Christcuck hate thread

Christianity is a religion that turns weakness into a virtue. It's a death cult that worships suffering and death as a means of achieving eternal life. It has turned the west into a bunch of cucks that can be easily guilt tripped and manipulated by shallow appeals to Christian 'morality'.

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>welcome home goyims, this time you survived next time ((((we))) will make sure you come wrapped in a flag


He can keep her.


Exactly what a christshilling jew would say. Suck a nigger dick kike.

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>that dress
>makeup game

She was fucking 24/7 while he was gone

based globalist cabal goyim

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Who does op think he's fooling?

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Not getting into heaven with those tattoos stupid bitch.

Why would a jew shill bad mouth racemixing?

Merry Christmas, salty kike

they both probably fucked a bunch of different people during the separation.

Proud Fucking Civilian doesn't make any money, probably sells drugs on the sides and pimps that whore wife of his.

The jew will use any method of attack to achieve their end goal, OP is obviously trying to make people question Christianity. Although I doubt any Christians are swayed by shitposts on a Mongolian knitting forum.

because he is doing it to shill against Christianity.

Jews fear christians because we will kill 2/3rds of jews in the end times, especially now that israel killed abunch of syrian christians on Christmas day.

death to israel. death to jews.

This is What the Future of Single Motherhood Looks Like, And it’s Beautiful

Nice try shlomo

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Jews are fucking disgusting. they shill against christians on Christmas day. just reason number 4937 to hope all jews die in a fire.

whatcha doin there mr. rabbi memflag?
Its funny, because what youre arguing is literally what happened as Christianity declined

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Atheists are absolute degenerates, they racemix far more often than Christians and support homosexuality, transgenderism, mass migration, feminism and everything else that is destroying the world.

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>in the end times
Where did you read that? In your book written by jews?

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>because we will kill 2/3rds of jews in the end times
Like you killed jews in the past right? Were it not for your retarded religion Israhell would never exist to begin with.

Funny hearing that from you, considering that the massive racemixing in Latin America was allowed by the Church. Not only that, but actively encouraged at times, such as with the missions converting natives to (((assimiliate))) them, i.e. mix.

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And guess who's fault that is? Christians for tolerating those ideas back then.

Checked. It's all so tiresome.

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The truth hurts.

My physics instructor at Penn State in the Summer of 1996 was a black guy named Kerwin Foster. Kerwin was gifted in math and helped me when I struggled. Guitarist 'Slash' from GNR is mixed race and arguably one of the best modern rock guitarists. Slash is cool. Be like Slash and Kerwin.

We are talking about here and now.

>what atheists do is someone else's fault


What truth? Thats its all your fault our nations are being jewed right now with your retarded.

Atheist are a minority you retard its all your fault because you are the majority.

Anyone who promotes or condones homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, or liberalism is a Christian in name only and their opinions should be disregarded.

>wwwaaah I'm a victim look at me I'm so oppressed it is someone else's fault I am a degenerate

According to the Bible no one is allowed to engage in usury, the people who allowed that did so for political, not religious reasons.

Thats you right now, christkikes are such jews they cant comprehend something being their fault.

While socialists are the quick death for freedom and private property, christianity is the slow corruption that has been eating at the roots of society for centuries. It is time to burn away the parasites that steal our prosperity, the highest is the I not some meme created to keep peasants in line.

Yet you christcucks didnt protest it and thats how we got Rothschild enslaving Britain.

Yes, the truth hurts the christkikes. It's like naming the jew to a jew, it causes them great discomfort, hence why the truth hurts.

>Jews kill Jesus
>Christcucks dont make it illegal for jews to live in their countries

Lies don't hurt at all, especially since most of us know who (((you))) really are.

Kek is speaking tonight on Yule. The Abrahamic cults will die.


Watcha doin, schlomo?

The shilling the last 24 hours has been worse than I've ever seen it. It's pretty obvious JIDF is working overtime on Christmas.

If I'm a kike then you should get on your knees & worship me, pussy.

There we go. This.

What lies you fucking moron? You idiots handed over the banks of Europe TO FUCKING JEWS. I have always wondered why whites never dominated banking in their own nations now I know its because once you gave jews the power to loan interest you screwed any future chance of whites controlling their own banks their own money due to jew racist nepotism to ensure they keep the banks forever.


Yes kiss our chosen feet, we are just like Jesus and make sure to donate to Israel or God wont take you into heaven. You stupid christcuck.

>death cult that worships suffering and death
Redundant but also nonsense. Christianity provides the *ultimate* in hope to its followers; not a temporary or "personal" hope but an eternal one. I really don't know if you are a pagan, atheist, or some other type of monotheist, but in the former two cases, a successful philosophical defense of a meaningful universe is impossible.

Christians believe jews go to hell, we're not all evangelical cucks. You're people aren't chosen and even if you accept Christ you'll just be equal to everyone else.

As a Christkike, I would like to ask if I can borrow your black bull to breed my wife?

Yes, I have never seen it so intense, there must be something happening.

How many other niggers did she fuck while he was gone?

>Christians believe jews go to hell
Then why are jews in christian countries? Why are they not banned from interacting with you due to killing Jesus? Why did you forgive them for killing Jesus? Why the hell do most church hymns glorify Kikerael?

Christcucks are jew agents in denial.

Show us your real flag.

The church fathers say that we should kill the jews just read about saint ambrose or saint john the golden mouthed. The first people to allow jews into europe was the pagan emperor julian who gave them more rights then chirstians. The first people to start killing Jews was Chirstians. The orthodox tsar Nicolas was the first person to introduce death camps for jews, the jews to this day refer to him as bloody nick.

the Roman invasion of Judah was only case of pagan aggression against jews, the temple that got destroyed was later attempted to be rebuilt by Roman pagans and all prosecution was compensated and revoked while you have various orthodox and catholic monarchs that have killed thousands of jews.

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>The church fathers say that we should kill the jews
Then why did you not kill jews?
>The first people to start killing Jews was Chirstians.
No sandniggers are the first people to kill jews.

you know jews are terrified of christians when they start shill threads 100 times a day.

The problem with jews is that they think they are smarter than everyone else so they think the goyim dont know what they are doing.

you think people cant tell it is jews starting the 100 "christkike" shill threads every fucking day?

You think we dont know that Hasbara has over 100 jewish college students shilling for jews here at any given moment?

I cant wait until the return of the church when we christians take israel for ourselves and burn you jews to death. you are the scum of the earth.

Heil Odin, my friends. Soon christianity will be as foreign to the white man as it's origin, and we will have a reconstructed form of paganism, combining aspects of all the indo-european religions. Vedic, persian, greek, roman, celtic, nordic and slavic.

jews think they are smarter than everyone else. that is why they think these shill threads work. they think we dont read.

anyone who has read the bible knows that jews hate christians.

>weakness into a virtue
You're right. Thing is, everyone is weak. Think you're strong? Think again. Repent, and ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. His glorious kingdom is at hand.

>I cant wait until the return of the church when we christians take israel for ourselves and burn you jews to death. you are the scum of the earth.
>take Israel for ourselves
>take Israel

Fucking christcuck proving hes a kike shill in denial.

That thot probably was seeing Jodie while he was gone. Don’t get married in the military fellas I’ve seen it all

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there is nothing wrong with the old gods, but there are not enough of you to make a difference against the power of the satanic jews. that is why you should join us christians. i dont care to convert you but i do want you to fight with us when we kill the jews and burn down their temples

>anyone who has read the bible knows that jews hate christians.
Yet for some reason you didnt exterminate these humans from your christian nations, thats why we call you CHRIST KEKS. You allow this tribe who has always hated you, bad mouthed you, abused you, and tried to destroy you live in your lands then get confused why people think you are mentally cucked.

Yeah it could be true or he could be trying to leach money from the military. A lot of military guys marry girls who are their “friends”! In exchange for more money! These women are typically whores who fuck the guys in his base while they are deployed and there never was any intention of faithfulness only partyings and free rent and food until boredom sets in and the women leave. Usually these guys are driving on empty emotionally with nothing really to hold on too except the fake whore who might stick around to fuck them a couple more times if they get home. The reality is actually more horrific then that because some of these guys actually believe it’s all real while deployed and come back to random dudes snickering and laughing maybe people from his squad who banged his wife. At that point the realization hits that everything he has held onto is a lie not only did he risk his life for nothing and wasted years doing it his personal life is destroyed and by personal I don’t mean that whore I mean the image of who and what kind of man he thinks he was is destroyed. Basically he finds everything is a lie and it’s the biggest blacks pill ever!

christians ruled the holy land before jews did idiot. what do you think the crusades were about?

take off your meme flag shlomo

once turkey assad and iran wipe youjew scum off of the planet us europeans will take israel for ourselves.

>When the first post is the best post

Mossad has been really firing up the (((((infighting))))) threads today. Merry Christmas/Yule to all you glorious Christians and Pagans. White people united to dirty D&C kikes

Yeah no, sorry but I don't consider niggers & spics "equal" just because they believe in Yahweh. Yet your fellow Christians do & its your people who are the biggest threat to us by CONSTANTLY disavowing, banning & outright attacking anyone who takes a stance against the kikes or wants to live in their own communities without niggers being forced upon them.

Equal lol, the subversion built right into it thats why the western churches always stand against white identity. Fuck you & fuck your equality, your a minority within your kike faith. I don't even believe that you christkikes would ever actually put whites above your precious jewsus when it comes down to it, you'd stab us in the back if it got you into "heaven." Your people have always chosen religion over blood so as far ad I'm concerned, your no better than a liberal cuck. Now go to church & give your child fucking priest some money you fucking kike.

yep, and when you call them out on it the just double down.

You cant really blame them, i mean the whole earth hates their guts and wants them dead. if i thought i was about to die i would be shilling like crazy too i guess.

>christians ruled the holy land
>the holy land
>holy land

Thanks for proving Israhell really only exists due to you lunatics. Holy land? Its a shitty fucking desert.

Oh but if you read some obscure text you'll see that Christianity is really actually, seriously, not joking, based, man!
Never mind that the actual history & behavior of Christians has shown the complete opposite. It wasn't REAL Christianity, goy, REAL Christianity hasn't been tried!

Christfags are cucks, the fact they dont turn jews into second class citizens for what they did to Jesus shows they are fucking cucks. At least muzzies want to gore jews open for defying their prophet, Christians clap hands with evil kikes planning to bulldoze their churchs because JEBUS MADE US ALL THE SAME.

hey has anyone realized the women in these photos are 99% of the time jewish?

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it is the geographic center of the eurasian landmass with a port on the mediteranian. it is a great place for a military base and great for land based trade. i imagine every country on earth would like to control that land.

and nothing in said has anything to do with christians likeing jews, because we dont. just jewish pilpul strawman arguments.

take off your memeflag David.

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Jews are not that insane user, they only let their pornstars pose as white women around niggers not their actual women.

how many dicks do you think crawled up that skank's gooch while niggerboy was off fighting?

Don't argue with the JIDF memeflaggot. He is getting paid per post.

>it is the geographic center of the eurasian landmass
Are you genuinely retarded? How in the fuck is a desert on the western coast in the center of a landmass?
> it is a great place for a military base and great for land based trade.
You sound like a fucking jew.
>i imagine every country on earth would like to control that land.
Its a shitty desert

The only thing that would make this picture more American is if they were standing in front of Wal Mart.

Whats hilarious is that kikes themselves rate Muslims higher than the Christians who gobble their cocks every chance they get. They're literally the cucked husband who happily lets jamal fuck his wife while the wife refuses to even sleep in the same bed as him & hates him but still takes his money.

7s of truth! Christ cucks are delusional!

i know he gets paid, but i am mad as fuck that these devil kikes killed innocent syrians on christmas day. Im not letting these devils off the hook today. normally i agree with you though.

this idiot is still posting with the meme flag too... lol it is disrespectful as fuck that he thinks we are this stupid. God i hate fucking jews.

>innocent shit skins
You traitorous piece of human garbage

and if i was a jew i would have to post "g_d" lol

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>Christianity is a religion that turns weakness into a virtue.
You're mistaken.
>Mercy, Justice and Honesty are Christian virtues.
>Tolerance is not a Christian virtue, never has been.
God has never said to Tolerate. In fact Tolerating diversity and divisiveness is evil into itself by gods words.
I think you may be thinking of the Evangelical Christians? They are misled sheep, or gone astray you could say.
Only in ONE place does it say turn the other cheek to Christians enemies. Everywhere else it says to cast them away and if they do not leave kill them.
The king James version of the bible and all the ones afterwards have been cucked by the (((translators))). Verses where removed to ensure no wars such as the one Hitler waged would ever be waged again. This is also A lie from (((them))), it was in fact the jew that declared war upon Germany. The Bible before King James version said to never open your gates to the jew. Never trust the jew, and to continue God exile of the Jew into eternity. Well the jews removed those parts.
>Remember that it is the Jews religious duty to help destroy Christianity and Europe.
After removing and or altering the parts with the warnings of the jew, the kind jew began Printing millions upon millions of copies and giving them away. Accomplishing their goal of subverting Christianity. They have been paid back a billion time fold with the American Evangelical Christians now praising the jew and Israel, willingly giving the money.
God word is the formation of Israel will bring the anti Christ Lucifer himself to walk upon earth. And many Christians will follow him.
This is exactly what has happened due to Christians Trusting the jew after the removal of Gods warnings.
The jew strikes daily and hourly, never a moment where a jew is not undermining the word of God.
point is real Christians know, only once does the real bible say to turn the other cheek, Every other time its GTFO if (((they))) don't leave take up the sword.

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i have no problem with shit skins in their own countries. but when israel bombs them they send the refugees to europe and america, so yes, i hate them.

It all adds up

Good point, OP, I strongly recommend you to read this masterpiece by Merezhkovsky(really underrated russian writer i think) about Julian the Apostate and the hopeless fight against this jewish cuckoldry(only hope, that it's english translation does not ruin magnificient original)

Toll incoming.

Behold, the based Christian who cares more about fellow (((believers))) being upset about shitskins on the other side of the globe.
As I said, these people will choose niggers over their own blood so long as they're worshiping yahweh. Thank you, based Christian for showing your true antiwhite colors.

I understand, believe me. Getting these freaks to show their real flags is like getting a devil to tell you his real name. They have to hide their disgusting pointed star in shame.

The refugees do not come to America and that's Europe a own fault for having open borders. The only good shit skin is a dead one

>Worship me, Goyim!

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((( Kristian Cachet ))) has been subverting nationalism for some time now and his influence is present in this very thread. If you think a Norwegian murderer can "escape prison and run to France" and NOT ONLY have the French police/interpol give zero shits, but ALSO collect welfare and government services, you're a brain-dead sheep.

>Kristian is an atheist

>Middle eastern Arabs identifying Kristian as a Jewish plant

Stop believing in (((feminism))) you faggots.

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> Call ppl cucks
t. Actually athiest but OP is autistic

It's ALWAYS either a mixed-race american, or a memeflag. There are of course European Pagans/atheists on here, but they're typically far more respectful unlike these clear D&C kikes

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