crypto as you can right now.
>again if you don't physically hold it you don't own it.

what did he mean by this?

Attached: DFutidk.png (802x523, 783K)

>Buy as much crypto as you can right now.
>again if you don't physically hold it you don't own it.
